The creature. | Teen Ink

The creature.

March 25, 2015
By adrik0622 BRONZE, Park City, Utah
adrik0622 BRONZE, Park City, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We never truly know what we have until its gone.

I grabbed my jacket and advanced outside, it was chilly out today. I look up at the blue and grey sky and stopped for a moment watching it pass overhead. It was cold, but nice out. I smiled and walked to the door of my great green house. It was cozy, but it was more than I could ask for.
The door creaked as I opened it.
“Daddy!” Sammy yelled.
“How’s it going buddy?” I grunted as I lift him up. “did you do your homework?”
“Yes.”He said putting emphasis on the S.
“Good! Good! So, guess what?” I proclaimed.
“What?!” Sammy said excited. I set him down on the bench in front of the door. He looked up into my eyes with his deep blue ones, and I tried to stall, to savor the moment. I watched closely as the excitement in Sammy’s eyes grew, and then I pulled my hand out of my jacket. Sammy’s new toy. A small superman action figure, from the dollar store.
“Wow!” Sammy exclaimed. “This is awesome! Thanks dad!” Sammy yelled as he ran off making plane sounds with his mouth. I felt bad every time I had to go to the dollar store to buy Sammy a new toy. I don’t have the money for anything more. I know Sammy will always be thankful. He’s a good kid, and he makes the most of everything, I’ve never seen him unhappy.
He never even questions who his mom was, and why he’s never heard of her. As a matter of fact, no one’s heard of her. Only I remember her. But it was hazy, I only remember her face, not even a name. It was a mystery I have been struggling with ever since Sammy was born, which was also hazy. I don’t remember Sammy being born.
It is more than strange me being his father, but I simply can’t remember. I began walking down the hall towards the kitchen, it was a small kitchen but it was more than enough. I looked at the oven which was conveniently placed under the microwave, and looked at the time.
“9:30” I muttered, way past Sammy’s bedtime. “Sammy” I said calmly. Sammy rushed from his play area in the living room to come see me.
“Yes dad?” He said grinning. I smiled, and looked him in the eyes.
“Do you know what time it is?” I crouched down as I said.
“nine-ish” Sammy replied still smiling ear to ear.
“You liar!” I said playfully and picked him up and carried him away from the kitchen, and down the hall to his bedroom. I opened the door that was across another door, to my room. I go into Sammy’s room and set him onto the bed. He looked at me with his tired eyes.
“I love you dad” Sammy said quietly as he nestled his head into his pillow. All I could think about was how lucky I was. Even when I struggle to pay the rent. I turned Sammy’s light off and walked out to the hallway.
Before I went into my room, I stopped and looked to the end of the hall. Looked to the room at the end of the hall. For some reason it has always given me an eerie feeling. Like it wasn’t meant to be there. I go in the room every so often, the floorboards resist every step you take. I decided it would be best not to go into the spare room.
I crossed over the hallway to my room, which was just across from Sammy’s room. I took in a deep breath and exhaled sharply. Not a big room, just barely enough space for a bed, I gave Sammy the master bedroom and bought him a cheap television. He only uses it when I’m gone, he likes being with me when I’m home. I climb into my bed, and cozy up into my pillows and sheets. I close my eyes and drift away.
“Daddy! Daddy!” I wake up to Sammy’s frantic voice. “There’s a monster in the house!” Sammy panicked.
“Alright, alright slow down!” I replied in the calmest voice I could summon. “What do you mean theres a monster in the house?” I said standing up from my bed.
“He came out of my closet, he said he was here to take me back!” Sammy said with sweat beating off his forehead. But it was at this moment when I knew that it was only a nightmare, and Sammy was worried over nothing.
“Alright buddy, theres no monster in the house. You just had a bad dream” I said as I picked him up.
“A bad dream?” Sammy said confused.
“Yeah, some dreams can be scary unlike the other ones.” Now I was setting him down in my bed.
“Are you sure theres no monster in my closet?” Sammy asked calming down
“Yes, I’m sure.” I said with a smile on my face now. I set Sammy down in my bed and he curled up. I figured I would check it out just to be sure.
I proceeded outside my door and to the hallway. I crossed the hallway and opened Sammy’s door. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. But there was a weird smell in the air, it smelt very odd, nothing like I smelled before. I disregarded the smell and proceeded back to my room to go to bed. As I crossed back into the hall I saw the spare room door was opened. I froze. I couldn’t remember if it was opened or not when I went to bed, so I went down the hallway to the spare bedroom and entered the room.
The same smell that was in Sammy’s smell was in here. It was hard to make out, but it was a smell that made me very drowsy. Before proceeding further into the room, I observed all the surroundings in the room. It was another small room, a room around the size of mine but without a window to the outside. No furniture, no closet, just a small room.
I decided to leave the spare room and close the door. I proceeded back down the hall and into my room. I lay down next to Sammy, who is already sound asleep. Close my eyes and let my body drift into peace.
I woke up to the silence of my house, Sammy was already awake, he was downstairs playing with his toys. I went downstairs to greet Sammy and do some work.
“Hi Sammy!” I said happily as I proceeded walking through the living room. No response from Sammy. I stopped in the great room, I looked at Sammy. Sammy wasn’t playing with his toys, just sitting in one place the entire time I’ve been sleeping. “Sammy are you ok?” I said with concerned biting my voice.
Still no response. Now I was worried. I walked up behind Sammy and grabbed his shoulder. He shook my hand off his shoulder and curled up into a ball from the position he was in. “Sammy this isn’t funny!” I said raising my voice. Still no response. I decided to let Sammy work this out himself and I went into my office to start working.
I worked from 7:00 AM until 8:00 PM, Sammy’s bedtime. Sammy bugged me a couple a times while I was working, but I couldn’t be bothered, he still didn’t say anything which worried me. I exited my workspace, and went into the great room.
“Alright Sammy!” I said quickly. “Time for bed!” I said in excitement. Sammy stood up with almost no emotion, and rushed to his bedroom. I followed him, with a new worry in each breath I took. I got down the hallway to Sammy’s room.
“Ok buddy you need to talk to me, I’m trying to help.” I said in a calm voice. No response. I sighed deeply, and went into my bedroom. Sammy had no reason to be mad at me. I lay down in my bed and let my body drift into the tense vibes running through the house tonight. It was hard for me to fall asleep. I couldn’t understand why Sammy was refusing to talk to me. Regardless I close my eyes and fall into nothing.
I wake up with sweat beating on my head. I saw it. The creature. It was hovered over my bed, it didn’t have eyes. All of it’s joints were bent, and it looked as if its spine was disfigured in several ways. It was almost as if the creature was staring into my soul.
It ran into Sammy’s room with unhumanly speed. I let out a single yelp, and jumped out of bed. I ran into Sammy’s room, and it was taking Sammy into his own closet.
“What are you doing!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. The creature set Sammy down gently. It rushed over to me and looked me dead in the eyes. And he stared me down. Then he began opening his mouth and he spoke in a weak voice.
“I need him back” He said taking a breath within each voice. His voice was weak, like he never spoken before. “He is mine.” The creature said.
“No, he’s mine” I said trying to resist the creature.
“You are wrong!” The creature said quietly. “You do not remember?” He said as if every breath made him weaker.
“Remember? Remember what?” I spoke frantically.
“I gave you Sammy” He said having more and more troubles speaking. “You were always alone. You would always dream about the perfect child.” He said as I stood stunned. His voice kept growing stronger now with each word spoken. “You never asked, so I guess this is wrong for me to take him back.” He said with a stronger voice
“Wrong? You’re a liar! Sammy is mine!” I said now screaming.
“Who is his mother.” The creature asked. “How old is Sammy?” his voice now sounding lucid and clear. I recognized his voice. He had Sammy’s voice. Now I stood shocked. I looked over at Sammy who was crying, but he had no mouth. He had no nose. It was like they were never there, just skin replacing the areas where they were.
“I. I don’t know!” I stuttered with each word.
“That is because I made him for you. But I had to use my own body to make Sammy, and now I am dying. So it is time for me to take him back.” replied the beast with each word sounding more mature.
“No! I won’t let you!” I said with tears running down my face. “He’s my son, my baby!” I said with each breath getting harder.
“This is out of your control John. It’s best you just accept it.”
“Who are you?”
“You should know. I made your dream come true. I am the sandman.” My body froze as I remembered the day Sammy arrived. The dreams. Everything. Then the monster grabbed my head. Everything went black.

John never remembered having a son. Neither did any of the town. He lived out his days being a lonely man, until he found his love. But he always stood, and paused at the wall where Sammy’s bedroom was. The area where the door was was now covered by what seemed like a simple wall. John though always felt a pain, always a mourning in his heart whenever he stopped to stare at the wall.
Sometimes we never know what we truly have until it’s taken from us. Even when we don’t know, the pain will take place and root itself down into our hearts and anchor our soul. Cherish all the time you have now.

The author's comments:

The story of the sandman inspired this.

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