Willow Magic | Teen Ink

Willow Magic

May 2, 2014
By Anonymous

Hello, my name’s Chrysanthemum Lily Willowood, but most people just call me Lily. I’m 11 years old, almost 12. My best friend’s name is Jasper. He’s 12 years old and-

“Way more awesome than you.”

“Jasper, can I write this without you dangling off my shoulder?”

“Nope. And you can’t do anythi-”

-Annoying. We’re trainees at the Winter Green temple in near Sanderson, Terre. He’s been here since he was 8. I’ve only been here since my master, Acadia, found me after the incident. Oh I should tell you how it started before I say anymore! It all started on my 11th birthday.
Our house in Foire valley was all ready for my party. Streamers and other decorations were everywhere, my relatives were arriving, and the cake was just coming out of the oven. There were no more than the usual problems; Aunt Ann had to send Cousin Joey and Robert outside when they got too rowdy, little Claire tried to eat the table cloth (again), and Grandpa George forgot to bring the icing. When the time for presents came around I opened the ones from my grandparents’ first, “thank you for the…socks, grandpa”. After them the ones from my other relatives, “the books are very nice Aunt Elizabeth’, and finally the ones from my parents. My mum gave me a ribbon made of willow strands that her great-grandmother had made for her, and my da gave me his willow ring that had been passed down since the time of his great-great-grandfather. I knew that these thing were very important to them and that it was a big, no, huge deal that I got them. What I didn’t know was what they meant and what was to happen because of them.

Soon it was time for cake and for me to make a wish. As I blew out my candles I wished for something as special as the willow ring and ribbon. What I didn’t know that that my life was about to change, all because of that little wish.

After the cake everyone begin heading home; I stayed outside to help clean up. This was when things started to happen. As I was wiping down the table the ribbon in my hair started to glow faintly, not enough to make a difference in the growing darkness but enough that I noticed it immediately. My ring had also begun to glow. Suddenly I found a branch in my face. This in its self is odd but what was even weirder was that it was a willow. I know for a fact that there aren’t any willows in the area so why might I have a willow branch in my face? To find the answer to my question I turned around and was surprised to see a small willow where I had been siting earlier. What was even more surprising was that –

“Hey Lily? Why is Jasper all tied up?”

“He was bothering me. And you are too Ignis.”

“I’ll take the hint and leave. See ya Lily. Have fun Jasper.”

-The willow had appeared out of nowhere and in a small amount of time had grown to be over two meters tall. This also was the moment my mum walked outside. She saw the willow, turned around, and yelled back into the house for my da to come out that instant. My da ran down the stairs, almost tripping on the last step. In front of him was probably one of the oddest sights he’d ever seen. There was his wife looking like she had seen the world end, his daughter standing in the middle of the yard with both her ribbon and ring glowing, and a young willow growing behind her.

“Oh my gods. I knew this day would come but I never imagined that it would be so soon.” These were the words that I heard him say the moment he walked out. The look I saw in my mum’s eyes told me that she thought the exact same thing. The first thing that I was able to say to them was, “This is because of the ring and ribbon isn’t?”

“It’s more than that dear. It’s because you have magic. Green magic.” Those words that she spoke next where what started everything. Just two little words. Green magic.

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on May. 6 2014 at 1:45 am
ChristinKarr GOLD, Solana Beach, California
16 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write." Martin Luther

Very compelling story