The Ape-mazing Guard | Teen Ink

The Ape-mazing Guard

June 1, 2015
By JoeGalante BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
JoeGalante BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Deep in the jungle, there was a large village. It housed dozens of primates. From monkeys, to apes, to orangutans, they all lived together in harmony. One monkey, was looking for a job. Coincidentally, there was a job opening for the village guard. Although he wanted the job, he was too scrawny to guard a village.

“I’m gonna get that job,” thought the monkey.
The next morning, the Monkey set out to King Gorilla’s palace. He walked into the main room where the King was sitting on his throne, with his head held as high as a skyscraper.
“What has brought you here?” King Gorilla spoke with a mighty tone.
“I’m looking for a job,” the monkey requested.
“It cannot possibly be the job for guard! For you are weak and scrawny!” laughed the King.
“I may be small and scrawny, but I can protect this village. Fire me if I don’t,” said the monkey with confidence.
“Hmmm you seem sure of yourself ; I like your attitude. You got the job,” replied King Gorilla.
“Really? Oh my gosh thank you!” shouted the monkey.
“You start tomorrow, don’t be late,” replied King Gorilla.
The monkey happily left the King’s palace. The next morning, the monkey went to his new job. For the first day, it was pretty nice for the monkey because no one attacked the village. The monkey was convinced that his job was easy, because the next day, the same thing happened!
“Maybe I should take a nap. Nothing is happening anyway,” pondered the monkey.
The Monkey slept for hours, mindless of what was going on around him. The village was being attacked by Chinggis the Hyena and his tribe. They were stopped by guards, that had to come all the way from the King’s palace. The King immediately called the monkey to his palace.
“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?” shouted the King.
“I fell asleep, not knowing the village was under attack! I am truly sorry! Please give me one more chance!” begged the monkey.
“Perhaps,” replied the King “but very well then. I will give you another chance.”
“Oh thank you so much! I --”
“But if you fail,” the King cut off the monkey “you’re fired.”
“Don’t worry I will not let you down!" the monkey said, marching out of the palace. The next day, the Monkey was restlessly guarding the village. Chinggis the Hyena was coming over the horizon.
      "THE HYENAS ARE COMING!" the monkey hollered.
An army from the village came down and fought the hyenas, defending the village. The monkey was rewarded for saving the village.

Moral: Sometimes second chances are meant to be given.

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