Power | Teen Ink


March 16, 2015
By Anonymous

It was a Monday morning, fourteen-year old Anthony was on his way to school in Pennsylvania. He is a good kid with A's and B's in his classes. His favorite thing to do is play football with his friends. As usual, he went by on his classes, took notes, studied, whatever it is that 9th graders do. However, after Anthony got home from school he ate, slept, and did homework. That night there was a party at Annie's house. Anthony had loved Annie ever since second grade. Little did he know, she felt the same way about him. Anthony was invited to that party, after asking for permission, he went. It was a hysterical party, teens dancing, playing games, and simply having fun. Almost all of the 9th graders were there. After an hour Anthony wasn't feeling good. He had successfully danced with his crush, but something told him it was time to bail. He was on his way home around the block until he past the park. After examining it, Anthony felt he should go there. He went more deep within the trees, since the park was like a forest. After walking for about 30 minutes, he encountered some sort of crystal. The crystal began to glow as soon as he picked it up. Then it just exploded causing a mark to form on his hand. Anthony decided to go home since it was night and he needed to go to school the next day. Feeling dazed, Anthony decided to stay home from school. With that, he fell asleep. A few hours later Anthony woke up, but he wasn't asleep where he was. Instead he had woken up in his living room. He was sleeping in his room. The lamp next to his the coach was floating, he had been given powers! Over the next few weeks he had mastered his power over objects and teleportation. Not only did he have those two abilities but he also learned how to shape-shift. He turned into people, cats, dogs, and inanimate objects. He decided to use his powers for good and helped people. Anthony told Annie of this power and the two instantly fell in love. Everything went great for a year, but then a villain had awakened. It was a monster, a demon. Anthony used his power as best he could, levitating cars, transforming into giant creatures, teleporting to its blind spots. The battle was furious, blood was spilled, it lasted for 5 hours. After the battle was one Anthony had disappeared, just like his opponent. Some say that he is trapped in another dimension, others say he is dead, we'll never know.

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