Highest Intellect | Teen Ink

Highest Intellect

June 6, 2015
By Anonymous

It was a snowy day in the year 2025, with winds that could almost blow a small child off their feet. A young man around twenty-six years old named Harrison, was working on some blueprints for a new, innovative idea he had for a robot. Harrison had spent his entire life learning about working with technology and the mechanics  of cars and robotics with his father, who had passed away recently. The blueprints were on a short robot with spider like legs that would go into volcanoes and test rocks and gases for scientists and find out if they were harmful or not. He thought he’d call it Dante. He soon decided that he should take a break from work and clean himself up. He lifted up a small, rusty remote that he used for a select few amount of robots, and pressed a button that responded with a quiet beep. At that moment, a long bar came out of the floor with a mirror attached to the top. Harrison took a long look at himself. His thick, brown hair sat on his head in a short bush and was sticking up in different directions. He looked very tired, he was working all night, and had rings around his small, brown eyes with golden specks in them. Harrison was about 5’8 and was in very good shape. He quickly threw a beanie on his head and a long, brown coat on his body, then headed out into the snow.
Harrison trudged through the snow as fast as he could to try to make his way to the bar. On his way, his best Russian friend,Vladimir, came flying towards him on a hoverboard. Vladimir stopped hovering and stomped over to the mechanic.
“Jump on my back. I have something to show you.” he said in a serious tone.
  Harrison looked up at his eight foot tall, ripped friend. Vladimir had a ton of big, fluffy hair under his chin, but could never seem to grow any on the top of his head. His eyes were big and blue like the large, endless ocean and he always seemed to be smiling about one thing or the other. Only right now, he wasn’t smiling.
Upon arrival at the big man’s handsome abode, Vladimir threw Harrison into an open window leading to his living room. He landed perfectly onto a comfortable sofa. The T.V was already on and switched to a news report about the work robots, such as Gemini Scout and Mr. Gower, being found attacking innocent people and causing as much destruction as they could. Gemini Scout would climb on the city walls using its four legs and attempt to harm people who would walk by. The doctors in the hospital began noticing their patients all dying, even if they only had a small disease that wasn’t fatal, and soon found out that Mr. Gower had been poisoning them. The woman on the news explained that a hacker who goes by the nickname H has overridden the robots control systems and programmed them to now cause harm.
Harrison looked at Vladimir. “It’s time,” he said intently.
Vladimir pressed a button on his big stereo and inspiring classical music began to play as he got suited up into his Gadget Ninja Suit, as he liked to call it, and Harrison grabbed his stash of small attack robots from Vladimir’s garage. Harrison wasn’t quite big enough to fight in hand to hand combat, so he used robots instead. After getting what they needed from Vladimir’s house, they headed straight over to Harrison’s place. Here they would be able to possibly track where the signals controlling the robots were coming from, which may lead them to H, and they would be able to grab Harrison’s other gadgets and supplies. Harrison found it quite simple to hack the hacker and find out his location.
“The man that calls himself H is in an abandoned storage facility in Bridgeport, Connecticut,” he informed Vlad,”that’s a fourteen hour flight from where we are in Montana.”
“Don’t worry, I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve,” Vladimir replied, chuckling.
After picking up all of his gear, Harrison was grabbed by his friend, who then pressed a button on his suit that allowed his shoes able to propel them into the sky at speeds up to 5,000 mph. He felt as if his heart had dropped into his feet. After what seemed to be about five minutes, Vlad began flying towards the ground yelling,”We’ve made it!” The two were already able to tell that the robots had been there by the look of the city. Fires still burning, destroyed buildings, and human bodies were everywhere.
“The evil man must die,” mumbled Vladimir.
They looked around for quite a bit until they found the place. There were two gigantic robots that nearly towered over the tallest buildings and read “Bulldozer” on the sides of them, and many smaller robots such as replicas of Mr. Gower, but more dangerous looking, and Agribots set to kill any human being in sight.
“So I was thinking we could go for a more silent…” Harrison was cut off by Vladimir tearing a big, metal pole out of the ground and spearing one of the Bulldozers head with it.
“What was that?” he asked.
“Nevermind,” Harrison replied, releasing some of his attack bots.
The robots he released were about two feet tall each and had four little spider like legs on them. There were small cannons on the top of them that shot scorching lasers. Vladimir jumped onto the huge robot that he had speared, and tore it’s head off, then dove through the other robots head like it was nothing. Both of the robots came crashing down onto the roads and buildings. Harrison’s bots were defending him from attacking robots coming towards him, but not coming close to the destruction that Vladimir was causing. Harrison saw an opening in the fighting and began sprinting to the entrance. Once he was about 70 feet from the door, a couple of the Mr. Gower designed robots blocked his path with spears pointed at him. A second later, Vladimir was upon them, smashing them together and ripping them to pieces.
“Run Harrison!” he shouted. A second later, one of the robots spears ended up in Vladimir’s chest.
Harrison began running to the door as fast as he could possibly go. He looked back once he got to the huge entrance , and saw his friend pull the spear out of himself and begin crushing robots. The last he saw of him before going inside was a pile of robots climbing on top of him. He pulled out a small GPS that pinpointed the exact room of thehacker. Making his way to the room wasn’t hard, and he opened the door as quiet as possible. Inside he found a fat dude with long hair and a face like a baby. The room reeked of pizza and Harrison could see why, as there was pizza boxes and leftover pizza bits all over the floor. The fat man was sitting in a chair looking at cat videos on YouTube and giggling.
“Are you H?” he asked the man aggressively.
His voice must’ve startled the man because he jumped up and fell back in his chair hard on the floor.
“Yes that’s me. Who are you? Some loser?” he replied as he lay on the floor laughing.
Harrison just stared at the man and wondered how he was able to manage to do this. He thought for a second then asked,”Why did you do this? How do I shut all of the robots down?”
“Nobody would let me watch my favorite videos in peace!” said H, starting to shed some tears, “I love cats so much and everyone was making fun of me! Also all you have to do is destroy my computer noob!”
Harrison grabbed the H’s computer and smashed it over his head. The computer was crushed from the force and the man was knocked unconscious. He left him laying there and began walking outside. He could hear the fighting stop and he quickly went outside to talk to Vladimir. As he felt the freezing sting of the breeze outside, Harrison saw his best friend on the ground, barely moving and groaning.
“Vlad! Are you alright?” he exclaimed.
“I’m not going to make it, Harrison,” Vladimir told him with a smile still on his face,”Good job taking care of that man. Stay smart Harrison.”
He stopped breathing and moving, and Harrison knew he was gone. He shed a single tear of sadness for his lost friend and gave him a proper burial. After standing at his grave for quite a bit, he had a new idea for a great robot. Harrison went home and set to work on it immediately. This robot would destroy anything it was commanded to, and had an unhackable system. This robot’s name was Vladimir.

The author's comments:

I've always wanted to be an inventor.

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