Particle Fields | Teen Ink

Particle Fields

November 17, 2014
By Joseph_Is_Drawing_In_Class BRONZE, San Jose, California
Joseph_Is_Drawing_In_Class BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The greatest gift of all time is Life.

George: “I didn’t mean to burn down the stables sir I...”
Master: “Enough! I banish you from my class!”
10 minutes earlier, George had burned down a stables while practicing sorcery.
George: “It was an accident!”
Master: “As a warrior you must train in all three subjects.”
Master: “First, you made another student blind while you were in Spell Academy. Then, you failed the Sword fighting Academy. And now you failed the Sorcery Academy by burning my stables! You are not fit for a warrior in our nation! I want you gone by nightfall, you have caused enough problems.”
George: “Where will I go? Where would I live? I am an apprentice, I have no where to go unless I graduate.”
Master: “Well you will have to figure that out yourself! Now I must go and attend the graduation ceremony.”
Master: “Sorry for being late your Majesty.”
Wiseman: “Shall we begin?”
King: “Let the Sorcery graduation show begin!”
Wiseman: “Our first graduate is… Firebird.”
Firebird: “Hey.”
Wiseman: “Well… what can you do?”
Firebird: “Control fire” (crowd: ooooh)
Wiseman: “Very interesting!
Narrator: As the sun sets, George sets off to find a new home in the land of Particle Fields.
Narrator: George is in the wild, south of Particle Fields
George: “Well this is a decent place to stay. Now I should probably start a fire now.”
George: “Hey look! It’s a legendary Willow - o - wisp!”
Narrator: Willow O’ Wisps are rare and ancient, they often lead to unordinary places or fate.
Wisp: “Hum”
George: “I wonder what it’s doing here. Shouldn’t Wisps be found near swamps? This is the forest. I wonder if I should follow it.”
George follows the Wisp through the forest and into a swamp.
George: “Who’s there!?”
Old Man: “Hello there young one.”
George: “Who are you and where am I?”
Old Man: “You can call me the Lost Knight”
George: “Why are you here?”
Lost Knight: “For many years I have hid here in the wild to practice moves. I did not want to attract attention or let my power fall into the wrong hands. Why are you here?”
George: “I was kicked from the kingdom. My master says I have no special talents or powers. I am useless.”
Lost Knight: “What makes him say that?”
George: “Well, I burned down his stables while practicing my flame fighting techniques.
Lost Knight: “Mistakes do happen sometimes.”
George: “I have no talents. The barn incident was not a mistake, it was a fail.”
Lost Knight: “Follow me. There is something I would like to show you.”
Lost Knight: “Come in here, I have something for you.”
George: “A dragon sword. These have ceased to exist for decades!
Lost Knight: “Thats not important. Anyone can learn to be a warrior with a good weapon.”
George: “What are you trying to tell me? I have no power. All I can do is burn buildings down.”
Lost Knight: “Except, you have much power, they are just hidden. You must learn to control them or else your power will control you. I will teach you what I know.”
Lost Knight: “Being a warrior is all about tactics, skills, and patience. To be a warrior you must use all three things at the right place and the right time in order to successfully conquer your enemies.”
Lost Knight: “I will teach you what I can. But you must practice yourself.”
2 months later.
Lost Knight: “You have finally mastered what I can teach you. Now you must continue your own journey. Keep the sword as a reminder of the three things you learned”
George: “Thank you Lost Knight. I must now return to my nation and show them what I can now do.”
Back in the kingdom.
King: “What do you mean we are being attacked?”
Messenger: “We are being attacked by bandits. The north gates are on fire and some of the buildings are in ruins.”
King: “Send in the new recruits then.”
Messenger: “We can’t your majesty. They still need to be assigned into factions.”
King: “Well then who can help us? Who is left?”
Messenger: “Few of the officers can attack but most of them are defending the left flank”
King: “Do what you can do just don’t let them get close to the keep.”
George arrives 2 days later.
George: “What happened here? I better find the King!"
Guard: "Great O King we have a visitor who would like to help
King: "Enter!"
George: “Your majesty my name is George. I would like to help you defeat whoever pillaged us.”
King: “If you know any skills, you are in. We need all the help we can get at this moment.”
George: “Yes Sir!"
King: “Looking at our current defenses, we need a strategy or we would lose.”
George: “We need to flank the enemy.”
King: “Didn’t work, there were too many bandits.”
George: “Bandits? Hmm what if we set up a trap?”
King: “hmmm we could give it a try. This may be our only hope.”
George: “I have learned many skills, if we wait for the bandits come, we can block them from crossing the river using boats.”
The king sent off the troops and assigned positions hoping this would work. Within a few hours, all of the bandits were caught and sent to prison.
King: “I would like to award George for helping us in this war. Not only did he use his skills and power, he also used his mind for tactics.”
George: “Thank you for this medal your majesty. However, I can’t take all the credits. Someone taught me all those skills. Without him I wouldn’t have came back stronger.”
George: "I learned something, sometimes it doesn't matter what people think of you, you just have to try again until you find your talent"

The author's comments:

I wrote this on November 7th, 2014. It is a part of my graphic novel that I have not finished illustrating yet. This is just the story line. 

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