Xeryes | Teen Ink


May 19, 2014
By stalkercat BRONZE, Gilberts, Illinois
stalkercat BRONZE, Gilberts, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Forward to the Land of Myn
The Domynion was the middle of The Kyndomyn which was to the east of The Deserts of Despare and to the west of The Sea of Eternal Suffrage. It was protected by the armies of Xeryes and a 50 foot thick wall. This was due to the unpredictable Dragons, mutated monsters, and whatever was in The Unknown. In The Domynion lived tens of millions of humans. The Domynion was a peaceful and protected place. Nothing ever happened inside the walls of The Domynion. There were other cities like The Domynion in The Kyndomyn, but they were all less protected and very different from the city. Outside the limits of The Kyndomyn was pretty much nothing except for danger and The Unknown.
The Ec-spance was definitely something most people dwelling in The Domynion didn’t want to go see. Dragons and mutated creatures lived there and the cycle of life is very different from their life cycle. To the south-west of The Kyndomyn was an unorganized society of humans, more or less. After the Nuclear War in 3009, many survivors went there or were banned from The Kyndomyn to this place. This is probably worse than The Ec-spance due to cannibalism and mini-Nuclear Wars. The Unknown is aptly named, for it is unknown what is there. It’s not that mapmakers are too lazy to explore it, it’s just really dangerous. No one has ever come back alive. Every brave explorer has died here and therefore no one knows what it is like.
The Mountains of Onlet, found in the Ec-spance, are very high mountains. Some are even 12 miles high! Onlet, the dragon king who lives in these mountains, is a ruthless killer and would love to see the human race destroyed. He lives on the highest peak, called Dragon Peak, where many other dragons live. They live in the huge galleries in the mountain, which is 20 miles high and has a diameter of 30 miles. Those who dare climb it will die, due to dragons’ nature to be territorial and they will lose air one-third of the way up. Onlet circles around the mountain every afternoon twice to get his lunch of visitors.
Legend says that Myn, the island that The Domynion is on, was once a huge land mass, but after the Nuclear War part of it was lost and drifted off to sea. No one knows what happened from then on, but those who tried were never found again. They say that the people who once lived there were like the ones living in The Domynion, but were killed due to excessive amounts of radiation. This radiation reached bones in, what they called museums, and brought the dead to life. Now people think that that is why no one will ever know what lies in The Unknown or beyond.
Chapter One: The Law
Grel lived in The Domynion, which to her was a very nice place to live. She was a twenty-three year-old and had a life like everyone else. She had long blonde hair with blue eyes, and white skin that went well with her eyes. Grel had a simple life. She lived with her mom, Jyna, but wished to be elsewhere. She wanted to live in a place that was perfect, that had no boundaries that kept her from true freedom.
The Domynion was a nice place, but to Grel, its education system required too much knowledge. She was in college and was attempting at a masters degree in carpentry, but she was required by the law to study math, reading, science, the history of Myn, and a bunch of other things she didn’t like. The law also required that she had to live with her parents until she graduated college, which was also required, by the law. To her there were way too many laws in The Domynion. She tried at school, but she still received bad grades. It was hard for her since her dad died while exploring The Ec-spance when she was ten. She would often daydream and lack attention, therefore not knowing how to do her homework.
Her mom told her that he was Xeryes’s best explorer. Xeryes had then decided to send him out on a journey in the Ec-spance and retrieve fossils of some of the monster who dwelled there. Grel was told that he was fighting a very big and hungry monster and died in the process of getting the fossils of the beast. She often dreamt of the epic battle that ended her father’s life.

Everyone around knew that she spaced out, but not why. When they asked why, she spaced out. After a couple of weeks they finally, just let it go. When she did image the battle, they only paid attention to the professor. They knew that waking her up every time and expecting it to stop was a lost cause. Her mom also knew this and Grel would often daydream of her father’s death at home as well. Her mom just simply and lightly touch her on the shoulder and Grel was back on Earth. People often suspected that she was hung over, since she liked to drink, but this was not the case.
Xeryes, a tall, lanky old man with messy black hair and crimson red eyes, was annoyed by the young always drinking and hosting loud parties. He just couldn’t concentrate. He finally decided that enough was enough. He proposed a law to his advisors, Myiah and Noohah, since he was always double-checking with them before anything. Myiah was a young man in his late forties and Noohah was eighty-nine. Both were very wise and had spent ten years in college before they graduated. They, after two days of looking it over and considering endless loop-holes, approved the law. This law prohibited all drinking after nine desreel (nine of the clock pm.) and that there was to be no parties on week days after twelve desreel.
The news spread and it got to Grel and her mother. And Grel wasn‘t happy with the new law. This made her feel even more confined. She hated confinement. She felt alone, hopeless and sad the more she was restricted from.
Chapter Two: The Journey

Xeryes asked himself, “Well if most parties of only three or four can’t come back from the Unknown, then what would happen if I were to send an army to the Unknown and back?” He pondered this for quite some time (quite some time being a few minutes) until finally deciding that there was no harm in sending half of his pitiful army since, 50 feet usually takes a while to break into. Besides, what was there in The Domynion that mutated creatures really wanted? Food, water, and maybe some shelter from other creatures, but The Domynion were for humans, not animals.

He sent word for his War Leader, Leonydas. Leonydas had brown eyes and hair that seemed to changed every day you looked at him. He was usually very loyal and respectful, and not very irritable. He decided that if he didn’t respect King Xeryes’s orders then he would be in the dungeon for ten years, which didn’t appeal to him. So he took his best men with him on the ten day long journey as King Xeryes had requested. They would go beyond the gates at the break of dawn the next morning. Xeryes was excited to know what lay beyond the borders of The Kyndomyn. Although, he wished he still had Eemla, Grel’s father, it would make him feel more confident in the never ending search for what lay beyond.

The dawn of the next day came and Leonydas was ready to face whatever lay beyond. Or so he thought. The Unknown was, well, unknown. No one knew what was there, who was there, or why no one knew in the first place. This is why not many people were eager to find out. Even the dragons were to ‘busy’ to find. They claimed to be busy with digging tunnels instead of finding out what was outside their borders. Even if they did find out, or have for that matter, they wouldn’t tell anyone else besides, maybe, Onlet.

Either way, Leonydas was prepared to go on the dangerous, death-welcoming, ten day journey. Xeryes, himself, was growing impatient. The Unknown was the largest part of The Land of Myn. Finally the army set off with a big celebration. The 50 foot thick gates opened up and the 30,000 man army set foot to cross between the known and The Unknown. Leonydas estimated that it would take them at least five zebless (hours) to reach the borders of The Kyndomyn. And he was right; about five and a half zebless later they reached the border between The Kyndomyn and The Unknown. Fog spread out before them, only to make things creepier. And the journey had begun.

Leonydas was scared. He really had no other choice. People are scared of the unknown, and for that matter, The Unknown. Legend says (but you really can’t trust a legend) that legendary beats roamed the land and giant birds swirled in the skies. Beasts of ten feet in height and thirty feet long were said, to have been the biggest and cruelest beasts. Other had been said to be a quarter of that size and were very sneaky. He feared these terrifying animals and was having second doubts when… crack!

“What was that?” Leonydas had heard one of his men ask. “Or even; who was that?”

“I don’t know, but be on the lookout and remember to stay together.” He feared that fear would over power decades of training. That was not a pleasant thought. Then he heard scattering and more twigs cracking and snapping. This wasn’t going well, and they had only been in The Unknown about five zeplis (minutes). The fog was getting denser and Leonydas couldn’t see the path they were traveling. They could be in a forest, or a village, or even a desert. He had no clue what could possibly go right.

Were his, men still with him? Where was he? Did he still walk on the island of Myn? Questions flowed through his head like the current of a river.
“Maybe time is different and we’ve been here longer than we think” He questioned himself. Then he finally heard it. One of his men was dying, but there were no sudden moves like the scattering before, he just died. Things were getting stressful and Leonydas didn’t know what to do. He finally came up with a plan.
“Gersh and Michali go and take your men to the right and Jonhi and Fern will take up the left.” This, Leonydas hoped, would help scout the land instead of protect themselves. After all, Xeryes ordered to find out what it was like, not just go in for ten days and come out alive.
Chapter Three: The Revealed Secret

Finally, Onlet could relax and have no one bother him. He told every single dragon to get to work on the underground castle for The Vrdyn. His master was strict. He said that if The Great Dragon King couldn’t finish a small building project (which was actually very big) in ten weeks then Onlet would be banned from his service. It’s not that Onlet wanted to work; it’s just that he would then officially be an enemy of The Vrdyn. He didn’t want that to happen. Enemies of The Vrdyn always, no exceptions, died. The Vrdyn was a ruthless, gassy being that longed to rule the entire world. He knew what was in The Unknown and had been to other islands that he had previously conquered. Myn was so far the fastest and easiest to control. The dragons were very cooperative. Other island hadn’t been so easily fooled. The Vrdyn was truly mysterious and evil. Onlet only wished that he could have such power and influence. For now, though, he was a king of the dragons and was working to build a home for his mysterious master.

“What are you? Humans?! Come on you are the greatest beast known to man, can’t you work faster?!” Onlet was enraged that the mightiest beasts couldn’t finish such an easy task as this. “Come on, you can fly, you are super strong, YOU – ARE – DRAGONS!!!!! Work or else you will be destroyed!!” He honestly didn’t know what the holdup was, but he was determined to finish the castle for his master in the span of time provided.

“You have no reason to have such lag, Onlet. You are taking too long.”

“Yes I know, your… um…Majesty?”

“I am your master you idiot!”

“I am sorry, Master. Forgive me for my ignorance.”

“You are forgiven, but do not think that I am gracious because I ‘forgive’. Such misconception is not accepted by me. You are beneath me and your incompetent dragons are beyond even being in my presence.”

“I understand. I swear that you will live here within a week.”


Onlet was worried his kingdom of dragons was not enough to satisfy his gaseous master. The Vrdyn had high expectations and it was getting close to the deadline of which the project was to be finished. Upon meeting The Vrdyn, he assumed it was just smoke from his nostrils, but it was the evil lord of the world. According to The Vrdyn, He had seen everything and had been everywhere. ‘Earth’ was a large ‘planet’ that has many islands just like Myn. His master also claims to rule more than half of the ‘planet.’ These words did not exist in Onlet’s vocabulary. But they were explained to him and were hard to grasp such things. A ‘universe’ by far was the most fantastical thing Onlet could imagine. A black space that housed millions of these so called ‘planets.’ Stars numbering the endless skies, countless, and galaxies swirling around and so much empty space. Unbelievable.

Onlet was not done with the pitiful human race that Xeryes ruled over. They think they’re so safe, but never thought about a glass dome. Yecrest, the long forgotten Dragon Overlord. Ruler of all living mortals. He was by far the most evil being (that had mass) to have ever lived. Then disappeared into hiding, until now. Xeryes or otherwise known as Yecrest was the best disguise for a dragon. He had learned of the power to shape-shift and had created a ‘human’ race that he held upon his finger tips. Yecrest, the mighty one, who wields the power of an ancient magic to control memories. He holds every memory ever memorized upon his fingertips. The Vrdyn has no idea, but if they joined forces, they would conquer the universe.
Chapter Four: The End of Myn

“Finally I have sealed their fate! And now to wipe the minds of the dumb idiots walking MY streets in MY Domain! I shall kill them all and rule the pitiful Land of Myn!”

“Your Majesty, some students would like to talk to you.”

“Bring them in. Pitiful scum.”

“We would like to ask permission to speak to you, oh Great King Xeryes.”

“Come, come. Have a seat. I grant you permission to speak.”


“Wouldn’t you like to talk to your great and powerful king?”

“We serve you.”


BOOM! Rip!


Onlet flew to the top of the peak only to see his true master. Yecrest


Xeryes had transformed to his dragon form… 100 feet tall and 200 feet long. A wing span of 500 feet. Onlet had never been so surprised in his life (all 6,000 years). Yecrest had come back to rule dragons and wipe out every other species.


“What has happened?! Onlet! Are you responsible for this child’s play?” The Vrdyn was taken completely by surprise. “Are you kidding me? Are you not Onlet, The Great Dragon King?!”

“I serve only one you pitiful gas being! That is the Overlord, Yecrest!”

“Am I being betrayed?!”

“Only put down by a more powerful being. Dragons will rule the ‘universe!’”

By now Yecrest had begun shooting fireballs, only a thirty-second of his true power and mightiness. The Vrdyn was a flaming gas now and had begun to kill and destroy everything in its path. Onlet ordered the dragons to aid Yecrest in the destruction of all things. Compared to Yecrest, Onlet looked like a child. The magnificence of The Great Dragon Overlord was awe inspiring. Yecrest was demolishing the entire city of The Domynion and was moving on to The Ec-spance. Neither Yecrest nor The Vrdyn seemed to be more powerful. It seemed as if the two would meet later on and battle in a war of ancient evil, but for now both were destroying the once beautiful Land of Myn. The end had begun.

The author's comments:
This piece was inspired by Veronica Roth after her excellent series taking place in a Utopian society.

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