Mutation in Brooksville | Teen Ink

Mutation in Brooksville

January 5, 2015
By Michael Quinlan Quinlan BRONZE, Springville, Utah
Michael Quinlan Quinlan BRONZE, Springville, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I live in a town that has been around for centuries. Because the people who made the town were some sort of secret society, they made the town away from everything else. So the town is pretty much in the middle of nowhere. But we have everything we need right here, in Brooksville.
Oh, my name is Tony, and being 13 years old and living in a small town isolated from the rest of the world, well it gets kind of boring. And I thought it was an old, and lame town until my friends and I made an amazing discovery.
It all started yesterday when Marcia, Richy, and I were hanging out at the gas station. We had just gotten out of school on a Friday afternoon. There was no homework assigned on Friday’s because it was the weekend. So we were all free to hang out and have some fun.
“So you gonna take the bike jump again ,Tony?” Richy had asked me.
“Nah, I just took it this morning,” I replied. Then we sat there trying to come up with something to do.
“How about we just go to your house Richy,” Marcia said. Richy then replied
“No way, my house is lame, lets go to Tony’s.”
The only reason Richy liked to come to my house so much was because I had a trampoline. And because the little old town didn’t have a Walmart or anything, You couldn’t get a tramp anywhere. And besides, I didn’t mind giving up my tramp to a friend for an hour or two every now and then.
“Well than let’s go to Tony’s,” Marcia then replied.
“Should we invite Jacob?” I asked Richy on our way to my house.
“No way, Jacob is too young.”
Richy always said ‘No way’ and in this case he had said it because he thought his younger brother, Jacob, was too young to jump on a trampoline. He was nine years old, and I thought he would be just fine jumping with us.
“I think he would have fun,” I said to Richy.
“Maybe, but we’re already almost to your house, and I think he has a friend thats coming over to our house later.”
There weren't many kids in Brooksville, or adults. But there were about 60 kids who go to our school, so Jacob had some friends.
Once we got to my house we went into my back yard and started to jump on the trampoline. We hadn’t jumped for long before we heard a noise come from the old barn that was next to my house.
“Hey, did you guys hear that?” I asked.
“Yeah, it was probably just a squirrel” Richy said. “Let’s keep jumping.”
“I think we should go check out what that noise was,” I said getting a little excited. “That barn could be full of mysterious and exciting things.”
“I’m with Tony on this one,” Marcia said. If two people wanted to do the same thing, the third person had to do it too. It was our way of deciding things, kind if like a vote.
“Fine…” Richy said. Then we started towards the old abandoned barn. As we crept closer we could hear a sound that sort of sounded like heavy breathing. 
Crack! Marcia had stepped on a twig and snapped it. The sound suddenly stopped. We all stopped for a second, then after it was safe to continue, we went on. After a couple of seconds, the sound of breathings came again, this time a little louder. Finally we reached the barn doors. They were shut but we could still hear the noise inside. “Alright,” I said in a hushed voice “ready to go inside?”
“I don’t know...” Marcia said getting nervous. “Maybe we can just go back to the trampoline.” Marcia wasn’t the bravest out of the three of us.
“Oh come on, you’ll be fine” I said reassuringly. “You don’t have to tag along the whole time, but you should at least stay when we open the doors.”
“Well...Ok” Marcia agreed “But let’s just get it over with”
“OK, ready?” I asked Richy who was going to help me open the doors. “Yeah, let’s do this.”  Richy  replied.
Then we pulled with all our might. As the doors slowly creaked open, we noticed it was dark inside and the noise had stopped again. “Anybody have a flashlight?” Richy asked. Nobody said anything, which meant that there was not a flashlight on hand.
“I’ll go and get a flashlight from your house Tony,” Marcia said, already running towards my house. 
Richy and I just stood there waiting. After what felt like a couple minutes I broke the silence “Let’s just go inside now.”
“No way,” Richy protested. “Let’s wait here for Marcia.” After arguing a little, we came up with the idea for me to go inside alone.
“When Marcia gets back I’ll come in and look for you with the flashlight,” Richy said as I walked inside. “But be careful, and don’t do anything stupid.”
I hardly heard him say that last part because I was already in the dark, damp, Barn. It was like maze in there, One door led into a room with some milk cans or straw. Then a door in that room led into another room with horse stalls. I could still hear the noise and it was getting louder as I followed it through the old barn.
Finally I could tell it was in the next room over. There wasn’t a door so I just slowly peeked my head around the corner…  On an old countertop, was a glass jar full of slimy green stuff. The jar had been tipped over and the slimy ooze was dripping off of the table and making a puddle on the ground. 
What I saw almost made me scream: There was a horrible looking creature drinking the liquid. It looked sort of like a squirrel but much bigger. It had big teeth that compared to a bulldog’s. The creature also had three eyes and huge arms and legs. It looked like a squirrel had gotten into some sort of mutation liquid that was dripping off of the counter. Mutation liquid.
I then remembered what we had learned in school: When the town was first founded, the people had a secret society with some sort of big secret. But we have never known what it was. Now I knew what the big secret was all about. Mutation.
“Wow” I said aloud not remembering the mutated squirrel. Then the squirrel looked up at me and started slowly walking towards me. I panicked as my mind started racing. Maybe he’s nice, I thought. I don’t know why I would think something like that because then the squirrel broke into a run, and looked like he wanted to eat me.
I ran out of the room, and through different rooms trying to find the way out. With the big ugly squirrel chasing after me, I had to run really fast and I was getting really tired. But I didn’t give up. As I was running away from the mutated squirrel the only thing going through my head was, Where on earth is the exit?
Finally after running for what seemed like hours, I saw the big open doors with Richy lying on the ground. “Wake up!” I shouted.  Richie slowly sat up, blinked, and looked at me with big, droopy eyes. “Run!” I yelled at him. His eyes went wide when he saw the squirrel chasing me. He jumped up and started to run. I caught up to him and we were both running, side by side, with a vicious killer squirrel just inches from our feet.
“Lets go to the junk pile!” I yelled to Richie
“Ok!” He yelled back. If we went to the junk pile, we could grab a pipe or piece of metal to fight the squirrel.
After a minute or two we got to the junk pile, and were ready to fight. I picked up a rusty pole, and Richy got what looked like an old car exhaust pipe. Then I swung the old pole at the squirrel. It nailed its head and the little beast went flying. But it just got back up and charged for me. This time I took the pole and hit the top of the squirrels head, making its face smash into the ground.
I guess Richy wanted to take part in the action because then he yelled, “Get it to chase you over here, and I’ll take care of him.”
“Ok,” I replied, running towards him. Then the squirrel was up and trailing me again. Right as he was going to catch me, Richy flung his pipe down on the squirrel’s head. Then he used the pipe like a bat as he hit the squirrel into the air. The squirrel went shooting into the sky, and then landed on the road. Almost immediately after the squirrel landed, a truck came and ran it right over. I don’t think the guy driving the truck saw the squirrel because he just kept driving along and didn’t even slow down when he ran it over. (Although he was going pretty slow to begin with because the speed limit in Brooksville is like 15 mph.)
After that we went over to the squirrel and looked at it. It was definitely dead. It lay there flattened by the truck, motionless. After we looked at the dead squirrel for a little bit, we went back to the barn. We just stood there in front of the great, mysterious barn, realizing what had just happened. Then Marcia came back and said “Sorry guys, I looked everywhere but couldn’t find a flashlight.” Richy and I just looked at each other with expressions that said, “Should we tell her?” Then we did just that.
I told her about what had happened in the barn, and how the mutated squirrel had chased me out of the barn, making me run for my life. Then Richy Told his story and how he had fallen asleep, and then woke up to find himself running away from a killer squirrel. After we told Marcia everything there was to tell, We all decided to go back to the gas station, and buy some drinks.
Marcia had loved our story and wished she was there to witness what had happened. She also wanted to see the squirrel, so we showed her. Marcia wasn’t really into animals but then she became a little more interested. Richy decided he liked to fight and started to practice Martial Arts. And as for me, well I went back into the barn and got the mutation liquid that was still in the jar. I wanted to see what else this stuff would work on
...But thats another story.

The author's comments:

I hope this story is fun and enjoyable to read. I've liked writing for a long time, and I really enjoyed writing this story. I hope you like it too. 

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