Outlander Series Preview | Teen Ink

Outlander Series Preview

February 8, 2015
By Provider GOLD, Peoria, Arizona
Provider GOLD, Peoria, Arizona
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live for today, and think of tomorrow.

"Do you know what is going on in our world?" she asks me, walking further out onto the tall balcony above the city, "Do you know what it is that is happening to the planet of Azfald?" I shake my head no, not knowing what she's getting at, but worry began to poke at me. "We were at the brink of war, the end of the golden age, the very end of this world and all who live here. The Sarna were preparing their weapons of anti magic, the Menel were ready to strike this very city to gain knowledge of their enemies and in the midsts of all this chaos the Lith were going to finish the survivors of the battle for this city. We were about to destroy ourselves and the planet altogether," she stops for a second, and looks at me with hope, "Then, you came to us, entering our world, and everything began to change. Nothing became clear as to what was going to happen to us, everything just stopped. War was held back the instant your presence was known on this world and your power is just beginning to grow." She looks out to the vast and endless land all around us. "You either will bring us hope and save us all from this path," she says closing her eyes as she disappears before me, "or you will push us further and quicker down this path to the end of this world."

The author's comments:

I've been working on the series for a little while but it's taking a lot of time. Frankly, this preview could be a little bit longer but it's all I'm willing to show right now. I might post the first edition to the series later in the future.

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