Giant Spider attack | Teen Ink

Giant Spider attack

October 13, 2014
By Anonymous

Giant Spider Attack

Jenna Sampson was just the average American; she was 14, tall, had one brown eye, and one blue eye, a mix between blonde and brown hair, and had an Instagram account. It was 3;45 pm. when she got home from school. Her family had just recently inherited a farm with lots of surrounding trees, and tall mountain pine forests, and now lived in an old three floor Victorian home with a basement, that was concealed by the extensive forests that surrounded the field. She had recently moved and became best friends with Katelyne, her neighbor she goes to school with.
“How was your day?” asked her mother, “Did you make any new friends today?”
“No, not really,” said Jenna while posting a selfie to Instagram, “I mainly just hung out with Katelyne, she and I have become like, best friends, or something.”
“Or something?” her mother asks confusedly.
“I don’t know; Oh my god!” Jenna yells out loud.
“What?!? What’s wrong honey?” her mother asked worryingly.
“Oh, nothing, my friend Bailee, from my old school, she just got, like, a thousand likes on her selfie!” she exclaimed unbelievably.
“Well don’t do that, you nearly scared me half to death!”
“Fine, I’ll try not to,” she said as she began up the stair towards her room.
Suddenly there’s someone knocking at the front door, and Jenna races back down stairs to answer it, only to be beaten there by her mother.
“Oh hi Katlyne! She exclaimed as she opened the door, “Come on in!”
“Thanks Mrs. Susan,” exclaimed Katelyne when she saw her best friend at the stair well.
“Hey Jenna, you forgot your homework in geometry again.”
“Oh, thanks Katelyne.”
“No problem.”
Jenna and Katelyne both hurried up stairs to Jenna’s bedroom to do their homework before the weekend began, so they’d have all night to talk and watch movies. About five hours had passed and it was somewhere around 9:30 pm. when Jenna’s parents went out to dinner. Jenna and Katelyne decided to turn on the T.V. It was on channel eight and the news was on. As she reached to change the channel a story came on about local dissapearences near the town.
“No wait!” exclaimed Katelyne as she swiped the remote from Jenna’s hands.
“Why? It’s just the news.”
“Just listen,” Katelyne said as she turned up the volume.
“As we begin our broadcast this Friday night we have breaking news about strange disappearances,” the reporter went on, “More people have disappeared while hiking the mountain trails that skirt the edge of the webbed woods at the intersection of Violet and Maine.”
“Hey!” Jenna interrupted, “That’s close to where we live, let’s see if we can hear more.”
It was too late. All of a sudden they heard loud steps on the roof. She went back to the T.V. and heard, “eye witnesses report seeing webs along the,” and then it cut out. Jenna and Katelyne froze in horror as they heard a crashing sound outside. They silently as they could, crept toward the window to see what was going on. They saw a large figure outside moving around the fallen satellite dish, it looked to be the size of a Yukon. Jenna and Katelyne sat motions less until they heard loud grumbles outside.
“I’m calling 911!” Katelyne exclaimed as she went to the hall to pick up the stationary phone.
“There’s no use,” Jenna began to explain, “The phone is hooked up to the dish. Without it we can’t call out of here because of the mountain, and my galaxy’s battery is dead any way.”
Oh, I didn’t remember to bring mine either so I guess we’re stuck,” she silently said still terrified and filled with fear, “How come your parents aren’t home yet?”
“I don’t know but I hope they get home soon!” she said as another noise rose out of the background. It sounded like an awful squealing pain, like a pig, but much, much worse than they could imagine.
“Aww, that really hurts!” Katelyne exclaimed while forcefully covering her ears.
“Look,” Jenna excitedly said, “The monster thingy, it’s leaving!”
“Shhh, it might hear us.”
“Oh, I guess you’re right,” Jenna said as a never ending silence began.
About an hour had passed; the two friends were silent as they heard Jenna’s dad’s dodge pull up out front. They rushed down stairs to meet them at the front door, exited but still horrified by what they had seen earlier in the night, they began to speak. “Mom, Dad, it was horrible, there was this thingy outside, it was huge,” Jenna panted franticly, “It knocked off the satellite dish, and it rumbled the house. I don’t know what it was, but it was horrible!”
Her father looked over at t6he dish and then at the torn shingles that cluttered the ground, and then where the dish once stood and then began to speak.
“ I’m sure it was nothing girls,” he began in a reassuring tone, “It probably fell off on its own, because the tiles on the roof were rotted in the first place, and the rumble you heard was just the boiler down stairs starting up.”
“But it was huge!” the two girls began.
“I’m sure it was just your imagination,” her father interrupted while his wife backed him up, “You girls have such wild imaginations and you probably just imagined it after watching too many horror movies at night.”
“Ok, I guess you right Jenna began, “We probably just imagined the whole thing, I guess.”
“Let’s get you two to bed, it’s almost 11pm.” Jenna’s mom said as she motioned for the group to come inside for the night.
Two weeks had passed since that night and any memories from then had since faded into oblivion. The family and Katelyne decided to go camping that weekend on the back edge of the wooded side of their property closest to the mountains. They had just finished setting up camp and settled down to eat dinner when something large, and black appeared out of the dark forest. Katelyne was the first to see it, and she instantly recognized that it was a giant spider coming straight for them. “Look out!” she began to yell, but it was soon too late when the group finally noticed the beast. In one quick action it had ensnared the whole group in a large web, trapped like flies in the sticky mess of fibers and webs. The beast began to wrap them up in bundles nearly ten feet in the air, luckily it had forgotten to wrap Jenna up before it went out hunting again.
“Mom, Dad, Katelyne, is everyone alright?” she exclaimed in fear as the monster tracked away.
“Yes, we’re fine honey,” her father began, “But we can’t get free. Can you move?
“Yes, I think I can call for help!” Jenna answered back to her father, “I’ve got a signal I’m calling for help.”
Jenna frantically began to dial 911, and immediately the county sheriff picked up. Hearing her situation he began to track the call back to their location, knowing that it was only a matter of time before the monster would return.
“We’re on our way right now!” he said while getting in his patrol car, “Look for the chopper, it’s on its way now!”
The chopper came into view a short time later, and soon the crew began freeing them from their entrapment, hauling them up, one by one as quickly as they could. The beast began to come into view and they took off at max speed. All of a sudden something hit them, the beast was throwing webs in their direction trying to catch them as they flew away.
“Thanks for saving us!” Jenna said to the pilot.
“Don’t mention it.” The pilot replied.
The family returned home, the beast still at large even after weeks of searching and following up on the beast’s trails. Jenna’s family and Katelyne returned to their daily lives, weary of the forest beyond. As for the towns people, they go on too, still reporting disappearances in the forest, and the beast, no one knows where it will strike next, always on alert for the giant spider that plagues the peaceful town, and the woods that surround.

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