The Things | Teen Ink

The Things

June 3, 2015
By Anonymous

It was a quiet night in my hometown in the abandoned beach side of Connecticut. Like most days there was a light drizzle outside with a thin fog rolling in from the east and some large choppy waves crashing into the rocks on shore. This may seem like an odd place for most people, but for me it was a place where I felt happy and stress free.  I had a job working on a small fishing boat just 40 miles up the coast.  Not much, but when you live alone it’s more than enough to live off.   That day while I listening to the radio up stairs, I heard a sound that I had never heard before.  It sounded a lot like fingers screeching on a chalkboard combined with the sound of a snapping bone.  I looked outside and saw nothing but the trash and the stack of logs that I keep to help build a fire.   I went down stairs to see what it was and when I opened the door I saw a large, dead fish lying on the ground.  It had been eaten down to the bare bone with only it’s large eyes and tail left.  I looked at the dead fish and had no idea what it was.  Then out of the coroner of my eye my eye I saw it.  The thing ran inside my house and out of sight.  All I could make out was that it was large and had teeth stained red from the blood that was left over from the fish.   I ran right to my shed to grab my phone and my bright and shiny new double barrel shot gun.   As quickly as I could I dialed 911 to my phone the police.   The man on the other side of the line said “ 911 what is your emergency?” I said,“ there is a large animal in my house, I need help quickly!” The operator then asked, “ can you describe the animal?” I told him what I had seen.  He then told me “ Sir, I will have the police sent to your location but, it will take a while for them to get there”.  As I hung up I heard large growls coming from my house. I ran to my front porch at full speed and busted down the door.  When I came in I found noting.  Then as I was walking into the kitchen I saw something russsling in the cupboard. I slowly inched my way over to the cupboard to be able to shoot the creature. But before I could shoot,  the beast jumped at me with it fangs coming straight at my face. As quick as I could I hit the floor. When I looked up it was clinging to the wall, and then faster then I could react the creature clamped to my face and began to stretch. I struggled, and was eventually was able to get the creature off my face. I could feel the warm blood flowing down my face like a fast streaming river.  I looked down at the floor, I was surrounded by a growing dark black pool of blood around my feet.  Finally as I lay flat on the floor I got a good look at the creature. It was smaller than when I first saw it.   It had fangs bigger than two small sharp knives, along with it sharp claws the size of my index finger.  I looked at it, then it looked at me.  Suddenly it leapt toward me and there was a loud “ bang”.  The creature fell to the floor right in front of me dead.  Just before I blacked out, I saw the face of who had shot it.  My son.        

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