Long Forgotten | Teen Ink

Long Forgotten

May 15, 2014
By Christina Chung BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
Christina Chung BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The muffled clicks of pebbles and dust clashing together are heard. The same boring scene of sun and stars, first a brilliant sphere of gold and crimson immersed in the radiance of shining jewels, now a plain ball of light in a background of dull coins. Scanning the landscape from atop a rover humans call Curiosity, once a magical presence, now a simple robot searching through red rocks and sand that closely resembles a desert, the air is stifling. Another breeze, stronger this time, brings with it an image of the sea. The vast ocean is ruffled by waves and foam like a blue silk skirt laced with frills, though the breeze here doesn’t have the same misty effects or fresh scent. In fact, the atmosphere is invaded by leisurely twirling dust motes and gritty sand.

Occasionally, a long streak of a silver tail races through the constant black, and the world seen through eight eyes seems more beautiful. The ethereal flash fades into darkness, and the owner of the eyes has never been more aware of the bleak planet than now, as he watches the shimmering comets fly through the endless space.

It had been at least two years since he arrived on this unknown planet, ready to uncover more secrets. He was enthralled by the glorious scenery of planets, stars, and other extraterrestrial objects, pleased to be the chosen one for this important mission, yet, after viewing the same imagery over and over again, his excitement diminished. The once exhilarating job transformed into a grueling task of researching the red planet. He searched all the niches, took thousands of pictures, examined all rocks, and nothing. No new information found, nor was there a change of terrain due to the lack of weather. He could not tell where he was no matter how much he tried to memorize the landscape. It was as if he was trying to find the exit of a labyrinth and when he felt close to the end, he faced another blocked path.

Then, the serene atmosphere is disturbed by an abnormal wave of heat like the after-effects of a nuclear bomb after it’s detonated in space. He had the misfortune of witnessing this terrifying event once, and was affected by the chemicals lacing the tainted air; the consequence—intellect and an elongated lifespan. His mind reverts back to the current situation and a bombardment of what feels like fire and pressure smashes into him with the force of a herd of elephants on a rampage through a jungle. He hangs onto the rover and as soon as it comes, it is over. He succumbs to unconsciousness for a few seconds and opens his eyes to realize that what he thought was a storm, is in fact, a ship. It is by all means not fancy or richly decorated like those exhibited in museums, but it exudes an almost regal, elegant charisma in its natural form, which catches his attention. Deep patterns, gouged in the landscape, like ancient runes written by the hand of a celestial being with a fine point quill, add to the mysterious appearance of the ship; this peculiar picture reminds him of a typhoon. A startling zap interrupts his imagination and he remembers to cautiously approach the unknown object in case of attack.

The closer he gets to the ship, the more his excitement grows. A pane opens up on the side of the ship and the first thing he sees is a mirror. For a moment he stares into the clear glass and looks at himself. Eight eyes return the gaze and eight legs, the body of a spider— an affected spider. All the role models he had, all the dreams he dreamt of fulfilling, and all the things he wasn’t, he sees. He had forgotten a particular dream when he landed on this planet, but the memories come flowing out from the lost and found box in the back of his mind; he remembers that he wanted to be a chess master after his career on Mars is over.

Backing away from the mirror, he silently sends a prayer of thanks to whoever rekindled his long forgotten dream. He vows to become a master in chess and show the world that he is no ordinary spider.

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