Finding Hope | Teen Ink

Finding Hope

May 28, 2014
By Anonymous

Finding Hope
I don’t know where I came from, or how I got here. But one thing I know is that people tend to underestimate angels. Angels are real and watch over/protect humans. I guess you can wonder how I know that. Well that’s because I am part angel.
My mother was an angel and I don’t know what happened to her, or my human father. Lets just say I’m on my own and I always will be. My name is Lila and this is my story about finding hope.
I was weaving through downtown New York with a coat pulled tightly around me, mashing my wings into my body. Yeah, I have wings, too. They are about 12 feet long and are all white. I avoid the looks sent my way once I accidently hit into somebody. No one knows anything about me or what I’ve been through. As far as I know there is no one else like me, unless I just never found them yet.
I made my way to the run down warehouse where I went to stay away from other humans. I slipped in the door and slid my coat, off extending my wings. I guess I should’ve checked to see if anyone was watching, but I’ve been doing it forever and no one ever sees me.
I zipped open the bag that was on my back and got out the food I was able to buy with the little money I had. I knew what would happen to me if people found out who, or I guess I should say what, I was. They would kill me. I lay down with my head against my bag and closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. In my dream I saw flashes of wings, then I saw the Hollywood sign. I woke up with a jump and then my shoulders relaxed. I knew I had to go to the Hollywood sign and that something was waiting for me there.
I sat up and packed up my stuff and was on my way. I started walking through New York. I couldn’t fly without risking being seen, so I settled on walking. It would take at least till day break to get to Pennsylvania, it would take even longer if I was a regular human, but I’m faster so I can get there sooner.
I kicked stones down the road as I walked and listened to the sound of my footsteps against the ground. My eyes started drooping as the hours passed and I felt like lying down and going to sleep. As the sun was coming up I realized that I finally made it to Pennsylvania. I decided I would take a plane to Missouri with the last bit of money I could scrape up.
Once I was on the plane, I kept looking nervously around me expecting someone to see my wings or ask me about the lump in my coat. I stared out the window as the plane flew over Ohio but fell asleep soon after. I woke up only about 30 minutes later, but felt a little more refreshed.
Since I was awake, I thought about what my dream meant about going to the Hollywood sign. I hoped it had something to do with my mother, and that I might finally see her again, but the more I thought about it the more unlikely it seemed. I let that thought go to the back of my mind as I looked around the plane to see if anyone was looking at me suspiciously, which no one was.
As soon as we were in Illinois I groaned knowing soon I would have to get off and finish my trip to California walking, which could take days. I shook in my seat, uneasy to get off the plane. As soon as we got to Missouri, I grabbed my bag and made my way off of the plane. I looked around and saw that I was the last one off and no one else was outside the airport with me. I knew I was going to be taking a risk doing this but I don’t care.
I spread out my wings and soared up into the air feeling the rush of wind blowing my hair behind me. I smiled and thought how this was the best time that I’ve ever flown… which I only did a few times.
I was a good 80 feet or higher and it was cloudy today, so not many people would be able to see me up here, which was good. Through the night I flew and didn’t sleep and by sunrise I was almost in Colorado. I flew down in a high tree and perched on the branch. I sat down and took a drink of water. I decided to rest for a few minutes because I probably wouldn’t be able to stop very much until California.
Once I was done, I stood up and grabbed the branch so I wouldn’t fall. I jumped up in the air and spread my wings out and I was in the sky again. After a few hours of just enjoying the silence of flying and the sound of the wind I started to get tired. I guess I should have slept before I decided to start flying again, but I wasn’t thinking.
I decided since I made progress and I was in Utah I could rest. I soared down in a clearing in the woods and collapsed from exhaustion. Soon I couldn’t even use enough energy to keep my eyes open and I fell asleep. My dreams didn’t really mean anything tonight, just flashes of the Hollywood sign again.
Once I woke up I realized I had slept for hours and that I needed to go to get to California by tomorrow. I hastily got all my stuff ready and flew to California. The hours went by the same, nothing interesting happened and I just waited patiently till I got there.
I was getting closer and could even see the glowing lights of the Hollywood sign in the distance. I smiled and flew as fast as I could. I realized I was flying low over the city and since it was daytime everyone could see me and were pointing at me. I cringed at my stupidiness as I heard gunshots.
I don’t know if they thought I was a bird or something, because I don’t think they would shoot me if they knew I was part human. I felt a sharp pain in my chest and looked down. I saw a bullet hole and red spots blossoming around it. I started falling towards where the Hollywood sign was at and I hit the ground with a crunch. I looked up and could see whiteness. I smiled.
I know your probably wondering why I’m smiling if I’m dying, well for an angel once your life ends, you get to go to heaven and your new life begins.

The author's comments:
All the books I read inspired me and my mom who writes.

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