The Peacemaker: Part 1 | Teen Ink

The Peacemaker: Part 1

March 30, 2015
By AlexVille BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
AlexVille BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I got a dollar and dream." - J. Cole

The Peacemaker: Part 1
In 2030, every nation became one because of a certain man. This man is known as Unknown. No one knows who this man is other than his parents who are six-feet under. The government has no record of him. He isn’t an alien, he just hides in the shadows where he could never be found.

Chapter 1: The Statue of Liberty Falls
Unknown had to do many sacrifices in order to the world in one. Unknown has two choices, one of those choices was to travel the world and try to convince everyone about making peace reality. The other choice was to slay those in power. Unknown made his decision, which was to kill every man or woman in power. Unknown came up with a suicidal plan, which was to kill the top dogs in the United States by his self. His first targets were Mike Six, the president of the United States and the president’s cabinet. He made his move December 24, 2020. By midnight, President Six and his family were killed. By 3:30 am, Unknown killed all of the president’s cabinet members and their family members. They were killed without any trace left behind.
The United States fell to the ground one week after the assassination. On December 30, 2020, Unknown became the president of the United States by being an honest man. At 9 pm, he sent out a message on live television stating, “I would bring peace to this country, you must trust me with your lives. I am known as the Peacemaker. There would be consequences to those who do not follow me, to prove this, go check your mail. I got everyone an early christmas present, which is a remote control bomb. To prove that I am not bluffing, in 5 mins you are going to see Grimace Elementary burn down to ashes. Now, It’s up to you to follow my orders or death will await you. Choose wisely my friends, Bye!” Five minutes after, millions of Americans witness Grimace Elementary blow up and in the matter of minutes, Unknown was the ruler of the greatest nation on Earth, the United States of America.
Chapter 2: Who’s Next?
Unknown was frustrated because controlling a country was not the easy thing to achieve especially when someone is trying to bring it back to its feet within two weeks. The United States was back to normal on January 12, 2012. Unknown was really busy until the day he got the chance to make a risky decision. On February 2, 2021, Unknown appointed the new vice president, John Steves, to rule the U.S. until his return. It was time for Unknown to visit Europe. His plan is to appoint different candidates of his preference to be king of Spain and the United Kingdom. Also, to become the president of Germany. The plan was to conquer each country within one week. Unknown will go to Europe with special ops team called “Soul Taker.” This special unit consist of 10 members that are highly trained and they are the top ten soldiers in the world. They each know how to eliminate presidents, kings, etc. Unknown influenced them to fight for him by offering them $100 billion dollars. They will soon set foot on the United Kingdom.
Chapter 3: Stressed out
On February 5, 2021, Unknown and his crew decided to take a break. He felt that he needed some rest before the assassination. Unknown visited many places in London such as the West End Theater, Westfield Stratford,Wembley Stadium, etc. Even though he enjoyed every site he visited, he still looked unsatisfied. His crew noticed his unpleasant look on his face, which gave them an idea of taking him to a strip club. Unknown’s mood changed, the strippers were worshipping him like as if he was a god. Later that night, one of his body guards, Nick Chase,  introduced him to cocaine. Unknown was pressured by Nick to take a sniff. After one minute, he felt that he was in another world. Unknown was completely happy and excited, they partied all night. The next day, Unknown felt noxious. He went to the clinic and discovered that he had taken cocaine. He became furious, so he gathered his whole squad up to ask them questions individually. He wanted to know who gave him cocaine in the strip club and if no one tells him what he wants to hear then there would consequences, which is death. Every member of the special ops them pointed their finger at Nick. Nick was tortured for two days and then he was buried alive. Little did they know, Nick was taken out of his coffin 3 hours later. There was four days left until the assassination.
Chapter 4: Captured
A day before the assassination of the king of England, Unknown went over the assassination plot with his henchmen. Unknown’s plan was going to be executed perfectly since the king of England was going to celebrate his birthday with the public. The next day, every member of “Soultaker” were in their positions one hour before the birthday bash. Thirty minutes before the bash started, every member including Unknown got arrested for attempted murder. How did we get caught?, Unknown kept asking his self. When they arrived at the Cambridge Police Station, they noticed Nick was talking to the police chief.  Unknown couldn’t believe his eyes, he thought he killed him. Everyone was under interrogation for three days. Officer Lance was investigating Nick’s case and the plot of assassinating King Buck. Nick’s case was dismissed after three weeks of investigation,  there was no proof of Unknown and his crew torturing him and actually burying him. However, King Buck’s case was under investigation for 6 months. Officer Lance found blueprints and the plot of the assassination in Unknown’s hotel room. Everyone else were released since they only found evidence against Unknown. His court case was going to be on August 8th. On August 8th, Unknown was no where to be found.
Chapter 5: It’s Time
Unknown broke out of jail forty five minutes before his court case started. One of the members of “Soultaker” dressed up as an police chief and gave Unknown clothes without any other officer noticing. Then Unknown’s henchmen took him out of his cell and walkout of the police station without causing any attention. Five minutes later, Officer Lance noticed that Unknown was gone. Every police station and officer was addressed to look for Unknown, England was under lockdown in the matter of minutes. King Buck was notified about the situation right away, Officer Lance was fired right away since he just let a highly trained assassin escape. Unknown and his henchmen went straight to King Buck’s mansion. Without any recognition, King Buck’s body guards were all eliminated in matter of seconds. When the mansion was all clear, team “Soultaker” rushed up to the king’s room. They breached through the door and held King Buck and his family hostage. Thirty minutes later, Unknown arrived at King Buck’s mansion. Unknown tried to negotiate with King Buck; however, King Buck refused to be involved in Unknown’s ideas. Unknown decided to not kill King Buck and his family; instead, he decided to send King Buck and his family to the United States for they could be held in custody for trying to kill the president of the United States during a secret conference.

To be Continued..

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