The Bermuda Triangle | Teen Ink

The Bermuda Triangle

October 29, 2014
By Joseph Olson BRONZE, Ridgefield, Washington
Joseph Olson BRONZE, Ridgefield, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Jack ran slower, feeling he had a flu. Pain in his arms and legs. All he could do was crawl. Fifty people catching up to them. Abbie tried helping but left him behind.

12 hours earlier.

          “Do you see anything?” said a younger man.
          “It’s pitch black Jack, like how it usually is in the depths of the ocean,” a gentlemen said in his fifties.
          “What do you think we’ll find down here in the Bermuda Triangle Brian?” said a younger woman. She looked she was in her mid thirties. With a buzz cut and blue eyes.

            “Please Abbie, The Bermuda Triangle is the same as any other part of the ocean. I’ve sailed across it many times,” Brian replied. He looked rougher than a marine, with a scar across his eye and huge muscles.
    “I think I have a cold” Jack said blowing his nose.
    “Same here.” replied Abbie
There was a bright light in the distance in their submarine. All noise stopped.
        “I wonder what it is?” said Jack.          
“I don’t know, but the government sent us here to see what’s in the other 95% of ocean that’s unexplored. Let’s check it out,” said Abbie
The crew went towards the light and saw a dome structure big as Seattle. Part of the dome opened.
“Lets go inside,” said Abbie.
“Are you crazy! We don’t know what’s inside there!” said Jack. Before Jack could say anything, Abbie steered the submarine towards the opening. Once they got inside the opening it closed behind them. They were trapped.
        “How are we suppose to get out now?” said Brian.
“I told you we shouldn’t have gone here!” Jack said.
The water inside the area drained.
“There’s no more water outside. Lets check this place out,” said Abbie.
“No!” said Jack.
A path opened and there were two men 6 feet tall on the other side. They looked identical. Both having a unibrow with dark brown hair. They were skinny.
“How are people living here?” said Brian.
“Hello. Welcome to Joetropolis. We hope your time is the greatest experience of your lives,” one of them said. They sounded cheerful. “My names Brad, this is Adam. Were your tour guides.”
“How did you get here?” said Brian.
“We created this city using the minerals marantium, bladantium, and cabachiun. You won’t understand what these are because you're kind hasn’t found them.”
“You aren’t human?” said Abbie
“We look human but we aren’t. Unlike your kind who have lungs that breathe air, our lungs adapt to the oxygen in anything so we can breathe underwater and in air,” Brad replied.
“Wouldn’t you die from this pressure? Were 1000 feet deep in the ocean.” Jack said.
“We are a different species. We adapt to high pressure as well as low pressure. Because we knew we might have visitors we released pressure from this dome allowing you to survive.” said Adam
“We’ve studied everyone’s culture, so we know every language in the world. There are people here that are famous you believe disappeared. Let me greet you to them.” They followed Brad and Adam until they saw a woman they never expected to see. “Meet Mrs. Earhart,” said Brad.
“How did you guys find Amelia Earhart?” said Abbie.
“Well I ended up falling asleep while flying, I don't remember anything but somehow this species found me and welcomed me” Said Amelia Earhart.
“You dont look like you aged.” said Abbie
“I haven't,” said Amelia Earhart. “This city is advanced in technology and have figured out how to stop people from ageing. All you do is take this injection,”
“Can I take one.” said Jack.
    After Jack asked about the injection Adam immediately gave it to him. He seemed like he wanted to get it done with.
    “Ouch!” Jack said “Before we go can I shake your hand Mrs. Earhart”
    “You can’t. I have a cold” Mrs. Earhart said. She seemed abrupt.
    “Dont worry I have one too.” replied Jack
    Jack shaked her hand but when he did he felt nothing. He waved his hand through her face and her head felt nonexistent as if Amelia Earhart wasn’t there. Then he saw a camera in the seat she was in. She was a hologram.
“What happened to her,” Jack said.
The door that led to the submarine started closing.
“What are you doing? What was that injection really for?” said Jack.
“Dont worry, you’re staying here forever,” said Adam.

The crew started running in multiple directions. Brian slid under the opening before it closed, and Jack ran with Abbie down the hall.

Brian was trying to find the submarine somewhere while being followed. With twenty guards chasing him from every angle and all of a sudden he was trapped, with nowhere to go but towards the chaos behind him. The guards caught him.

Meanwhile, Abbie and Jack ran for their lives. Jack ran slower, feeling like he had a flu. Pain in his arms and legs. All he could do was crawl. Fifty people catching up to them. Abbie tried helping but left him behind. Then Abbie found the submarine. She ran as fast as she could. Her heart pounding with fear. Adrenaline rushing through her. She made it. but there was one problem, the door behind the submarine was shut. A guard attempted shooting the submarine with a rocket launcher but missed and hit the door behind the submarine. Water flooded the dome and pressure built inside. The guards shut the door to the room they were in so the rest of the dome wouldn’t have much pressure. Abbie raced out of the dome, the creatures chased after her trying to stop her from spreading word about the Bermuda Triangle. Abbie was faster than them because their movements were slow in the water. Then Abbie made it to the surface.

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