Backstory of Truth | Teen Ink

Backstory of Truth

May 5, 2014
By HubbaBubba BRONZE, Perkasie, Pennsylvania
HubbaBubba BRONZE, Perkasie, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“I’m Stacey Miller reporting live from New York City with yet another suicide,” I heard from the t.v set.

This was the third day now. Locked up by myself. I’ve been here all alone because I didn’t want anyone to figure out that my book was the living killer. Not literally but literally. The book didn’t actually go out to the people and kill them. Eight people committed suicide in the first week of my book being out in stores. When I was writing it, it didn’t sound like it was going to be this powerful and overtaking.
I thought this: How do I get it off the shelves? I would have to sneak in during the middle of the night. It’s the biggest bookstore in the world. How am I going to get past the guard. I know I am going to need help in this plan.

I had to do something right away. I knew I would need some help in order to get this to work.

I walked to the phone and when I got to it I heard a knock at the back door. As I look around the corner the person I was going to call was standing there.

Rachel is my go-to person if I need something secret to be done. Also she is my cousin who is an agent for the CIA. She has all the do-dads and what-nots up her sleeve.

“Hey,” she said.

“I was just about to call you,” I spoke softly.


“I need to get my books off the shelves. They are the thing that is making everyone commit suicide.”


When I was younger I had nothing. My mom was hit with a car. She was in the hospital for three months because she lost her feet. I wasn’t able to do anything with my friends. My dad was drafted in the army and he never came back. I remember being the family who couldn’t pay their bills.

The only way to let out my feelings was to put them on the paper. If I told my mom she would break down in tears. I was one of four and I had to take care of everyone.


“Is that why there has been so many suicides in the last week?”

Rachel and I planned for three hours to figure out how to get in the store and to not set off alarms. We figured out that we would enter during the day, then when we got in we’d wait for the whole day.

“On three, we go,” I said.
“Let’s do this,”I said

Rachel and I charged I went for the guard and she went for the books. I saw the guard as I snuck up on him I heard an alarm. Rachel was ahead of schedule. My turn. I ran up and punched him where a guy doesn’t want to be punched. He punched back and gave me an instant headache. The ground shakes. Darkness poured over my eyes.

Where was I? Was I knocked out? Where’s was Rachel? Wait I knew where I was I’m where all the books are stored. I saw many of the killers I have created.

I got up and looked over to a trail of blood on the floor. I followed it.


That sounded like Rachel. I started running. Lightning strings through my left leg as I saw a knife sticking in one end and out the other.
I slammed on the ground trying to pull it out. I tugged and pulled. Its like it was glued inside my leg. I got up and kept running. As I turned the corner I saw Rachel getting stabbed in the heart.

I stared at her not knowing what I’ve done. I killed her not the guard who did it. I got up and ran to the guard and punctured him with the knife. He fell on the pile of little killers. I opened up one of the books and this is what I read.
“I cried because I had no shoes, then I remembered I had a mom who had no feet.”

Thats where I knew to end all that I did. I finally understood the pain I caused. Now it was time to take my pain away.

The author's comments:
It was hard to write this piece because of the editting.

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