The Unrewarded Sacrifice | Teen Ink

The Unrewarded Sacrifice

April 28, 2015
By Barron Wallace BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
Barron Wallace BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time in a kingdom ruled by a ruthless king, there were five poor young adults that had grown up together all their lives in the poorest part of the village. These peasants loved to play music for the people of the kingdom. They had no recollection of their parents, but they had all been born with a large scar on their left shoulder. Throughout each day, they traveled from vendor to vendor playing their various instruments in order to make enough money to feed themselves one meal a day. The ruthless king believed in a pure kingdom and wanted a perfect kingdom, so he decreed that all people living in his kingdom with a mental or physical defect were to be put to death at once.
The very next day the king’s guards inspected all the vendors, peasants, and nobles of the kingdom and locked all of the people with defects or impairments into the dungeon to await their death. That night, all of the guards gathered to discuss their progress. All was going well until their meeting was brought to an abrupt halt when they heard the sound of music coming from the dungeon. When the guards arrived at the situation they found all five of the young musicians playing their music while they awaited their death. The guards were very impressed at their talent, and they believed that the king should spare their lives. The guards managed to spare their lives one more day in order for the king to hear their music. Unfortunately, the king did not enjoy their performance, and he especially did not like the fact that they had scars on their left shoulders. However, the king’s son pitied the young performers, and he decided he would help the peasants escape death. The prince knew that if he was caught his father would only have one more reason to kill him. The king hated his son ever since he was born, and he was always looking for a chance to violently kill his son.
Late that night the prince snuck down to the dungeon from his bedroom to free the helpless children. The king realized what was going on and headed to the dungeon as well to take care of his son once and for all. When the king arrived, the prince was quickly shuffling the band through the door and into a cart which would take them to a land where they could be accepted and appreciated for their ability. As the king rounded the corner, he caught his son. He briskly withdrew his sword and stabbed him in the back, piercing his heart and driving him against the wall with the blood-stained metal shard of the sword protruding from the front of his chest. The king’s son fell to the floor in disbelief having loved his father from his birth. As he died on the floor he watch his new and last friends ride away from the death that could have so easily been theirs. The king left his son to rot on the floor instead of giving him a proper burial. He claimed that his son had fallen from the tower into the lake and drowned, but his father knew where he was. He was a pile of bones loosely covered in thin patches of rotten skin slowly becoming a part of the floor that was forbidden for anyone to cross. The punishment was the same death as his son. The small band of young musicians never forgot the young prince and never stopped telling his story to those in kingdoms far away.

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