THE BOY | Teen Ink


May 29, 2014
By Anonymous

By the age of 4 he was able to find water and food for himself keep, in mind he wasn't the best at it but he knew what he needed to do to survive. The gorillas created a good shelter for the young boy before they left him for good. Shelter being made of fallen branches and fallen trees. It was located in a spot that was very hidden and no predators could find him. He never learned any kind of language to speak, but then again why would he need to? hes surrounded by animals. His mindset was similar to those of a warrior never felt anything close to love and never felt comfort. Always on edge worried about his surroundings and his next meal. By the age of 10 years old he had developed a unique fighting style and survival tactics. Everyday living just to survive always on the edge, and searching for prey around sunset he once lived a boy that was raised alone with no adult figure to help him grow. He was conceived, then abandoned and left in the deep jungles of Africa to starve and eventually die. This boy did not die. This boy lived in a climate that no other human being has ever lived in. At the age of one week the baby was found by two large gorillas one being male and the other female. The hairy beasts took upon it as there own baby until he was ready to live on his own. Feeding him food, and showing him the way to water, and how to effectively hunt for food.
ears the sound of his next meal as he hears its footsteps he begins sharpening his homemade device that has been used to kill many other animals. He hears a roar from the puma as it creeps up the puma can smell its next meal and takes no time to pounce on the 10 year old boy little does the puma know that the boy is beyond ready to kill this animal the puma jumps at the boy with his mouth wide open the kid quickly drops to his knees and forces the spear into the pumas mouth and through his spine.

He then removed the spear and began to skin the animal and prepare for his feast he hangs the animal and starts a large fire thus cooking the animal to survive. The boy is no longer just a kid he is now a man. He explores jungle for his remaining years by the age of 22 he now has a beard down to his shoulders, throbbing muscles and defined tone. Standing at 6 feet and weighing in at 190 pounds this man is no longer the prey he is now the predator of the jungle.

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