The Leprechaun | Teen Ink

The Leprechaun

January 12, 2015
By Seekerquaffle6201 BRONZE, Rancho Mirage, California
Seekerquaffle6201 BRONZE, Rancho Mirage, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I will always be the optomist. The hoper of far flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams"

-The Doctor

Reading time always seemed to last forever, especially since about half the kids in the class were still giggling quietly about how Ms. Smith called me Ms. Leprechaun during roll call.

I hated being called Ms. Leprechaun. Though as dad always said ‘theres nothing wrong with being a leprechaun they’re rich’. Unfortunately that didn't make me richer, or make me feel better.

The people who started it, Malcolm and his twin brother Martin, were the tallest kids in school.
It didn't help that, because of my irish heritage, I had bright orange hair, vivid green eyes, and about a million freckles. The thing was though I was not short. I was 5.5, thats not even close to short. It didn’t matter though.
It had been a running joke since last St. Peters day when Malcolm decided to draw four leaf clovers on my arms, legs, and face when I fell asleep in math class. They had declared that from then on I, Katherine Flynn, was to be called Ms. Leprechaun

I tried to ignore them as I read, well more like stared blankly at a random page. I could hear about everything from the front of the class. There was the usual ‘I wonder where she hides the gold’, and ‘I heard shes going to be a shoe maker when she grows up’. The teacher didn't seem to notice because she could only hear out of her right ear.
That didn't keep Seth from noticing. He always seemed to think it was his duty to protect me since I’d push him out of the road from almost being ran over by a car. His fist were cleanched tight like if he held his hard cover book any harder the cover would snap. Only if the glare he was giving the book didn’t burn though the paper first.
I desperately tried to concentrate on the words on the page.I didn't think I could last much longer either.
I kept my pride as Ms. Smith finally ended reading time and decided to talk about our subject today. Of course in honor of St. Patrick’s day we get time on the computers to look up Leprechauns, and then share our learnings with the class.

I heard snickers bubble up from behind me. Yep, the second I came in to class Ms. Smith decided to put me right in front of the one and only Malcom Wyres.

A burst of anger ran through my mind. I wish I could just make them stop bothering me. I wish I could just pummel them, walk out of school and never come back. That would be really nice.

I ran through the multiple web sites on leprechauns. Most were the same, the usual shoe making midget with gold and a rainbow. Every picture looked the same with a small guy in a green suit that normally had an orange beard, and of course a pot of gold. All of them looked ugly, cheesey and incredibly lame.

Ms. Smith finally decided to stand up after an excruciatingly boring 20 minutes,“who would like to tell us a fact about leprechauns,” she said in her normal montone.

A few kids raised their hands. There was stuff about shoes, gold, and green but after that the room was silent no one had any thing else. Ms. Smith decided to start calling names. Michel told us about rainbows. Seth decided to point out that leprechauns could only be guys.

A couple more were called I tried to pretend not to be paying attention as soon as I noticed everyone staring at me with every fact.
Everything seemed to be going ok until she called out a final name, “Mr. Malcolm do you have any facts to present to the class?”
I felt my self freeze, as Seth’s hand tightened on his old yellow pencil.
I could practically hear the smug smile on that boy’s face “No, but I’m pretty sure Kat does”

It seemed like the room was holding its breath waiting for my reaction. I only noticed slightly after word.
After my vision went red. After I clenched my fists harder than I ever had.  After I turned around and punched Malcolm Wyre in the smack dab middle of his face right in his nose.

There was a loud gasp from the class and a surprising shout from the teacher and it all went black.

I wish I could say Malcolm hit me back and I blacked out. No. The blinds shut, and the lights turned off. There was of course the stereotypical scream.

I felt Seth’s hand on my shoulder “come on lets get out of here while we still can”

I couldn't help but be slightly bothered why did Seth turn out the lights. Its not like when I come back to school I won't get in trouble.

A sudden low voice sounded making my skin crawl “you dare insult the irish”

The room went cold and the loud sounds of shuffling and talking stopped. What the heck was that? It was definitely an Irish voice but, no one had an Irish accent. The only person I’d ever known was my grandpa, he was dead now.

A sudden yelp jarred me out of my thoughts. It sounded kinda familiar like Martin Wyres. There was a small scuttering sound like....... like small feet. I put two and two together. We were being attacked by Leprechauns.
Of course Shara the school genius said it first “we are being attacked by leprechauns”

All heck was let loose. The half the girls started screaming. Every single boy started laughing along with the other half of girls. All except for the twins, the Wyre Twins, they were no silent in the dark room. Why hadn't anyone bothered to turn on the lights.

I stumbled toward the direction of the door. I bumped into every person possible. Then there was a scream not like the others. One of pure terror it sounded like Taylor the most popular girl in school.
Most people decided it was time to panic.

People started running around and going crazy, someone was yelling stuff about zombies, most people started clattering on to their desks as if you touched the floor you would be attacked. One would wonder where the teacher was.

I was pushed back as I tried to get to the light and straight in to Ms. Smith who fell back and knocked her head on the edge of the table. She was out like a light.

I am definitely getting suspended. I stumbled to the lights and flicked them on. I stared intently at the lights not wanting to look up yet. This was not a disaster I wanted to be responsible for. The quiet silence that normally not in our classroom got to me. I looked up.

The desks were knocked over, all over the classroom, and there were multiple students on them. There was green paint all over most looked like little foot prints and four leaf clovers. The blood on the carpet where Malcolm fell would probably stain this class for ever. Every single student was staring at me like I was a serial killer or a mass murderer. That wasn't even the worst part. The worst part was the two people duct taped and unconscious to the back of the wall.

The Wyre Twins. Both had their hair dyed orange, their faces were painted bright green and the neon green duct tape had a couple darker green spray painted words.

“Happy Saint Patrick’s Day”
This would be a lot to explain.

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on Feb. 5 2015 at 12:50 pm
RustleCrowe BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
caw caw caw caw

garbage this is