The CUBE | Teen Ink


October 15, 2015
By Anonymous

Bullets were flying rapidly as the Allies were chasing to get the CUBE.
“We have to catch them!” Captain Spice hollered in his profound voice. “They’re getting away Sargent, you have to catch them”
“Do you want me to turn on the rocket boosters Captain?” Sargent Woods questioned.
“Do whatever it takes Sargent we just can’t lose those aliens!” Spice shouted in fear.
VVVVRRROOOOOMMMM!!! The sound of the boosters was so loud they torched your ears. But what the Allies didn’t notice was when they turn on the rocket boosters they went a little too fast.
“Where did they go Sargent?” Captain Spice asked in a panic.
“Uh Captain I think the rocket booster had too much of a boost.”  Sargent replied.
“Gosh darn it I guess we will have to go back to the lab and start searching for his location pronto”
“Sir yes sir we will get on that right when we get back.” Sargent Woods saluted.
The Allies darted back to the lab and started researching right away.
One week later on July 19, 2050 the Allies were still looking viciously for the aliens and mostly the CUBE.
“Have you found them yet!” Captain hollered.
“Um uh no sur they are still not showing up on the radar, I think we have lost them.” Woods sighed.
Spice was not going to give up on this mission he had to find the CUBE or the aliens could destroy the world. Spice scanned day and night for different materials until… “I FOUND THEM” Spice shouted in excitement.
“They’re heading towards Main Street, I think they’re first target is to destroy New York City.” Spice yelled. “Get your men and all the space weapons we have, we’re going to need them.”
Spice and the Allies darted as fast as they could using their rocket boosters to get there in only fifteen seconds. “I think they are in that run down building on the next right Sargent.” Spice announced. So when the allies pulled up to the run down building they didn’t see anyone or anything in there. “We’re going in.” Spice annunciated. Sargent planted the changes onto the door and told everyone to STAND BACK. BBBOOOOOMMM the door flew open the and the men fled into the building! “Sargent you to the left and I’ll go to the right.” Spice declared. Spice was searching everything for signs of the aliens being in the building and then Sargent found something.
“I found some sort of space gun” Woods shouted.
“That’s great that means they’re here.” Spice said. So Spice was throwing, jumping over and under things rapidly searching for a passage or something. Then when he looked under an old truck bed and there was a door. Spice brought the men over and they said a prayer before they went down. They headed downstairs to find a spaceship that aliens were going to take the CUBE back to outer space. “Don’t let them see you or we’ll never get the CUBE back.” Spice scolded. As they headed from box to box they went unseen until they were about twenty-five feet away from the CUBE. Then right at the worst possible moment one of the soldiers said.
“Captain I think I’m going to sneeze.”
“Don’t do it, hold it in soldier.” Spice whispered.
“UH OH AH CHOOOOOOO!!!” the sound roared across the room and the aliens started firing their space guns in all directions.
“Do whatever you can to get the CUBE” Spice yelled but, no one heard him and the allies couldn’t get close to the CUBE.
Then Sargent yelled, “They’re taking off!”
So Spice took the matter into his own hands and sprinted to the spaceship right in time to jump onto it before it took off. The building opened up and took off with the CUBE and Spice on it.
“NOOOOO!!!” Woods screamed as the spaceship vanished into the sky.  

The author's comments:

I hope to inspire people to ready more about science fiction.

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