Darkness | Teen Ink


March 4, 2015
By Anonymous

The Battle for Muspelheim
There was once a city in a land far, far, away named Muspelheim. This was no ordinary
city? it was a city plagued with misery, sickness, sorrow and death. Death was about the only
constant in this town, nothing else was certain. However there was one person in the town who
was prophesied to one day rise from the ranks of the inhabitants and lift the town from the curse
that was placed on them by the Ancients because of an unforgivable act committed by one
person? so much time had elapsed that no one even remembered what this heinous crime was.
Thousands and thousands of millenniums had come and gone, yet the prophesied hero hadn’t
liberated the town yet. Many brave heroes had gone on conquests and trials that they believed
would please the Ancients and cause them to end the suffering they had reigned upon the town
for eternity. Things were starting to look up when a boy by the name of Kevin was born? his face
had a resplendent glow to it, and he was born holding a hammer in his right hand and a sword in
his right. Everyone expected him to be the One.
One day soon after the birth of Kevin, darkness descended upon the town, all power
went out, chaos was stirring from the bottomless pit that was located in the center of the town.
There was something palpable in the air, but no one was able to put a name upon that
mysterious presence. Something more than the residents of Muspelheim were accustomed to?
And trust me when I say the inhabitants of this fiery land had seen and experienced all possible
calamities known to mankind. Yet this situation was so bizarre that even the wisest, strongest
and bravest of them all, The White Elder who had lived a thousand years, was befuddled and at
a loss for words and spells. For 40 days and 40 nights, the denizens of Muspelheim stayed
barred up inside their abodes fearing for their lives.
On the 41st day a dark, jet black creature standing over 30 feet tall with bloodshot red
eyes rose from the pit, time seemed to freeze as he stepped out into the center of the town. Dark
storm clouds swirled around him and tornado like winds touched down. It seemed like this
hideous yet eye catching creature was controlling these tornados? with his arms he directed the
powerful winds at the houses of the town, uprooting them from the ground sending them in all
directions. Then in a deep, thundering, earth shattering voice the creature from the bottomless pit
bellowed: “Let the boy known as Kevin come forth and fight me, the Ancients have sent me to kill
him and end all hopes of your salvation, and once I defeat him I have been commanded to
annihilate the rest of you sorry residents and wipe any trace of your existence, however if by
some sheer luck, Kevin defeats me in combat the Ancients have decided to alleviate all of you
from all of your troubles and Muspelheim will go back to its glorious days and prosper for eternity
. Kevin has 3 hours to come and accept my challenge or the town will perish”. Hearing these
words, a collective shudder ran through the whole town, everyone turned their thoughts to the
White Elder and prayed fervently that he would come up with a solution to get them out of this
Sitting all by himself in his watch tower, the White Elder knew that he was powerless
against the wishes of the Ancients, yet he couldn’t allow in good conscience Kevin, a boy of not
even 7 years, to go out and battle this monstrosity of a being. But at the same time he knew that
if Kevin wasn’t allowed to fight him, the town would be wiped out anyways so the only option was
to let Kevin fight him. It wasn’t as though Kevin was defenseless though, from the time he was
born he had been training in all types of combat and had become a master in 10 of the 24
different fighting styles that was known to them and was close to attaining master in the other 14
styles. But no one had expected him to carry out the task to liberate the town at such a tender
age? the White Elder had thought Kevin would have had time to grow up and mature into a man
before freeing the town, but fate had different plans. So the White Elder came to the inevitable
conclusion that Kevin had to go and fight and hope for the best. Suddenly a thought struck the
White Elder, he could imbue Kevin and his weapons with magic spells and potions that would
protect him! Now the White Elder didn’t feel so hopeless. As fast as he could move and think, he
conjured up the most powerful charms to protect Kevin and the most potent spells to cause
damage to the beast. Without losing any time, the White Elder summoned Kevin to come to the
watch tower.
Meanwhile as the White Elder was preparing his potions, Kevin was very stoic and
preparing his armor and weapons in order to fight whatever the creature was. Kevin didn’t have
any fears as he was still very young and was very confident in his abilities. He had already
quelled some ferocious enemies including a fire breathing dragon, but he had seen nothing like
this creature. Kevin thought that his best approach to defeating him was to be very nimble and
evasive since he was so large, he also knew he would have to utilize his bow and his
surroundings like the rooftops and trees if he was to land any blows to the monsters vital
regions. Just as he was about to take his moms blessings and step outside to battle, he
received the White Elders message. He quickly took his moms blessingsshe
had utmost
confidence in his abilitiesand
set out to the watch tower.
Upon arrival at the watch tower, the White Elder moved very quickly and without uttering
a word to Kevin hastily cast the spells on him and his weapons as there was only 30 minutes left
before the appointed time for the battle. Within 15 minutes the all the spells were placed and the
White Elder gave Kevin some last minute advice on how to battle such a tall creature. The time
had come for Kevin to go out and battle whatever the Ancients had sent down upon the town.
As Kevin exited the watch tower and defiantly walked to the center of the town,
everyone in the town nervously peered out of their windows, praying for the best but expecting
the worst. As soon as Kevin stepped out into the center of the town, the hideous creature
stepped out of the shadows and pounced on Kevin? the whole town thought it was over before it
even started but Kevin had other ideas in mind. Kevin deftly sidestepped the creature and swiftly
jabbed since sword into the creatures leg. It let out a earpiercing
scream that shattered every
glass window in the vicinity as the White Elders spell took effect. In his rage the creature swung
at Kevin and caught him off guard and sent him flying into a house. Kevin groaned and took his
time getting up. Once he got up he launched himself at the monster that stood between him and
freedom for his people. He attacked the creature the Ancients had sent down upon them with
renewed energy and purpose. The duel was an evenly matched battle with both combatants
landing deadly blows on each other, but neither one could gain any ground on the other. The
battle raged on for hours, then hours turned into days, days into weeks, weeks into months? in
the third month of battle Kevin seemed to be getting the upper hand, he had slowly but surely
weakened the creature while being continuously protected by the White Elder’s charms. Finally
after a long sequence of blows exchanged, Kevin slipped his sword past his opponents guard
and sliced of his arm. The monster let out a bellow that caused the whole ground to shake. Kevin
wasted no time in jumping on the creature and piercing him with his sword all over his body. The
creature started to collapse to the ground.
Kevin had won the battle after three long, hard fought months. The Ancients descended
onto the ground and lifted the curse from the town and promised to leave them alone forever.
They bestowed upon Kevin the gift of immortality and gave him the title of the Unconquerable.
The whole town rejoiced and celebrated and enjoyed prosperous and happy times for the rest of
eternity. In his own time, after he had lived a long and rich life, Kevin passed away on his own
terms, Death never had the pleasure of taking him. The legend of Kevin grew and was passed
on from generation to generation with each boy and girl aspiring to be exactly like him. There
would never be another like Kevin and thankfully the town of Muspelheim never experienced any
more problems.

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