The Invasion | Teen Ink

The Invasion

October 23, 2014
By Anonymous

It was a normal routine day in California.  Well for an Airman, anyway.  Tom walked across the tarmac to his F-22, and climbed in to get ready for his first sortie of the day.  Tom strapped on his and the HUD (Heads up Display) display started moving quickly as he turned on the plane.  Numbers and words scrolled quickly, and Tom began quickly checking over everything on the plane.  Tom watched all of this happen on his HUD until it said okay for start.
“START” flashed in green on the HUD and Tom hit the switch. A loud roaring sound of the engine began to fill the cockpit. Then, slowly, Tom started to taxi out onto the runway.  When the air raid siren sounded, Control came over the intercom.  “SCRAMBLE, SCRAMBLE!”
Tom mashed the throttle and went screaming down the runway.  Buildings and planes started exploding all over the base.  He pulled the stick back and went straight up into the sky.  Tom got into the clouds and it was crazy.  There had to be over a hundred enemy planes and Tom had no idea how many U.S. planes got off the ground.
As soon as he got into the air, bullets and missiles started whizzing by Tom’s head.  He avoided them by diving and going into a barrel roll.  Five planes dove down after him, guns a blazing.  He uses defensive maneuvers to keep from getting shot down.  Tom was pushed back in his seat, heart racing, and tears slowly moving away from his eyes from the G forces. 
He got behind two of the planes and opened fire.  Two fireballs blew up in front of him.  Tom flipped to the left to dodge them.  The incoming missile alarm sounded.  Tom launched some flares and the missile exploded.  The plane shutters.  Tom couldn’t seem to get away from this pilot.  He was dodging every way he could, but this guy is just very agile.  Right when Tom thought it was all lost, a voice came over the radio. “Hang on, bud!” he heard.
The plan behind him went down.  How many others are there? I’ve got twelve in my squadron.  What’s your name, son?  My name is Tom, how about you?”
“They call me Snake Eye,” he replied.
“Great, now that we got all the mushy stuff out of the way, let’s take our base back,” Tom replied.
Tom and the 21st fighter squadron charged into the battlefield and fought a great battle.  But there were just too many enemies.  The Koreans had taken the base.  Many great men and women fought that day.  But yet, sadly, very few will be remembered.

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