Pokmen | Teen Ink


October 15, 2015
By Reaper_Switch BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Reaper_Switch BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hello I am Captain Harry, and I have crashed landed on planet FNG-204. My ships parts have been scattered around the planet, and I only have 30 days before my life system shuts down. I need to recover those parts before my system fails, but if I don’t get all the parts I will still be forced to leave. I have to make the most of the first day, and see what’s around FNG-204.
So I begin my journey, but wait! I see this red bulb sticking out of the ground. I bolted over to the bulb to see what the object really was. It was huge! I got close to it then POP! Startling me, the bulb sprang out of the ground. Three vines came flying out of three holes on the sides of the ship. The bulb had a propeller on the top. “That’s it”, I shouted. It’s another ship, but I have never seen this kind of ship on my home planet, Joconia. My ship is called the S.S. Orca. I noticed when the ship popped out of the ground it lit up, too. The bulb then shot out this little seed that then landed in the ground. It seemed to sprout extremely quickly. I swiftly went to the sprout, and grasped it with my hands. Tugging with all my strength, I vigorously tried to pull the sprout out of the ground. With one final yank, I managed to pull the sprout out of the tough ground. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing! The sprout was alive!  It was a tiny red creature. It had eyes, but I couldn’t find a mouth. It did have a long nose, though. I couldn’t think of a name, but then I was thinking about my favorite carrots, pokos. So, I was thought of the name pokmen. I guess you could consider them being red pokmen. I tried to use my whistle that I brought in case of predators, or friendly animals that I encounter on my journey. The pokmen responded to it, and it started running towards me. I backed up, but then I realized it was peaceful, and when I blew the whistle that it thought it was being called over.
I needed to find at least one of the ship parts before the day ended. It was about noon when I realized that there were these plants with pellets on them. I also noticed that the pellets had the number one on them. I couldn’t reach it myself, but I then noticed how small the pokmen was compared to me. So, I decided to pick it up and throw it, but it seemed perfectly fine with it like it’s used to it. I threw it at the plant, and it latched on to the pellet and ripped it off the flower. After the pellet fell, the pokmen picked it up and took it to its ship. When it got there, it let go of the pellet, and the ship sucked it up. Then the ship dispensed two more of the seeds that the first pokmen came out as. I wonder if it is like a vending machine. When you put money, or in this case pellets, it dispenses seeds or pokmen. I went to go pluck the sprouts, and I was correct the sprouts became two more red pokmen. So, I immediately took three and threw them at more plants, and they again naturally took it back to their ship. I also noticed that there were only two pellets, but three pokmen. It turned out though that the extra pokmen helped one if the other pokmen with the pellet. I was so astonished when I saw the pokmen using teamwork to carry things to their ship. This time the ship dispensed four seeds. So, each pellet with a one sends two pokmen. “Wait then what does the one mean?” I wondered. I now had 6 red pokmen. I later found a bigger flower with a pellet with a five on it. Now I could see what the numbers meant. So, I threw a pokmen at it, and it ripped the pellet off the flower, but it couldn’t lift the pellet. So I threw another one at the pellet, but they still couldn’t lift it. I threw three, but no luck. Four wasn’t enough either. Then I threw, and it finally worked. So the number meant how many pokmen were needed pick up the pellets. I also threw the sixth pokmen to help carry it faster. Once they got it back to the ship, it sucked up like usual. Then I spotted that the ship dispensed 6 pokmen seeds. So the number also meant how many pokmen were dispensed, and the extra pokmen must have been because the pellets the same color as the ship.
The day was almost over, and I still haven’t found a single part yet. I ran into this box blocking my path, and it had a ten on the top of it. So I threw ten pokmen at it. The pokmen managed to push the box out of the way. I had twelve pokmen at the moment, but I managed to find more pellets. I had the pokmen take them and turn them into seeds. After all the sprouts were plucked I had twenty-four pokmen. I didn’t notice this when I went by, but later I saw my engine. I could finally leave this planet before night. I don’t think it would be enough though to fly back to Joconia. So how was I supposed to get it back to my ship? So I tried throwing all my pokmen at it, and they managed to carry it back to my ship. They even helped hold it in place while I screwed it in. So it was dark, and I was able to leave and be able to orbit FNG-204. When I left, though, the red pokmen crawled into the ship, and they ship followed me in orbit. So it looked like I had partners on this planet to help me get my parts back, and I didn’t have to worry about the nocturnal creatures that will come out.
It was a beautiful day when I woke up, but I needed to get right into finding the other parts. I had to find a new area because there was a rock wall in my way, and my pokmen couldn’t break the wall. This area looked extraordinary. It was a very magnificent looking place. It was full of life, and the site where I landed had many flowers for my pokmen to pick. When I landed, though, my pokmen weren’t coming out of their ship. I went over to the ship to see what was wrong. When I went under the ship, a little tablet floated out from the ship. It had a screen that showed how many red pokmen I had, and it asked how many red pokmen I wanted. I clicked on the down arrow, which meant how many red pokmen I wanted. I just took all my twenty-four red pokmen, except when I looked at the flowers some of the pellets on them were yellow pellets with ones on them. I wonder if this is a sign that there is other types of pokmen. I noticed at there was a spider web barrier in the way. I went to see if I could pull the spider web off the wall, but it actual turned out to be a hard substance but not rock. I did my usual routine and threw my pokmen at the barrier. They actually were able to destroy it. It took a while, but it was worth it. I looked in the distance, and saw the unfamiliar creatures. They were about as big as me, with yellow heads and long heads. Their bodies were red with white spots, and they had two yellow legs. They didn’t seem to notice me at first, but when I walked a little closer, they turned and charged me. So my instincts were to throw my pokmen at them. The pokmen missed the creature, but then they got back up and started attacking the creature. The creature was no match for the pokmen. It eventually died, and for some reason the pokmen took the creature’s corpse back to their ship. The ship then sucked up the corpse, and shot out 3 seeds. So, it looks like the corpses of the dead enemies are carried back to base then sucked up and turned into pokmen.
It’s about noon, and I have only run into one enemy so far. I found another one of the spider web barriers. Then I noticed there was another creature sitting asleep in front of the barrier. It looked the same as the other creature, but it was gigantic compared to the first creature. They also both kind of looked like bulbs, so I decided to call the small one a dwarf borbulb, and the big one a spotted borbulb. I managed to sneak all my pokmen and I behind it. I then threw all my pokmen the borbulb, and it was hard to kill but it did die. This corpse took ten pokmen to carry it back, and the ship spit out ten seeds. So now I had thirty-seven pokmen. I also managed to find two more of my ship parts. They were the generator for infinite power, and the gravity stabilizer so the gravity in space didn’t affect my spaceship when flying. My pokmen also managed to break down the wall. Behind the wall there were two more of the giant bulbs like the red one. Again, when I got close to them they busted out of the ground, and they became a yellow and a blue ship. Both of the ships shot out a seed, one being yellow and one being blue.  When I picked the yellow sprout, the pokmen was different. It didn’t have a long nose, but it had big ears. I threw it for a test, and it was a lot lighter than the red. I could throw it farther and higher. I had an earlier experience with water. My red pokmen fell in the water and started panicking. I’m guessing they can’t swim. So when I got the blue pokmen, I immediately ran to the water and threw it in. Turns out that blue pokmen can swim in water. It’s finally night time, and I’m extremely confident about my journey so far. I have managed to get three out of thirty parts, and it is then end of day two.
Ten days later
Its day twelve and I have found eighteen ship parts so far. My journey is going amazingly well! I have 100 red pokmen, eighty-five yellow pokmen, and ninety-three blue pokmen. I’ve also run into some enemies. The first new enemy I encountered came out of the ground, and it had had a little pincher on the front of it. When it got pokmen, there was no way on saving it because they ate them very fast. Good thing they were easy to kill or I would have a lot of problems. The next enemies were these frogs. I ran into two types of them, one being yellow and one being a tannish green. They were probably the worst enemies because they would leap into the air and then would smash all pokmen under it when it landed. It also had tons of health, and took a long time to kill. When you killed it, too, it would fall back, and any pokmen that got landed on died. There was a little water area that had the part in the middle, but was surrounded by those frogs. I also noticed they came around when it was foggy, so I called them foggy frogs.  The next enemy I encountered were these white pig looking creatures, and when they would see you, they would shoot fire out of their nose. Then when you would throw your pokmen on them, they would head butt them off. I figured out that red pokmen are fire resistant, and they were a big help on kill these things. So, I decided to call them blow fire hogs. The last enemies I ran into I can’t really explain them. They were really weird looking. It was like a heron head that came out of the ground. It would pick up 5 pokmen at a time and would eat them. When you started attacking it, it would burrow back in the ground. So, what I did to kill it was wait for it to burrow in the ground. Then when it was coming back up, I would rush my pokmen over the hole being formed. Then the pokmen would get on its head, and it couldn’t do anything about it since it had no arms or legs. My journey has been interesting so far, and I can’t wait to see what else I run into good or bad.
Now time to continue my journey. I started off by getting 40 red pokmen, 40 blue pokmen, and 20 yellow pokmen. I immediately went straight to the bomb rocks so some of the rock barriers left could be destroyed. I found the bomb rocks, and I sent my yellow pokmen to go grab those. Then I went to this black rock wall which was twice as strong as the normal rock walls. It took 6 bombs to destroy the wall. Once the wall was destroyed, I looked on my radar. It said there was a part in this little circle area, but there was nothing there. I walked right over the spot, then CRASH! A giant spider looking monster fell from the ceiling. This thing was ginormous, and when it would step on my pokmen they would die instantly. So I tried throwing some pokmen on the legs, but it didn’t work. So, I then threw all my pokmen on its little ball body. It did a tiny bit of damage, but it would shake off the pokmen. I just kept attacking its body until it finally died. After it died, its belly opened and spewed out a ship part. Then it fell over and disintegrated.  My pokmen carried the part back, and then I noticed I had to leave the planet because of nighttime.
I woke up just like any other day, and I got out 50 red pokmen, 30 blue pokmen, and 20 yellow pokmen. So, I started off by taking my yellow pokmen to this can that had bomb rocks in it. Then I took them to these to walls, and had them blow it up. Then I went down a path where there was a foggy frog. I found an easy trick to kill them. I wait for it to land, then I charged all my pokmen on it sit couldn’t hop in the air. When I was walking down the path, there this giant mushroom. My radar said that there was a ship part in the mushroom. I threw pokmen at it, and it got and started running away! It then tripped and fell on its top. I then threw my pokmen on its bottom. It knocked them off, and flipped back over. It started to puff up, and it started shooting out this dust from its body. The pokmen attacking it turned purple and grew mushrooms on their head. Then they jumped and grappled on to my helmet. They started to attack me! Since they were on my face, I couldn’t call my pokmen to help out. I ran around because my vision was blocked. I eventually ran into my pokmen, they started attacking the mushroom pokmen. After being hit enough the mushrooms turned back into normal pokmen. I then went and killed the giant mushroom. When it died, it spat out the ship part, and I immediately took it back to the ship. That was the last part in this area, and I now had 25 ship parts.
5 Days Later
I have one ship part remaining, and my radar says that it is in a new area. So, I shipped to the area, and it was a tiny island. I grabbed 80 red pokmen and 20 yellow pokmen. I finis breaking a wall, but then there was this big sand pit. In the middle of the pit were these plants sticking out the ground. My radar said that the part was with those plants. I wasn’t sure what those plants were and what they did. So, I walked around it and found some bomb rocks. Then I figured I would just walk towards it with one yellow pokmen holding a bomb rock. I touched the plants then SLAM! I went flying back by getting brutally slapped by a giant green shell. It turned out be a ginormous borbulb! So, I threw my bomb pokmen at it, and it reached out with a giant purple tongue and ate it. The rock exploded in its mouth, and it was stunned. I immediately started lobbing pokmen its face. Then it knocked them off, and ate about 15 red pokmen. Some of the pokmen went and attacked its feet, but it jumped and squashed 10 more pokmen. I kept doing the process of throwing a bomb pokmen at it, and it occasionally hit itself in the face with its giant tongue. Slowly and slowly I was killing it. Then ended up only having 25 pokmen left, so I just attacked the side of its face. It couldn’t get the pokmen off the side of its face unless it shook them off. About an hour later I managed to kill it, and it barfed out my piggy bank! Now I to get more pokmen to carry it back to my ship. Now I could leave this planet with no regrets.
After it was installed, I went to my ship and looked back at the pokmen. They waved to me with the leaves on their head. I waved back to them went in my ship. Also noticed that they immediately went to a borbulb, and started attacking when I was leaving. Then when I took off, I saw the red, blue, and yellow ship follow for a little bit. Then I looked back again, but there were hundreds of those ships being different colors. I saw a blue, light blue, green, orange, yellow, red, black, pink, purple, and white. I now knew that there were more pokmen then red, blue, and yellow. I looked forward to the next time I would go to this planet, and maybe see so of the other colors of pokmen that await.

The author's comments:

I Am 13 years old.

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