Candy Land | Teen Ink

Candy Land

November 17, 2014
By Molly Stewart BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
Molly Stewart BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Candy Land

“Whoa,” Philip mostly whispered to himself as he rose from the ground.  Around him, the earth was dazzled with glitter.  But wait, thought Philip, are those gum-drops laying in the grass?  Indeed.  As far as the eye could see, varieties of sweet candy coated the ground in a solid spread. 
As Philip gazed with wide eyes of this candy heaven, a raspy voice from out of nowhere suddenly said, “It’s incredible, isn’t it?”  Whipping his head around, Philip saw an old man, wearing baggy rags propelling himself along with an oversized candy cane.  His back was hunched over and every step he took required great effort.  When Philip gazed at the old man’s eyes, he was mesmerized:  his piercing pale-blue eyes seemed to reach into Philip’s soul.
Philip stuttered, “I um…where…ah…who are you?”
Instead of answering him, the old man in unbelief responded, “You don’t remember why you are here, do you?” 
Philip, feeling confused, asked, “What are you talking about?  I have no idea who you are and what I am doing here.”
“You are the chosen one,” responded the old man with conviction.  You are the one who will restore peace to all of Candy Land.  The prophesy says that a boy will appear, seemingly from nowhere, and return King Kandy’s Ring Pop to Candy Castle.
“I’m the chosen one?” whispered Philip, unbelieving.
“Yes,” answered the old man.  “Here, take it.”  The old man reached into his one of his pockets that wasn’t ripped and pulled out a shiny Ring Pop that seemed to reflect the very radiance of the sun and placed it into the boy’s hands.  “It is essential that you start your journey immediately,” coughed the old man.
“Okay, I’ll do it,” Philip replied as he marveled at the extraordinary object that rested in his hand.
The old man warned, “All you have to do is follow the path of many colors—it is not a far walk from here.  Along the way, I have friends that will assist you in your long journey.  But, beware of Lord Licorice—he believes that the Ring Pop belongs to him and will do everything in his power to get it back.”  As Philip looked back up, he realized the old man had vanished.  It was then when he began his journey.
After a bit of search, he found a path made up of different colored squares.  After a few minutes of following the path, an arrow sign emerged:  it read, the Great Gingerbread Tree.  Sure enough, a huge tree stood alone in a field of cotton candy bushes and candy corn.  As Philip crept closer, a booming laugh erupted from the tree.  Frightened, Philip dived behind a cotton candy bush.
“Oh, I am sorry,” apologized the Great Tree, “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”  Slowly, the boy emerged from behind the bush.  “I am just so happy.  I have been waiting years for you Philip!”
“Really?” questioned Philip.
“Yes.  Ever since Lord Licorice cast his spell over all of candy land, we all have been getting weaker every year.  Here, please take these gingerbread cookies, they will give you strength.  Save them for the time you will need them most.”
“Thank you for your kindness Great Gingerbread Tree,” thanked Philip.  With that, Philip turned and was on his way.
“Farewell!” the Tree boomed.  Soon, it was out of site.  After a little while of walking, Philip felt a shiver.  He wondered how the temperature could drop so quickly.  Soon, he found out.  In front of him was Peppermint Forest, a large expanse of land covered in snow with giant candy canes stuck in the ground instead of trees.
“Wow,” Philip whispered in awe.  As far as the horizon, candy canes reached high into the sky, almost touching the clouds.  Suddenly, Philip heard a loud “CRUNCH!”  A giant candy cane in the distance fell over with a soft echo as it crashed into the snow.  “Who’s out there?” Philip demanded, unsuccessfully masking his fear.  Scanning the area, he spotted a strange creature clumsily moving toward him.  After further inspection, Philip realized the creature was a beaver—but not a normal one:  This beaver was the size of a small bear cub, its fur was bright red, and its tail was striped red and white—like a candy cane.  And it could talk!
“I’m sorry.  I know I shouldn’t eat the candy canes from Peppermint forest, but my garden has become barren from the curse—hey, wait a minute.  Don’t I know you from somewhere?  Yeah, yeah, you’re the chosen one aren’t you?”
“Apparently,” Philip confirmed, “I am on my way to return the Ring Pop to Candy Castle.
Excited, the beaver babbled, “I am supposed to give you this.”  The beaver pulled out a candy cane.  This candy cane wasn’t just an ordinary candy cane though:  This one had a mysterious green glow radiating from the surface.  It also was a perfect size walking stick, Philip noted.  The beaver added, “This candy cane was crafted special for the one who would save all of Candy Land.  It repeals evil.  Here, take it.  Hopefully, we will not need to use it much.”
Wait, did you say ‘we’?” asked Philip.
“Yes, I am a servant of the great King Kandy.  He has ordered me to assist you in your long journey,” explained the beaver.
“What is your name?” the boy questioned.
The beaver sniffed and said, “Mr. Mint, you can call me Mr. Mint.”  So the two continued on the path of color together.  As they walked along the path, they noticed the sunlight was fading.  “We are approaching Licorice Forest,” informed Mr. Mint, “this is where Lord Licorice’s lair resides.”  Philip gulped and his heart beat quickened.  Along each side of the path, mounds of tangled licorice were stacked as high as trees.  The further they journeyed, the darker it became.  Soon, the licorice combined to form a canopy above them.
“I can’t see!” cried Philip.
“Don’t worry,” assured Mr. Mint, “use your Magical candy cane to light the way.”  The boy followed his advice and it worked!  However, in front of them laid a trick set by Lord Licorice:  the path split into three routes. 
“What should we do?” whimpered Philip.
“I don’t know,” admitted Mr. Mint.  “Let’s just continue on this path.”  The duo continued on.  Soon later, a flicker of light was visible in the distance.  They quickened their pace.  Just as his hope elevated, Philip noticed something move off to the side.  It was the Licorice!  As soon as he realized this, something touched his right foot.  A split second later, licorice clamped around both of his feet and started dragging him into the abyss of darkness.
“Mr. Mint, help me!” Philip cried.  Then he remembered—the candy cane!  As he reached for it, more ropes of licorice came and bound his hands.  Philip was helpless…or so he thought.  Leaping through the air, Mr. Mint soared toward Philip and used his razor sharp teeth to slice through the licorice restraints on him.
“Quick,” Mr. Mint hollered as a massive swarm of seething licorice enveloped him, “the magic candy ca…” He was cut short.  This time, Philip whipped out the candy cane lightning fast and waved it around.  A strobe like light illuminated the darkness.  Defeated, the licorice reluctantly retreated back into the blackness.
“Mr. Mint, are you okay,” asked Philip as he knelt beside the beaver.  Slowly, Mr. Mint arose and wiped pieces of licorice off himself.
“Yeah, I think so,” the beaver coughed, clearly weakened.
“Here, eat some of these Gingerbread cookies, they will strengthen you.”  Without objecting, Mr. Mint ate the cookies.  The change was instant.  The beaver’s color returned to normal as well as his energy.
“Let’s just get out of here,” Mr. Mint sighed.  After traveling a safe distance from Licorice forest, Philip turned around for one last glimpse of it.  Back in the exit of the forest stood a terrifying figure of a man:  His blue shirt and navy blue, red striped pants waved in the slight breeze.  Under his long hat, a few orange hairs stuck out in every which way.  With one hand he twisted his large handle bar mustache while the other rested on his hip.  His oversized eyebrows curved inward, contributing significantly to the look of rage his dark eyes bared.
Turning around, Philip managed to squeak, “did…did you see that?”
“No, I don’t see anything back there,” Mr. Mint reassured.  Philip tried to block the image from his brain, but it remained.  So the travelers continued on their journey.
After a while, they noticed yet another sign.  It read, “Lollipop Woods.”  Excited, Mr. Mint claimed, “We are very close to Snow Flake Lake.”
“What’s there,” asked Philip.
“Why Princess Frostine of course!” began Mr. Mint, “she is the fairest of all of Candy Land.  Before Lord Licorice cursed the land, she used to reside in the tallest tower of Candy Castle.  But when Lord Licorice returned to the Castle to cast his curse, she fled and took refuge at Snow Flake Lake.”
As Philip pondered this, they reached the frozen lake.  The lake was covered in a thin layer of fluffy snow, concealing the crystal clear ice underneath.  The shoreline where the ice met the earth was covered in purple frosting that bordered the entire lake.  In the distance, a barely visible figure seemed to be floating toward them.  Closer now, Philip realized it was Princess Frostine. 
“Greetings, you must be the chosen one,” addressed the Princess with a smirk.  Everything about her was graceful:  Her long pink dress covered in white snowflakes displayed her elegance.  The crystal ice-skates she wore allowed her to effortlessly twirl around like a ballerina, causing her fair-blonde hair to wave about in the breeze.  In her right hand, fitted with a snowy white glove, she clenched a wand resembling a snowflake.
Mr. Mint ended the silence with, “Hello Princess Frostine.  We are just passing through on our way to Candy Castle.”
“I know the prophesy,” giggled the Princess.  She added, “I am supposed to give you this whistle.”  She handed a long snow-white whistle to Philip.
“A whistle?” questioned Philip, clearly confused.  “What will I use it for?”
Princess Frostine only laughed.  “For calling me, silly.  When you are in trouble, simply blow the whistle and I will come,” she snapped her fingers, “like that.”
“Thank you Princess Frostine,” replied Philip.  “We better be on our way.”  So the travelers pressed on.  If only they knew of the treacherous scenario waiting ahead for them.
As the two walked along the path of color, the evident aroma of melted chocolate filled the air.  Mr. Mint frowned and informed, “We are approaching Chocolate swamp.  It is home to The Gloppy.”
“Gloppy?” asked Philip.
“Yes, The Gloppy,” confirmed the beaver. ”It is a part of Chocolate Swamp.  It uses the melted chocolate to form itself to any shape it desires.  Before the curse, The Gloppy used to be friendly and treated travelers nicely.  But now, Lord Licorice’s spell changed him into his evil servant.”
“So how are we going to pass the swamp?” demanded Philip.
“The best thing we can do is be as quiet as possible and try our best to avoid alerting Gloppy.”  Then, the duo entered the swamp’s domain.  All around them lay puddles of chocolate with occasional bushes with dilly bars growing out of them.  A slight fog started rolling in from both sides of the path, hiding the trail.  Now, Philip and Mr. Mint inched along, both very weary of alerting The Gloppy.
In one hand, Philip still clenched the magical candy cane.  Each step he took was out of faith, for the fog made it impossible to tell where he was stepping.  The next step he took, his right foot started sinking.  Terrified, Philip grabbed his leg and attempted to tug it out of the chocolate sludge before he alerted The Gloppy.  It was too late.  Out of the middle of the swamp, waves of chocolate combined together forming a massive circular glob that resembled a face.  Philip gasped, then started to lift the candy cane.  But, The Gloppy extended his arm’s reach and swatted it down into the chocolate sludge, gone forever. 
“Mr. Mint!” cried Philip as he was pulled further into the chocolate abyss.  He soon realized that the beaver was already trying to fend off The Gloppy’s multiple chocolate arms from capturing him.  It was then that he remembered—the whistle!  Philip took it out and blew as hard as he could into it.  Nothing happened.  He tried again a second, third, and fourth time.  Nothing.  Philip could only watch in despair as the Gloppy formed a swirling chocolate hole in the center of the swamp, slowly drawing Philip and Mr. Mint in.  Off to the side, Lord Licorice stood smiling, as if drinking in their doom.
Then, from out of nowhere, a wave of light rolled over the swamp, stopping Gloppy in his tracks.  Princess Frostine emerged, and she was all business.  With one wave of her wand, she completely froze Gloppy into a massive chocolate popsicle.  Before she could do anything else, Lord Licorice took out his whip and snatched the wand from her hand.
“Hah ha ha,” mocked Lord Licorice.  “Now all power will be mine!”  Glancing down, Philip saw the magical candy cane sticking out of the chocolate.  With adrenaline pumping, he grabbed it and launched it at Lord Licorice.  Upon contact, the candy cane formed a green glow over the villain.
“No!” Lord Licorice screamed furiously.  The candy cane’s powers froze him and awaited orders from Philip for what to do with him.
With authority, Philip declared, “Lord Licorice, I banish you forever to the depths of Licorice Forest where you will never see the light of day.”  With that, Lord Licorice disappeared.
“You did it Philip!” Mr. Mint and the Princess congratulated.  “Let us return to Candy Castle!” 
So the group finally entered through the gates of Candy Castle.  There a strong, broad shouldered middle-aged man approached them—King Kandy.  “You have done well, chosen one.  Thank you for restoring peace to all of Candy Land.  We are all in your debt.” Philip reached in his pocket, took out the Ring Pop, and gave it to the King.  Once King Kandy put the ring on, everything changed:  The once gloomy sky now boasted the brilliance of the sun.  Colors everywhere seemed to become impossibly brighter shades.  And Mr. Mint—he was a beaver no longer, but instead a tall man in overalls with incredibly red hair matching his cherry red boots.  Philip giggled.  Then King Kandy approached him.  In one of his hands a magnificent gold medallion was suspended by a gold chain.
“Philip, please take this medallion.  It has remained a great treasure of Candy Land since its founding.  This medallion symbolizes all of the good in this land and the hope of prosperity to all who call Candy Land home.  Let this be a sign to all of what you did for us.”  Philip knelt and the King placed the medallion around his neck.  Motioning to a throne next to his, King Kandy said, “Please, take your rightful place at the chosen one’s throne.”  As Philip confidently marched towards his throne, he didn’t notice the melted puddle of ice cream lying directly in his path.
Mr. Mint warned, “Philip lookou…!”—it was too late.  The moment he fell, Philip experienced a strange sensation.  He felt drowsy, confused, and couldn’t distinguish what was up or down.
Before he knew what happened, he realized he was in his room, lying on his bed, staring at his shelf full of childhood games he played when he was younger.  Then his eyes stopped on one.  Candy Land.

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Swissgma said...
on Jun. 5 2015 at 1:32 pm
Excellent. Well researched and thought out!!!