Magical Crocodile | Teen Ink

Magical Crocodile

April 7, 2015
By Anonymous

It was a beautiful day. I was In a village with my friends.  It was hot and we were sitting under a tree shade bored. There was a small river near our village. We decided to go to the river a swim since it was hot. I asked my parents and they give me permission to go to the river. Me and my group of friends got on their bikes and we went to the river. The water was so cold and it was so fun to swim in the river. We were swimming in the river and suddenly I felt something under my feet.


It was a crocodile! A big crocodile. I yelled at my friends   Crocodile run! The crocodile tried to attack us but we were lucky and we quickly got out of the water. We were standing on side of the river looking at the crocodile. He was huge with his big mouth. We left our bikes on side of the river and we quickly ran back to the Village. There was a group of mans chatting. We ran to them and told them about the crocodile. They got their sticks and came with us to the river.  When we got to the river there wasn’t any crocodile, only a dolphin swimming around. Those mans looked at us angrily. One of them said is this your crocodile?


They went back to the village.  We were standing there looking at the swimming dolphin. We saw the dolphin turn into a crocodile. Our moths were left open and my body was shaking. The crocodile opened his huge mouth came closer to us, and turns back into dolphin, and disappeared.  Since that day we never went back to the river. I still remember that magical looking crocodile

The author's comments:

Its a Magical True Story

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