The Mysterious Case (not really) of Robert Jones | Teen Ink

The Mysterious Case (not really) of Robert Jones

November 2, 2014
By ronith Kalidindi BRONZE, Cupertino, California
ronith Kalidindi BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ring! Ring! Ring!

“Hello, who is this?  Oh no!  I’ll be right there.  It was March 8,3078,  I was going to get the groceries in my S.D.H.C(Self Driving Hover Car, it was the latest addition when I bought it).  I was showing off to everyone in Transopolis when I first got it.  I even showed it to my grandson through Light Book.  It was the only social media site that I could use to communicate through different planets. Oh and did I mention I am 60 years old.
Transopolis was like any other city it had its own Wormhole Teleportation Center everybody calls it the W.T.C though.  It has a universal supply store(including groceries), and obviously the weather is always 72 degrees fahrenheit and sunny or 60 degrees and rainy thanks to the Global Weather Control Center for some reason everybody likes abbreviations these days and everybody calls it the G.W.C.C.   The only thing in the entire city that might be even the slightest bit special was the museum.

Anyways while I was going to get the groceries I passed a sign that said interplanetary travel is so last century why not try to go back to the basics and stick with earth it is much better for the body especially since they make fake oxygen over in mars.  I just knew that Robert shouldn’t have moved to mars I told him but he just wouldn’t listen I knew it I knew it I knew it.  Why did I have to put stubbornness as one of his characteristics? Plus who in the right mind would let parents have the power to choose their child's traits, I mean seriously.  Its not like I am not into the whole technology and science makes up who we are thing but I did not think that they meant it literally or else I would have tried to ban that slogan.  It is also the reason that I ended up reversing my sons age well at least indirectly which was a good thing but it had some unexpected consequences … um woops should not have said that.

You see, my parents put one of my traits as determined and talkative although I never figured why… anyway that was what got me to start on the journey of actually creating a more modern and scientific fountain of youth.  I was always interested in the science of anti-aging(by always I mean after I started getting wrinkles)I was very irritated by the fact that one had to die, it may sound just a teeny bit weird but hey everybody is weird in their own special way. 

Anyways it took me 8 years to perfect the formula even though I was absolutely sure that it would work on humans I had to first test it on a few monkeys I waited for a few days and it worked I had officially reversed the biological clock and successfully stopped it too.  This was what I dreamed of I even planned out what I was going to do after I made the serum first I would break out in tears yelling I did it and get very emotional, then I would call over all my friends and party all night long and that was exactly what I did.  The only difference was that I did not really get that emotional, and when I told my friends why there was going to be a party I told them that it was my birthday which was not entirely true but they did not know anyway probably because once you are in your late 50’s memory becomes a bit of an issue.  I had to learn that the hard way, you will not believe what I forgot that day.

I was on my way to reveal the formula to a few very select scientists but then it hit me why should I tell anyone about the formula and risk losing it.  So I did what any reasonable person would do in the situation I called my mom. 

“Hello mom are you there?”  “Who is this” the voice was much too energetic it was definitely not my mom.  “Hee hee woops wrong number”, what was her number! Oh yeah I must have called my aunt I wonder why I put her caller I.D as mother, oh never mind. I called again this time I was sure it was my mom.  I was about to reveal that I had created the formula but then I realized that my mom would want to have the formula for herself just as much as the scientists if not more.  She really needed the formula, seriously, and then it hit me why not try it on my 30 year old son he was the perfect choice he was someone I could trust and plus if my calculations were correct the formula would only decrease his age by about 5 years.  The only problem was that he was currently living in mars, but he was my only choice so I called him anyway.

“Hey Robert I need you to come here quick, I have something really important to tell you.” 
“Yeah, what’s that.”
“I can’t tell you over the phone thats why you need to come here.”
“You want me to come all the way to earth just so you can talk to me.” 
“Just trust me, plus it will be fun to visit your home planet again.” I don’t get why he always tries be a rebel I always persuade him in the end so why fight?
“No way last time I came to visit I had to sit in a hoverchair half the time.” Robert argued.
“What if I told you that the reason you were coming here had to with something so top secret that even the government doesn’t know about it.”
“There is a lot of things the government doesn’t know about for instance does the government know that when I was a kid I fell down a flight of stairs and dislocated my shoulder, probably not.”
“But this is actually something that is important.”
“Ugh fine I’ll come.” “I’ll be waiting at the nearest W.T.C (Wormhole Transportation Center).” So I got into my S.D.H.C and drive to the local W.T.C..  Ugh my S.D.H.C was so old its max speed was only 200 mph. Note to self get a new hover car.  When I got to the center Robert was already waiting there wow there must have been very little line for him to come here so quickly.  “Hey, how are you doing.” “Fine.  So whats that thing you wanted to tell me.” “I’ll tell you once we get home.” When we reached home it was still 5:00p.m so I explained to Robert about the formula and how the test succeeded and that he shouldn’t tell anyone about it. I was saving the part that he was going to be the first human trial for the formula for last.  When I finally told him that he was the first ever human trial he nearly yelped. “What?”I asked
“Why would you allow your own son to try a totally experimental possibly dangerous drug.”
“It won’t harm you, I think. I even tried it on apes, it worked.”

“Still there is no way I am going to do this.” Sometimes taking a degree in psychology and persuasion comes in handy.  This was one of those times.  I eventually broke him and he agreed to test it so I gave him the serum and told him to go back to mars. I called a few weeks later and I got no reply.  At that time I thought it was him just avoiding me to make me annoyed, sadly it turned out to be something much bigger than that.  A few days later I got a call from my son.  “Hello dad I need to talk to you right away its an emergency.” “Alright I’ll be at my house waiting.” His voice sounds different, I wonder.  Later that day a kid showed up at my doorstep. Why does he look so familiar.  “Dad.”  As soon as he spoke I realized what had happened. “I guess that miracle drug of yours did not exactly do what you expected it to.” “ Oh my god.” Then I realized why it had happened , I had forgotten to put the ingredient  that was supposed to stabilized the formula and allowed you to choose how young you wanted to become, it was crutanium.  The only way I could turn him back to normal involved getting slowsilver a rare and a precious liquid material found only in mars.  This is going to be one heck of a ride.  After I explained all of this to my son Robert he pretty much did what most people would have done(scream and start freaking out)it turned out to be for a completely different reason than what I expected. “What!  Are you kidding me, first of all why would you wait to tell me know. I was freaking out!” 

“What do you mean you were freaking out Robert.” “Well in mars there is a weekly competition for prizes slow silver is one of the prizes its like a lottery except the prizes are much more valuable.” “Are you saying you hid the fact that you won the lottery from your own father.”

“I said its like a lottery.”
“I don’t care, you shouldn’t have hid it from me.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright.  I guess we're even now because of the whole me turning you into an eleven year old thing.  So how about we get ourselves some slowsilver.”I said trying to sound upbeat
“Great idea.”
Ring! Ring! Ring! “Hello, who is this?”
“Its Robert I can’t find the slowsilver I think someone robbed me!”
“Oh No! I’ll be right there”
“Nevermind, false alarm I remember where I put it, when I came here I accidentally brought the slow silver with me so I had to hide it”
“So, where is it?”

“I put it in the museum beside the ruins of the washington memorial from the alien attack of 2879 why are you looking at me like that, I tried to put it in the most memorable place possible.”

“but by doing that you also risked the chance of losing it to some stranger that happened to pass by.” I said exasperated. luckily nobody stole the slow silver.

“People on earth are really trustworthy” said Robert.  But I knew better. They must have mistook the slow silver for ampholine it looked identical to slow silver but it was an acidic liquid that had no valuable properties, but I did not tell Robert this just in case he would reconsider coming back to earth.  After we got back to my lab I started to create the antidote for Robert after he drank the antidote he slept the rest of the day and the entire night and after he awoke he was back to his old self.  After he was finally ready to leave we drove to the W.T.C said our goodbyes and he left.

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