The Monkey and the Banana Tree | Teen Ink

The Monkey and the Banana Tree

May 29, 2015
By Anonymous

Once upon a time, in the jungle, a young monkey boy named Monkey was bored. He’d played all of his monkey video games, did all of his monkey homework, and played all of his monkey sports. Now, he had nothing else to do. Feeling slightly motivated, Monkey finally got off of the couch he’d been on for the past few hours to look outside of his window. To his surprise, there was a gargantuan banana tree not too far into the jungle, yet, as large as it was, Monkey had never noticed it there before. Not thinking about it any longer than a short moment, he bolted out of the door to run straight for the big tree. Immediately upon arrival, Monkey started relentlessly flailing his arms in the direction of the tree, most likely in hopes of knocking the bananas down.
“I sure can’t wait,” he’d sigh between breaths, “to eat some bananas…”
And he sure couldn’t. Knowing that he had other jobs to attend to throughout the jungle, Monkey was forced to ignore everything related to the outside world and pay all of his attention to the single mission that mattered to him -- retrieving the bananas. All was well, as Monkey was having the time of his life, and nobody was bothered enough to ask him to stop… all until his mother called him.
“Oh, Monkey!” Mrs. Monkey called out through the brush, “it’s time to check up on your brothers and sisters at home!”
Monkey sighed. The last thing he’d wanted was to have his banana-collecting session interrupted by some babysitting gig.
“I’ll get to it, mother!” he replied.
He never got to it.
It was evening now, getting a bit dark, and Monkey still never did what he said he would. He was entirely dedicated to his tree, yet, he still had yet to collect any clean, non-bruised bananas. He was getting tired, but he chose to persevere after reminding himself of the payoff.
“I sure can’t wait,” he’d murmur between his heavy breaths, “to eat some clean bananas…”
And he was right. He absolutely couldn’t. Things weren’t looking as good as before, but Monkey knew that in the end, the spoils of his labor would make it all worth it… all until his mother called him again.
“Oh, Monkey!” Mrs. Monkey cried through the brush, “you should really stop monkeying around out there!”
“I’ll get to it, mother!” he replied.
He never got to it.
Now it was late at night. All of the predators of the night were out, lurking in the shadows and causing mischief. However, Monkey was able to ignore it all, paying all of his attention to the one thing that mattered most -- the bananas. Every muscle in his body ached, and he had a few good bananas, but not enough to serve as anything more than a snack.
“I… could really…” he panted through his deep breaths, “go for… some bananas… right about… now…”
And he really, really could. He was starting to mope, all until he was interrupted by screams coming from his house.
“Monkey, oh Monkey!” The voices called out. “Help!”
Finally, Monkey let go of the tree and darted home to find that all of his monkey brothers and sisters were stolen! Not only that, but his hands were beaten down from all of that time hitting the banana tree, and worst of all -- he’d forgotten to bring the bananas! In the end, Monkey learned his lesson.
“I guess next time,” he frowned, “I should learn to organize my priorities better.”

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