Seeking an Answer for the End of the World | Teen Ink

Seeking an Answer for the End of the World

October 15, 2015
By 9507093 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
9507093 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I started sprinting for my life as the rocks broke beneath me, beholding searing magma. She started shrieking at me to slow down and, as I glanced back, the ground had disappeared, and so had she.
September 21, 2015 9:00am:
There I sat staring at the reflection on the black laptop screen, fire engine red hair, my everyday wrinkly lab coat that smelled like fish and my pants that needed washed. I suddenly heard a mysterious thud at the door.
I slammed shut my laptop and quickly, but quietly darted across the room.
“Hello?” I said sheepishly.
A man with a deep voice questioned me suddenly, “This is the FBI may we come in?”
I thought to myself, “The FBI, great, what do they want?”
“We have a search warrant.” The mysterious man added.
I peeked through the hole of my wooden front door at the two people standing there, a FBI cop and a girl standing cautious behind him. She was a tall, but a thin girl.
I slowly opened the heavy door letting them in. The girl was beautiful, she had long locks of black hair, and a pale complexion. She had a frightened look on her face that anyone could remember. As they walked in they were able to see my chemicals and acids clearly on my kitchen table.
“What are you mixing, a chemical reaction?”
I didn't answer the cop.
“Have a seat; would either of you like some coffee or water?”  I questioned nervously.
I took a seat at my kitchen table, and opened the desktop on my computer to the last browsing tab I had been on titled, “What has the world come to?”
“What are all these potions doing here?” the man questioned me lifting a flask off the table.
“Work, business, what else?” I sheepishly replied.
The cop walked into my living room taking a seat on my sofa which appeared to have radioactive burns and holes in it.
The girl stood up from the sofa, and walked toward me, trying to be quiet and secretive; as I may not know that she was there.
She took a small gawk at my browser.
"Are you into geology?"
“Yes,” I replied
“Graduated at Stanford University with a high degree in science.”
She walked around the kitchen touching everything leaving fingerprints behind.
The FBI agent walked into the kitchen to examine my house closer. This kitchen has a few mishaps; it’s grimy and filled with unwashed dishes which appeared to have acidic burns on them. The cop wrote on his clipboard.
“Your house is set at a very high standard,” The girl sarcastically indicated.
With the girl standing beside him the cop decided to whisper, “I need to ask you a few questions, without the girl,” the cop seemed quite judgmental.
         I led the cop into a different room, leaving the girl standing behind.
“We have found a computer being accessed in this very location, that belongs to you, Mr.-“
“It’s Dr. Lightstone.”
“Dr. Lightstone, this ‘computer’ has been searching confidential files belonging to the FBI and hacking the security of the White House.”
“Do you happen to know why?” the cop continued.
“No, sir, not at all. “I stuttered. I was lying right to the agents face.
The FBI cop grabbed my flannel collar and pulled me so close that he was breathing on me.
“What have you done?” the agent questioned me.
The man left the room and walked out through the heavy set front door leaving the girl behind.
September 22, 2015 7:00am:
“All animals and plants will vanish from the Earth within the next billion years, a new study suggests. This will be a result of too little, rather than too much, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Currently experts are trying to find ways to cut levels of the greenhouse gas to prevent global warming from running out of control. All animals and plants will vanish from the Earth within the next billion years.  As the sun ages and grows hotter, rainwater will take away more and more carbon dioxide,” the 1989 television explained slowly.
I opened the door to behold a newly wrapped newspaper on my sidewalk. I brought the paper inside, reading along as I took a sip from my sugary coffee.
“What’s your name, and what are you doing in my house?” I quizzed my guest as I took a seat alongside her.
“My name is Eveline Grace Joseph,” the girl yawned as she slowly got up off the sofa.
“What’s your purpose for being in my household, Eveline?”
“I come here to warn you about the future, Dr.Lightstone.”
“Many unfortunate events will be crawling your way,” Eveline said and then the hologram disappeared
I slowly walked toward my laptop, thinking of the logical reasoning of what had just occurred in front of my eyes. Eveline was a real person yesterday, but now she’s a hologram.
I googled her name, “Eveline Grace Joseph,” and what came up stunned me. There were many articles and videos predicting when the world is going to end, all of them saying, September 23, 2015.
I started testing geological experiments, trying to understand the crisis that would take place tomorrow. As the news had stated, global warming would run out of control, bringing the planet we know to an end.
The pH of human blood is 7.4 concluding that blood is a watery liquid that cells float in. I jotted down in my notebook. Humans have been around for about 200 thousand years and the Earth has been around for 4.5 billion years, stating that the Earth or Sun will come to an end soon. I noted beside my previous entry.
September 23, 2015 10:00am
“It is 10 o’clock and its dark, flattering plants in my front yard are now mysteriously decayed.”
I check the news, only revealing the worst of my day, the news broadcaster didn't help.
“Today is the end, run for your lives, pack water, dehydrated food, and find shelter as soon as possible,” the women exclaimed holding a microphone in her hand. And then the television went blank.
           “How will the world end?” I wondered collapsing in my desk chair.
I started listing many options, apocalypse, nuclear bomb, global warming, or a flood. I ruled out everything except global warming, it was the only logical reasoning. It is the increase of Earth’s average temperature of 58.3 degrees Fahrenheit. As I was brainstorming a possible reason, my lights flickered and died, I decided to open my computer eventually, only finding myself reading, “No connection, please try again.”
I unquestionably strode outside discovering what a dark grimy place it was, green smoke filling the morning air. No one was outside, just me and pitch black sky. I darted around for a while trying to spot anyone, but no one was there.
“I know what is going on; I can help.”
I didn't know exactly what was going on, just that I would sacrifice my life for someone else’s.
  A girl walked out of a dim mucky alley causing me disgust of the rotten trash.
I found myself yelling, “Eveline, Eveline Joseph! “She appeared before me still having a frightened look on her face.
“Where have you been?” I interrogated her.
“Dr. Lightstone!” she bellowed, trying to examine me closer showing her pearly white teeth against her pale autumn face.
She ran towards me, still smiling. And then the ground diminished beneath me and her emotions drastically changed.
“Who are you really?” I shrieked.
Her hologram again vanished before me, but flickered back to sight.
“How old are you?”
“I do not have an age.”
She was losing her concealment, not noticing her changes I had just grasped.
“I have come from the future professor.”
“Professor?” I revealed out loud
Am I hallucinating, dying? I thought.
My eyes flickered open and closed, slowly blinking. And then there was blackness.
I slowly motioned my pupils open realizing it was all just a dream, but Eveline was in front of me having a perplexed look on her face she thought differently.
I touched her hand and she flickered on and off. She was growing weaker and losing more signal by the minute. I took a peek outside. There were robots operating everything from cars to lawnmowers.
“Do you think you can help me remember what happened in the last couple of days?”
“Truth or lie?”
“Truth!” I demanded in a loud tone.
“Today is day of 104, Kepler, Dr.Lightstone. You were unconscious for a while. On September 24, 2015 supposedly the world had ended and you were the only human that had survived. We transported you to our planet Kepler, Earth’s cousin, inhabited by robots and holograms like me," Eveline informed me.
I suddenly heard a mysterious thud at the door.
"There is a man and a young woman outside, Dr. Lightstone." Eveline whispered as she darted to the door.
"We have a search warrant," the mysterious man added.
"Open the door, but be careful," I screamed to Eveline, and then she was gone.

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