Green water | Teen Ink

Green water

October 3, 2014
By Braden Finch BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
Braden Finch BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Green Water

One stormy day I woke up for my first basketball game of the season, I realized my brother was not in his bed. Knowing we usually ran behind, I stumble into the kitchen to find my mom and brother preparing breakfast. Much to my surprise my mom’s eggs, toast, and bacon filled my nostrils with delight. Having only ten minutes before the game, I had to choke down my breakfast so I could go upstairs to get ready.
Rushing upstairs so we wouldn’t be late for the game, I jumped in the shower and quickly noticed something was out of the ordinary. The water coming out of the faucet was the strangest color green and had strangest smell I have ever smelled.
“Tyler.” I called to my brother. He enters the small gray bathroom half walking half running.
“It is so weird, the water is green.”
“Stop being a girl, and just get in. we are already cutting it close to being late.” So I just did what he said.
We won our first game. It was so awesome, I won the game by making a three-pointer for the game winning shot. Our team started the season 1-0. The gym was hot, and I was eager to take a soothing cold shower. When I we arrived home I ran straight upstairs to the bathroom, the faint odor from before has gotten worse. I sprayed some cologne to try to cover the scent. As I turned the faucet slowly the water changed from dull green to a deep brownish-green. The scent became strong enough where I had to shut off the water and sprint as fast as I could out of the bathroom. “Mom the water is green and the smell is horrific.” I screamed.
“I’ll call a plumber, just get out and wait.” The plumber came and poured strong smelling chemicals in our toilets and down our sinks.
“Ma’am, you will not be able to use the water for a week. If you do then the chemicals will burn your skin,” The plumber stated. “You should probably shower at the community center, and get your drinking water from bottles.” 
“I think that will be manageable.” She replied. She made me and Tyler go to get bottles of water. On our way there we seen a plane in a field. Tyler wanted to go and see what was wrong, so we did.
When we arrived at the scene we realized that there were strange green and purple bugs crawling from the small plane. Green ooze was easily visible on the side of the small bright yellow plane. Tyler, being the girl that he was got scared of the new species of bugs and made us leave. So we went off to get the water, and I decided that we will notify the police tomorrow.
I was tossing and turning in my bed; hearing my mom’s voice come closer and closer. I didn’t want to get out of my warm covers since it was cold outside. I heard mom enter my room. I suddenly remember something about green water. It was only a dream but it seemed so real. Have you ever had a dream that seemed so real?

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