The hunt chapter 2 part 3 | Teen Ink

The hunt chapter 2 part 3

July 4, 2014
By Anonymous

“Do I have to?”
“Jasmine, come on. It won’t hurt to run a little.”
“But it’s so hot. Jake can’t we do some of the painting or read about mythical creatures?”
“Please..?” I look at him with big eyes, hoping he will budge. Unfortunately I see no change in his face.
“Just one lap, then we can go paint. I hate reading.”
“Fine, deal.” I don’t know why but lately Jake has been pushing me harder than usual. I guess it is because he is worried about me. I have been at Camp Guardian for over two weeks and no signs of powers have been shown yet. I know it is bad but I don’t know why. Last time I asked Jake why it is so bad, he just said we need to work harder to force my abilities out. I had gotten very mad at him, but I forgave him soon enough. For some odd reason I can’t stay mad at that guy. It is very irritating, because at times like this I really want to be mad at him.
Since I got to Camp Guardian I have learnt how to shoot with bow and arrows and I have had a few sword lessons with Jake. I am much better at it than I thought I would be. I guess it is because I like it and because I actually have to learn. My life depends on how well I can defend myself. And it would help if I could find what my so called abilities someday soon. Jake and the council of the wise seem to get more and more worried for each day.
”What is the problem with me not having my abilities yet?”
Jake looks up from his sketch book and looks straight passed me. He takes a deep breath and slowly starts to speak.
“Jasmine, I told you about why we get our powers before the teenage years. But that is not the whole truth. The whole truth is that the later you get your powers there is a big chance of you not getting your powers at all. If that is true I am not sure why the monsters are after you.”
“Thanks. So if I don’t get my powers I’m nothing.”
“Thant’s not what I said or meant.”
“I know what you meant.”

The author's comments:
"There is a big chance of you not getting your powers at all"

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