Draco Malfoy and that Jerk Harry Potter | Teen Ink

Draco Malfoy and that Jerk Harry Potter

April 24, 2014
By Anonymous

Draco was leaning against the sink in the boy’s lavatory. He enjoyed the restroom in the west wing of the first floor, because no one ever went in there. He was sure it was because the boys could still hear Moaning Myrtle across the hall, and they aren’t supposed to have to hear that crap.

Draco cranked on the cold water and cupped his fingers underneath. When he has gathered enough water, he splashed it onto his face. The water was refreshing, and it helped Draco to clear his head. How could the Dark Lord ask him to kill Dumbledore? Draco knew it was his job to transport all of the Death Eaters into Hogwarts. Each day he spends making mistakes, his mother spends near death. Draco can see Nagini mauling his mother. Drawing back, swinging his endless neck forward. He had no sympathy for Narcissa, not once caring about her husband in the background, moaning in agony. Draco knew he had to get the Death Eaters into the school, and soon.

Draco swore he heard someone come in behind him. He splashed some water on his face and looked into the mirror. If anyone were to walk into the room, he did not want to make his weakness obvious. He searched through the reflections in the mirror and saw nothing. He went back to plotting out his plan. Tonight, he needs to go back to Borgin and Burke’s to check the other transport for the bird. It should be there by now, and hopefully alive. Draco heard another step. It sounded like a patter of water. “Hello?” he called out, in fear that it was one of his Death Eater friends. He heard no one, and went back to the sink.

“Wingarduim Leviosa!” he heard Harry yell out, as Draco grabbed his wand.

Draco dodged the spell, and went to recoil. Faster than the surprised Draco was, Harry yelled “Sectum Sempra!” and a bright green light came flying out of his wand. Draco saw the spell flying towards him in what seemed to be slow motion, but he could not move. Suddenly, it hit him in the lower stomach. Blood instantly started flowing out, and Draco hit the ground while convulsing. Draco looked up to see Harry staring at him blankly, not even registering what he had done. He could feel the life flowing out of his body with every last spurt of blood. Draco knew that he was dying, and that as soon as he was gone, the war was over. The Dark Lord would lose. Draco was his last hope.

Draco heard the door creak open, and saw a blurry black figure enter the room. “Potter!” he heard the man yell out, as he saw Harry’s figure race out of the room. Draco then knew it was all going to be okay. Professor Snape had made the unbreakable vow with his mother. There was no way he could let Draco die. Then Professor Snape would die too. Finally, in the safety of Professor Snape’s arms, Draco’s brain went black.

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