The Know It All | Teen Ink

The Know It All

May 1, 2015
By Sarah Macaluso BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
Sarah Macaluso BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One bright and sunny day I woke up and performed my normal routine, but something felt different about myself.  I could not put my finger on it until I went downstairs to eat breakfast and started talking to my mom.  I for some reason heard this voice in my head that was talking about what my mom wanted to do today, but I just thought that it was my imagination talking.  I started talking to my mom about what she was going to do today and her plans matched up with what the voice in my head was saying.  I suddenly got really confused and nervous but decided to just forget about it.  Well little did I know that these silly voices were not going to go away because when I got to school, I started hearing many voices in my head, and some were nasty thoughts and others just plain weird.  I thought maybe I was going crazy or something so I decided to do a little test on someone.  I walked up to my friend Sharla, and what do you know, the voices flooded back in my head and they said, “Oh my gosh, I cannot believe I just got an F on my math test.”  I decided to ask Sharla if she got an F on her math test and she said, “Yes, how did you know that?”  My heart dropped after Sharla confirmed this because that meant that I could read people’s minds for real.  I started getting really excited and could not wait to use these powers that I had no idea existed.  I suddenly remembered that I had a softball game that evening and literally jumped for joy because I could use these powers to my advantage to help my teammates and I.  This softball game was not just a regular softball game; it was the championship game.  After school I ran home and dressed myself as fast as I could.  When I got to the game, I started to sweat because first of all it was scorching hot, and second of all I had this abnormal super power that would cause people to think I’m crazy if anyone found out about it.  When the game finally started, I was the first one up to bat and suddenly started hearing the thoughts of what the pitcher was going to pitch to me.  I acted very calm but inside I was jumping for joy.  I took a deep breath and told myself, “You got this.  You know it all.”  I hit her pitch almost out of the park because I knew exactly how to hit it and how fast I had to react to her pitch.  The stands went nuts, and soon we were winning by two points.  Sadly the other team came back in the fourth inning and was up by a point.  It was the last inning, my team had two outs, bases loaded, and I was up to bat with two strikes.  The game depended on whether or not I got a hit and brought the people on the bases home or if I struck out and got the last out for my team.  My body was trembling in fear but I had one advantage that no one knew about.  I rolled my shoulders back and closed my eyes for a second.  I stared the pitcher down and listened to the voice in my head so I knew exactly what she was going to pitch me.  She pitched me a fastball, which is just what I expected, and I hit that ball out of the park.  I crushed that ball and felt like the most powerful person in the stadium.  My team went crazy and ran up to me when I got to home plate and picked me up on top of their shoulders.  The fans were screaming so loud, sweat and tears were rolling down all of my teammates faces including mine, and all of our faces were covered in mud.  I did not care what I looked like because we just won the championship game, and most of all I had a superpower that allowed me to know it all.

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