The Rising | Teen Ink

The Rising

December 5, 2014
By faaaaith_rogers BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
faaaaith_rogers BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book “The Rising” by Terra Harmony (2013) was about a 15 year old mermaid named Serena. She is the youngest of her dying race because the night of her birth, werewolves who served as the mermaid’s protectors, turned on them and killed anyone they come in contact with. She was given the duty to be the werewolf liaison, and she is determined to save her kind. She meets a werewolf named Liam who then helps her try to make amends between the two feuding Species. Kai, the second King’s guard, trains her so she’s able to protect herself when she goes into “the dry”. He starts out as her mentor; however, the two quickly fall for each other. In addition, while all of this is going on Serena faces charges of meddling by her case mater Zayla. When she’s not in trial or training, she is in her favorite place the archives. That when she starts to solve the mystery of her past. In the end it sparks a massive war against the two kinds. Her life and rest lives of the undine society will be changed forever.
I loved this book, I was totally engaged in it the whole time. I never wanted to put it down! I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone who love adventure, fantasy, and the ocean! Happy reading (:

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