A Broken World | Teen Ink

A Broken World

October 15, 2015
By gray20 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
gray20 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’m angry. At the society, at the government, at the people, and well everything. They took away my only hope. My only dream. My life has been ruined by brainless robots. They replaced me! And no one does that to me. No one. They will get what they deserve. I won’t let them go by that easy.
It was a slow evening, as usual, at the New York police station. Captain Joshua Reid was at his desk copying files from this morning’s report. His skinny and lean figure got in the way of his rough expressions. He was handsome, yet something awkwardly stood out. Maybe it was his bright blue eyes, his broken smile, or his over-bearing personality. He was a pure genius, and nothing went by him. He had cracked every case that he had assigned to him. Impressively done by a man who came from New York from Kentucky, and since he was only 22. His shy and scrawny partner was helping him with the files when they got the call.
“Okay, don’t do anything until we get there. We’re on our way.” said Reid calmly.
This was the first big case of the year, and Reid was determined to solve it.  Reid and his partner hustled out to their old-fashioned police car and quickly put the car in gear, and started to drive up the smooth road.
Once the pair got to the crime scene, they were approached by the news reporters, cameras, and robots. They pushed their way through the crowds and left the clueless people behind them. They crept around the corner to find a dark alley with 2 exceptionally famous inventors, Timothy Venice and Marina Gray, both dead with a numerous amount stab wounds and injuries. 
“This is a very unusual and unique case,” the coroner stated, “both victims were strangled before they were stabbed, mercy was a forgotten factor in this homicide.”
The detectives were stunned as well as horrified. Nothing has happened like this since the smart cameras, upgraded technology, and new robots flourished throughout the city twenty years ago in 2070. Reid and his partner were looking around the alley to see if anything was out of position or if any evidence was yet to be discovered. The city had had a killer on their hands, and they didn’t know what to do about it.
Look at them. Their fools! They don’t have a clue what to do, or what they will say to the media. They should’ve expected something like this to happen. People just like me have had their lives ruined by the brainless robots. The difference is that I will actually do something about it. I have the courage and the motivation to protest to the technology companies and our worn-down government. And I will not stop until I get what I want. That, my friend, is a promise I will die to keep.
There was no sign of any misplaced item. The detectives were, for once in their life, puzzled. They had never seen a case like this. It was so violent, so careless. Reid was thinking about their next step to solve this case. 
“AJ!” Reid shouted to his partner from across the alley, “It’s getting late! Go get some rest and then tomorrow I will go to the victims’ offices  to interrogate their colleagues! You can stay at the office and try to pull up any financial and phone records that the victims have had in the past month!”
“Okay Reid!” he shouted in reply.
The next morning as Reid arrived at Timothy Venice’s office, he was bombarded with security robots, the press, and Timothy’s colleagues. 
“What happened to Timothy? Do u have any leads to the case? How is the public contributing to help find the killer?”
It seemed like millions of questions were following him wherever he went. And for the first time, he didn’t have any answers. Timothy’s friends gave Reid no help in the case. They were just as puzzled as he was. He was leaving Timothy’s office when he got the call from a local police officer.
“There has been another inventor found with the same wounds as the other victims. But this time he was in his private office and a message was written on his white board.” the officer declared.  “The message says that the future will hold more killings unless the technology companies shut down.”
“Thank you, officer.” Said Reid confused. Reid was stumped. What would he do? He can’t possibly shut down the companies. The society would crumble without all of the new and updated technology.  Reid was once again, puzzled.
I hate them. All of them. They have no idea what I have gone through. Bankruptcy and loneliness! They think their lives are bad? My life was over because of them! Someone deserves to be punished. And it was not meant to be me. I am simply making things even. No one really knows what I can do. What kind of power I have. But I will show them. I’ll show everyone. I will make them see my side. And only my side.
Reid returned to the police station after the call was forwarded to all of the police stations of Manhattan. He called all of the officers in to have a word about the horrific deaths and the commanding message that was left by the killer.
“Obviously there is going to more homicides unless we shut down the technology companies. Right now we don’t have any leads and we are in square one. What I am proposing is that we need to shut down the companies until we have a firm grip on the case.  That way we can stop the killings and take our time on this investigation. You two officers, please go contact the companies. “
Reid was devastated but also determined. He was going to solve this case, but only in a matter of time. Hopefully new technology will help with the case, as well as all of the other cases that come his way. Reid returned to his office and looked at the clock on his desk, and sighed. His smile fell out of proportion as it always does. He was traumatized by the case. Everyone was. With the case yet to be solved, Reid gazed out of his window, with a million thoughts making their way around his brain.
I have done it, my friend. I am the genius who made the world a better place. I have out-smarted everyone! I have done what was seemed to be impossible! Finally someone has heard me and actually listened. I might keep urging my word onto other people. Give them a chance to see what it feels like. To feel victory. But everyone might not be that lucky. Remember that.

The author's comments:

This story is about a young man protestingagainst the technology companies. He murders people who are making advancements in the technology field. One officer is trying to crack the case, but he might not succeed.

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