Future Ahead | Teen Ink

Future Ahead

October 15, 2015
By LeahR BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
LeahR BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Wanted…Molly Ellers,” the newspaper read. She read on and thought that her eyes were deceiving her.
“What could they want from me now?” twenty-three year old Molly asked herself.
She decided to shove the paper into her beaded purse, get out of her car, and continue on her way to her lunch date, but she wouldn’t let this article just fly out of her thoughts. As she was walking up to the entrance of the restaurant, many people were staring right into her eyes with a crude look. She wanted to ignore everything that was going on, and luckily, she had just reached the front door.
“Hi, Molly! I’m so glad we could meet up today. I have SO much to tell you.”
Molly’s friend, Samantha, was standing right inside the door to greet her. Samantha always had the brightest smile, and buggiest eyes, so she was quite an interesting character. These two met when they were put in the same spy class at the age of nine, and they’ve been the best of friends since. They look very alike with their bleach blonde, wavy hair and their sky blue eyes. Many people say they could be twins!
“Hello! Let’s order our food, and get caught up. I’ve got something to show you.” Molly stated, excitedly.
“Sounds great!” Samantha said cheerfully.
The two ladies ordered their food, sat down at a booth and began to catch each other up on their latest missions. Samantha explained everything she had accomplished, including helping a lost child find his mother. Molly felt a bit embarrassed once she heard that story…the brightest thing of her week was not warning a kid to watch where he was going two minutes before he ran into a flag pole.
“Look at this newspaper article that I discovered earlier. I can’t imagine what they want from me now. I’ve been getting awful looks all day and it’s starting to worry me. Have they found out my secret?” Molly asked, sounding frightened.
“I bet this will just blow over in a few days. I don’t think it’ll last more than a week. I’m the only one you have told your secret to, besides headquarters, of course. I promise…I didn’t tell anyone.”
“Are you sure this will blow over?”
“Positive.” Samantha assured her.
Molly and Samantha finished their meals and both went their own ways. When Molly was pulling into her modern style, tan house, she noticed something on her front door. She thought it looked like an orange letter that her mother always wrote, but she knew that was impossible. Her mother was sent to jail six years ago for the murder of a forty two year old man, and she won’t be out for another four years. Molly knew that as soon as her mother got out of jail, she would come begging for love. She just knew it.
As Molly opened the front door, she immediately grabbed the orange paper. It was indeed a note from her mother. The note read:
Dear Molly-I am out of jail. I decided to run away. I wanted to see you so bad and I just couldn’t take it anymore. See you soon. Love, Mom.
Molly rushed inside, grabbed the phone, and dialed her mother’s cell phone number. It rang for quite a while and she finally picked up.
“Mom? This is Molly. I just wanted to say I got your note.”
“Hi there, Molly! Does dinner sound good tonight?” Her mother asked.
“I can’t tonight. There is supposed to be a HUGE car crash tonight and uhh…I’ve said too much already. How about tomorrow?” Molly began to feel worried and her thoughts were frantic.
“Sure…that sounds good. What were you saying about a car crash?”
“Oh it’s nothing.” Molly made a static noise with her hands, “We’re breaking up. Bye, Mom!”
That was the end of that. Molly ran over to her laptop and immediately logged into her email. She needed to contact her headquarters leader to inform him that her secret could have been released. She realized that there were three emails from Josh, her leader, already. One said that Molly was needed tonight near the busiest street in her tiny town, another stated that one person has discovered her secret, and the last was something about her mother.
Molly decided to call headquarters to figure out who discovered her ability, but she was very certain that she knew who it was.
“Hello? Is this Molly?” Josh answered, as always.
“Of course it’s me. Who found out what my ability is?” She asked, sounding panicked.
“It was your mother. She called the station today asking if you were able to see into the future, and she demanded that I tell her. She even threatened to blackmail us. I’m sorry. It just had to happen.”
“That is the last person I would want to find out. What do I do now?” Molly wondered.
“Just be completely normal. Everything will be okay as long as nobody else finds out. Does anyone else know?”
“Yes, actually. My best friend Samantha found out when we were kids, but you knew that. I told her that her parents were going to get divorced.” Molly explained.
“Okay. I need to go now. Goodbye, Molly. Don’t forget to be at the busy street today, apparently a car crash…” Josh hung up.
Molly went outside to check if she had any mail. As she reached into the mailbox, she pulled out one thing, a newspaper that read, “Wanted…Molly Ellers and Mother” at the top.
Two hours later, Molly was waiting at the end of the street in her car. She had found a nice parking spot that could view the whole street from the driver’s seat of her car. Molly opened up her laptop and made a timer of when the car crash would happen. 2 minutes and 47 seconds.
As she waited for the time to pass, she emailed Josh to let him know that she was at her location. 1 minute and 14 seconds to go. Molly eyed the cars that would soon be damaged and rolled her window down.
49 seconds left. Molly thought of the right thing to do, which would be to honk at the minivan driver as a warning to pay attention to the road, but instead she decided that today, the innocent looking woman would learn her lesson about texting and driving. The green light turned to red, and the minivan driver rammed right into the small red car in front of her, sending it spinning into the intersection. The red car was then hit by a semi and launched into a nearby tree. Molly decided that it was a perfect time to get out of there.
As she was turning onto her street, she heard her phone begin to ring. She knew it was her mother calling, and that she was going to ask about the crash. Molly wanted to do everything in her power to avoid her mother, but she knew she would come around sometime.
“Hello?” Molly answered.
“Hi, Molly! Did you hear about the big crash?”
Of course Molly had heard about it. Did her mother not hear her on the phone earlier? “Yes, I did.” Molly responded. She wanted so badly to hang up, but that would be disrespectful.
“I just wanted you to know that I am aware of your ability and you can stop hiding it from me. I called grandma to let her know and she said she…” Molly cut her off.
“You called grandma?? Are you serious?” Molly, now yelling at her mother, was furious.
“Well of course! She always loves hearing about you!” Molly could hear it in her mother’s voice that she was worried about her decision.
“This is the worst conversation we have ever had.” Molly said, in tears. “I wish you would’ve just stayed in jail. You know I hate grandma. Bye, Mom. See you around.” Molly hung up without giving her mother a chance to speak.
Once Molly was in her house, settled on the couch with a blanket and a super boring TV show on, she began to doze off. This nap didn’t last for very long once she began hearing loud banging on her front door and a deep voice shouting, “Open up! It’s the police. You’re under arrest!”

The author's comments:

This story is science fiction and includes a girl who can see into the future.

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