Life Filled With Miseries | Teen Ink

Life Filled With Miseries

December 17, 2014
By Anonymous

It hasn’t always been easy for me since my mom died when I was 5. Dad started drinking and gambling. Grandma became a drug addict. Grandpa died from cancer. My best friend, my only friend, moved to North Carolina. My whole life turned upside down. Grandma used to buy me barbie dolls from the thrift shop. I shouldn’t even say that she bought them; she would just take them. I loved them nevertheless but Pops always said I’m such a wuss and I’d end up alone. Once, I overheard him telling his poker friends that he thinks I might be gay. After hearing Pops say that, I ran away from home as far as my two little legs can.
“Hey kid!” yelled a man that looked around his thirties.

I ignored him but he chased after me thinking I was a culprit involved in some sloppy scheme.  I noticed him getting closer and his arms tried to grab my hoodie.
“Hey! Stop running,” said the man. “I just want to know why you’re running.”
“I’m running away from my Pops,” I replied. “Go away!”
I got tired and started walking with the man next to me, who i noticed was my uncle Michael.
“You okay kid?” he asked.
“I’m fine,” I replied. “I just don’t want to go back home.”
He gave me a concerned look as if he was looking for an answer as to why I ran away from home.
“I overheard my Pops telling his friends that he thinks I’m gay,” I said.
“Look, what’s your name champ?” he asked.
“ Andrew. Andrew Jones, don’t you remember me?”
“ Michael Green and no, do i know you?” said the stranger. “Anyways Andrew, I think that what your father said was wrong and just ignorant. I can understand why you’re running away,” he said. “ Let me help you out. I got an extra room in my apartment and I’d like some company, what do you say?”
I stood there in shock. I met this man a couple times in my life but he doesn’t remember me and now he’s asking me to stay with him? I’m mind blown.
“Sure, Uncle Mike,” I replied. “Pops won’t care.”
“Uncle?” he said.
“My Pops is Frank Jones, your wife’s brother,” I said.
“Frank? Frank Jones kid? Wow.”
“Sadly and unfortunately, yes.”
Mike brought me back to his pick up truck and drove us into the city. I’ve never been to the city, Pops said it was for two timing air heads.
“Ever been here?” Mike asked. “You seemed amazed by all the skyscrapers and people walking everywhere.”
Looking out the window, I was too in shock to speak so I just shook my head at him and continued watching the people walking up and down streets and the bicyclist dodging people. When we got to Mike’s place, it was even more breathtaking. His apartment building was so tall like the Statue of Liberty perhaps.
“Wow, you live here?” I asked.
“After Cindy died i decided to move into the city and live in apartments like the movies had,” Mike said.
We walked in and it was like the lobbies in those fancy movies. I guess I should get used to this beautiful place though since I’ll be living here with Uncle Mike for a while.
“Ever been to school?” he asked.
“I did, but Pops didn’t register me in this year,” i said.
Mike looked at me in awe as if i was a lost puppy.
“Wow, your Pops would be a dead mean if your Mama and Aunt Cindy were still here,how about i enroll you in school? Right here in the city,” Mike asked me.
“Definitely would be Uncle Mike. About enrolling in school, if it’s not too much of a bother, I’d love to!” I said.
Mike chuckled after I replied with such enthusiasm and excitement. He went into the other room and came back with a sandwich and some lemonade.
            “I'll make arrangements with my personal assistant and see what we can do,” said Michael.
I couldn’t believe it, I just ran away from home and this stranger that turned out to be my uncle is now giving me a home and putting me in school.
“Hey Uncle Michael,” I said. “I just want to thank you, for everything.”
Michael just nodded his head and continued watching the Niners game. Maybe my life’s actually turning around. 
“Wake up Andrew,” said Michael. “It’s the first day of  school.”
It was Monday morning and it was so early. I’m sure I was still able to see darkness. One thing I disliked about school was waking up so dang early. As Michael walked out of the room, I pulled the blankets over my head and wished to sleep for a couple more minutes
“Morning!” said Michael.
“Morning,” I replied.
“Okay, so I got my personal assitant to get you enrolled in LockWood Academy and she also got me your class schedules,” he said. “By the looks of it I can tell that you’re a very bright kid. Now, i know you didn’t get that from your Pops but your Mama, she was always so wise.”
“Thanks. School was always a favorite even though everyone else hated it, I loved it,” I said.
“That’s good,” said Michael giving me a pat on the back. “ Alright, finish up breakfast and I’ll drop you off at school.”
“Thanks Michael,” I said.
After breakfast I ran into the room, or should I say my room and changed into some of the new clothes that Michael took me shopping for. My life’s finally turning around! When Michael and I arrived at LockWood Academy it was huge. The walls were made from bright red bricks and the doors were huge wooden doors and the windows were just so beautiful. This school was so breathtaking. It’s definitely better than the one I went to before I ran away from Pops, Intel Elementary, what a dump compared to LockWood.
“How you feeling buddy?” said Michael.
“A bit nervous but I’m sure I’ll get over it,” I replied.
Michael explained to me where I should wait for him after school and where most of my classes are. When I walked in I looked like an absolute fool not knowing where I was headed. While walking to my first class, Chemistry, I heard some boys laughing at me. They seemed like they played sports and owned the school by the way they were standing and what they were wearing. I wasn’t intimidated or any of that sort because I was here to focus on my education, not worry about what’s trending and what’s not.
“Hey dork, Dorkmathology is back the other way!” yelled a boy.
I ignored his comment and kept walking trying to find my way. I also noticed some girls taking pictures of me, maybe they didn’t realize that the flash was on, I’m not surprised by these air heads. As i reached Chemistry 101 I saw the same boys who were calling me a dork.
“Hey look! Dorky McDork is in Chemistry 101,” said a tall and handsome guy.
“I have a name,” I said sitting down.
“Yeah you do, Dorky McDork,” he said.
“Marcus Wright! Leave that poor man alone,” said a lady that was probably our teacher. “Hi, you must be Andrew. I’m Mrs. Wolfe, welcome to LockWood Academy!”
“Thank you,” I said.
As Mrs. Wolfe walked up to the class, Marcus, I believe, threw a paper ball at me and it read “Watch your back Dorky McDork.” I was scared and a bit nervous but I wasn’t going to let some ignorant idiots ruin my school year, my life was just getting better. The day went by and soon enough it was lunch. I grabbed my lunch tray and tried to look for a seat. Soon I spotted a beautiful brunette sitting alone and I decided to walk over. She wasn’t pretty full of makeup like the rest of these plastic dolls but she was full of natural beauty and I couldn’t believe that no one else saw that.
“Hi. I’m Andrew Jones, I’m new. Mind if I sit?” I said.
“ Samantha Walsh, and I don’t mind at all,” she replied.
Samantha Walsh. That was the name of a goddess. The goddess sitting right in front of me. She had a physics textbook in front of her and she was studying a Chemistry textbook, intelligent. She must have noticed me staring because she coughed causing me to quit day dreaming about her and come back to reality.
“Sorry,” I said shyly.
“It’s okay. I was just getting a bit creeped out,” she replied.
As lunch went on, Samantha and I talked and got to know each other a bit more. She had this unique sense of humor. Her own jokes made her laugh and wow, her laugh was like a melody in my head that I can’t get enough of. Her smile is like a drug that I got so addicted to. She’s just perfect.
“What do you have next Jones?” she asked.
Samantha Walsh, the most perfect girl here just gave me a nickname. Okay so it isn’t a nickname, just my last name but it doesn’t matter.
“History, you?” I said.
“Really? So do I, let’s walk together,” she said.
“Sure!” I said.
I sure didn’t question her proposal of walking to class together and I wasn’t going to deny either. Walking to class with Samantha Walsh was as perfect as spending my first lunch with her. Soon the day was over and Samantha ran over to ask for my number and Facebook name so we can chat and find out more about each other.
“Okay Jones, I’ll text you later then?” said Samantha.
“Definitely, bye Walsh,” I said.
As Samantha walked away, she turned around and flashed me her beautiful smile. I waited a good ten minutes before Michael came and picked me up.
“How was your first day of school kid?” he asked.
“It had it’s ups and downs but overall it was great!” I said. “ I met a girl.”
“Really? What’s her name?” he said.
“Samantha. Samantha Walsh,” I said.
“I know the Walsh family. I work with her father at our company,” he said.
I just smiled the whole ride home and as soon as we parked I ran up the apartment stairs instead of taking the elevators and logged onto Facebook to see if Samantha had added me yet. It was six in the evening soon to be seven and no friend request or text from Samantha. Maybe she changed  her mind. After dinner I helped Michael clean up and did my homework. I logged back onto Facebook and saw that I had plenty of friend requests. They were kids from LockWood, some were the ones that bullied me and others, who I didn’t know, added me as well. I decided to accept all and as soon as I accepted their friend requests, the pictures that the girls took earlier was posted and I was tagged. The caption read “Dorky McDork wears turtlenecks, ha!”
“Hey bud it’s time for lights out soon, you should hit the shower,” said Michael.
“Yeah, I will in a bit, thanks,” I said.
Michael left my room and I wanted to cry. The only person in my entire life that has bullied me was my Pops. It was a new day and I was hoping that they’d forget about the new kid but boy was I wrong. Kids brought turtlenecks and started mocking me. I ran into the bathroom only to run into Marcus and his posse.
“Well, well, well if it isn’t Dorky McDork,” said Marcus.
“Please, just leave me alone,” I begged.
Marcus just laughed and so did his group of idiot friends. I tried to run out but Marcus tripped me and I fell face first.
“Talk to Samantha again and I will humiliate you even worse than just turtlenecks you dork,” said Marcus. “Understood?”
“Yes,” I replied.
“Good. Let’s go guys!” said Marcus as he and his gang walked out.
I left the bathroom and continued my day, avoiding Samantha of course. I may be a chicken but I wasn’t stupid. When Marcus said to stay away, he meant it. I saw Samantha at lunch and she smiled at me but I just turned away and went into the boys bathroom to eat in the stall. I grabbed my phone and opened up Facebook. I saw posts that said some hurtful things about.. me. “Where did this dork come out from?” “ Crawl back into your textbook you dork.” “He’s too ugly to exist.” So many hurtful words used to hate on me. I’m sure a few tears fell but I held it in.
Weeks passed by and the bullying continued. One day, Marcus gave me a wedgie and poured baby powder down my boxers. The other day some jerks wrote “No Homos Allowed!” on my locker.  It was painful. I tried to talk to Michael about it but no words came out. I later found out that Samantha was Marcus’ girlfriend and she was the one who gave my Facebook to everyone. I soon got texts and calls telling me to die and that I don’t belong. Somehow they found out that I played with barbie dolls before and put one on my desk.
“Hey bud, what’s wrong?” asked Michael.
“I don’t want to go to school any more,” I said.
“Why not kid?” he said.
“They hurt me. They laugh at me.”
“Look Andrew, I know it’s hard. I get it. I was once in your position believe it or not but look at me now, the kid who used to bully me, Timothy Myers, is now working for me. I'm his boss and I command him now. Moral of the story is that, no matter who makes fun of you or what happens now, don’t you ever give up. Got it?”
“Thank you Michael.”
“Anytime kid. Now come on, the Saints are playing the Niners tonight and i made spaghetti.”
Michael and I ate dinner while watching the Sunday night football game and man that was fun. It made me forget about all the miseries in my life. Michael has become the father that I’ve always wanted and thought I had, but I guess not. The next day, Samantha came up to me in Chemistry and asked why I’ve been avoiding her.
“You’re dating Marcus and you’re the one who gave my Facebook and number to everyone. Do you know that they photoshopped pictures of prostitutes and put my face over it? They said that i gave myself out for free. I’m not gay!”
“Andrew I’m sorry!” Samantha said.
“Me too.”
I walked home because I just really needed some time to myself. On my way there, I overheard someone yelling. As I walked towards the yelling, it got louder and louder. I didn’t recognize the voice. I walked closer and saw Marcus. Marcus was in an alley, pushed up against the wall. None of his friends were around and Marcus seemed terrified. The man holding Marcus by the throat against the wall seemed older, maybe in his mid-thirties. I tried to talk, but no one words came out of my mouth. Marcus caught a glimpse of me and gave a me somber look. He looked like he was going to crap in his pants. I wanted to help, I really did. The man holding Marcus turned around as he noticed Marcus kept eye contact to my position. I turned away as fast as I could before he saw me. Hearing footsteps come closer out of the alley, I ran for my life. It was like running away from Pops, except I was more terrified than ever.
“Where were you kid?” Michael asked as I entered the apartment.
“I decided to make a stop for ice cream on the way, sorry,” I replied.
“It’s okay, just remember to call me next time.”
“I will Uncle Mike.”
After seeing Marcus being threatened, everyone stopped harassing me. Wow. The next day, I confronted Marcus and he told me that the man who was holding him against the wall was his dad. He told me that his dad moved out and left his mom, so his mom remarried. I went home that day and asked Uncle Mike if he knew about Marcus Wright and his family. Uncle Mike stood in silence and looked shocked.
“Hey, Uncle Mike?” I said.
“Yeah I know the Wright’s family, why?” He said.
I asked him about them and Uncle Mike seemed like he was hiding something from me. When he left on a date with some coworkers, I decided to check his laptop, his room, the closet, any place that’ll tell me what he was hiding. I found a newspaper article that was cut and the headlines read “Michael Green and Lydia Daniels Separates.” Turns out that Uncle Mike and Aunt Lydia were an important and favored couple in the Big Apple. Uncle Mike was the one who had Marcus up against the wall, he also attempted murder. I can’t believe it. I had to leave. The man telling me about bullying was a bigger bully himself. A criminal. Just as I thought my life was getting better after the harassing at school stopped, I guess I thought wrong. This is reality though and in reality, this is the life I have to live with. This is the life I deserve. No one could probably have handled like Andrew Jones did though. So I ran again. I ran away from there as far as my two little legs could.

The author's comments:

Personally, I've experienced bullying and I don't want others going through what I did, so I decided to write my story on cyberbullying and try to prevent it from continuing. 

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