Strong Winds | Teen Ink

Strong Winds

October 9, 2015
By FrizzleDrizzle BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
FrizzleDrizzle BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

11, September 2015
Strong Winds
Jeff watched the storm clouds roll in as he sat on his porch. He lived in a small house in the country. He had lived in that house since he was born, his parents even died in that house from a tornado.  As he watched he heard the tornado sirens in the distance. He knew this storm wasn’t going to be normal, the clouds had red in them.
“Stay calm!” Jeff yelled as he lifted the car up to let the family out. “Get to that house!” The young girl had blood on her for head. Everything was destroyed, semis were flipped over, cars were in pieces, and houses were completely gone. The tornado had wiped out all of the crops in the area and the farm animals had died. He went to the house that was still intact, he found the family in the bathtub and made sure they were okay. After making sure everyone was okay he ran outside to see which way the tornados were heading.
“They are heading north to Jamestown!” he yelled to the family.
“Stay near the house in case they come back!” the family nodded and shut the door. Jeff used his super speed and flashed to Jamestown.
When he had arrived half the town was destroyed. Suddenly he heard a noise and turned around. A car was flying directly at him. He rolled to the right but the car hit his arm causing it to dislocate and he also noticed the blood coming from his hand. It was broken. As he looked up from his bleeding arm he saw the tornado destroying the East side of the town. He grabbed a shirt that was lying beside him and wrapped it around his arm and put another one over his head so it supported his arm. He used his Super Jump to jump to the tallest building still up. He thought to himself. “ I need to move the clouds so the tornado stops its destruction.” But he hadn’t used his flying powers in a couple years so that was a no. After thinking for a while he ran to the bottom of the closest tornado and jump up. He felt small sharp objects splitting his skin as he went up. When he reached the clouds he blew the clouds out from the others causing the tornado to stop instantly. Cars, trash, pieces of buildings, and bodies of animals and humans fell to the ground. He came down to the destroyed town and studied the destruction and the bodies of the people he had saved before. Tears came down his face for the first time in forever. The last time he cried was when his parents died from the tornado swarm in 1985. He had failed to save these people, they trusted him and thought he would always be there.
He started to walk down the country road thinking about  what he was going to do now. The sirens were off probably because they were destroyed and there was no noise at all except the faint noise of the fire burning next to him. All of a sudden he heard a car speeding up from a distance. It was getting louder and louder. Then it raced by, someone was hanging out of the yelling
Jeff turned around seeing a tornado larger than the other one about 100 yards away. It was approaching fast and his feet were starting to lift off the ground. He sprinted to a destroyed car and got in the trunk. Then it was quiet….. Boom! the car hit the concrete making Jeff hit is head on the metal frame knocking him out.
Jeff sprung up confused where he was and not sure what happened, he opened the trunk and saw the destruction of the tornado’s. There was about 20 tornadoes in the distance in every direction. Shocked of what he saw he jumped up with all his might and yelled moving the clouds as far as the human eye could see. He hit the ground making all the debri and dirt everywhere. He collapsed on the ground exhausted and in pain. A rock flew right next to him scaring the crap out of him. He looked up furious and saw all the tornados had combined into one mega tornado the size of Delaware! It was destroying the ground and it was about 3 miles away, there was nothing under it, it was just floating because it was destroying as much as it could of the ground. Jeff teleported to space seeing the tornado move across the state. He built up as much speed as he could and slammed down on the tornado. 5 mins later he crawled out of the huge hole he had made dirty than a pig. There was dirt and dust everywhere in the sky, on the ground, and in Jeff’s shoes. You couldn’t see anything.
He walked to the town called Charleston where his parents were buried. Everything was gone except the cemetery it was perfectly intact. He found his parents grave and a tear rolled down his cheek. He heard footsteps and twirled around seeing hundreds of people young, old, everyone. They  all started clapping and cheering for Jeff. They picked him up and brought him to a fallen house, there was everyone there, even the mayor of the city. The mayor pronounced him the savior of the city and gave him a suit that was green and purple with a J on the front. It was his very first super hero suit! He was so happy, he thanked everyone and remembered the family that was in the house were stuck in there. He looked around afraid they were still there. He did not see them, he flashed to the house it was collapsed. He ran over to the basement and grabbed the big piece of wood blocking the doorway and threw it to the side. He jumped down the broken stairs and found the family in the corner crying. The little girl was not with them. He sat down with them and said
“I’m sorry”.
The father replied “It was our fault, we didn’t realize she wasn’t with us”.
“How about I take you somewhere safe”. He grabbed their hands and teleported to the house. The other people cheered again and the man gave him a hug.
“I have to go now, I will be back soon.” Within a second he teleported to his spaceship right outside the atmosphere. He had a picture of his family on the window. He smiled and hit the hyper speed button and was gone instantly. 

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