Rody and The Queen Zarantah | Teen Ink

Rody and The Queen Zarantah

October 12, 2015
By austinmeads55 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
austinmeads55 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Rody and The Queen Zarantah
It was an early morning at 3:00 AM 2025 and Rody was getting ready to start his normal routines, drink coffee, and eat breakfast then would take off in jet max shoes to his ship from Earth. His ship had a bunch of buttons, big hallways that echo, and was is shaped round with big jet motors that go off space fuel. Rody’s family lives on the ship because Earth is too dangerous.  Zarantah, the evil queen of space, knows where his headquarters is so he puts them in his ship so they don’t get killed by her. Rody usually wore his jet max shoes, button shirt, cool sunglasses, blue jeans, and everyday he would say,
“It's going to be a good day.” Then one day an evil thing happened that Rody will never forget. His family was killed by Zarantah when they were all asleep. Zarantah flew to Rody’s ship at night and tracked him by using her 3000 tracker on her ship, then infected them by using the disease black death, a disease that kills you in your sleep, by taking a needle and inserting them into their body. Rody didn't die because she didn’t put the needle into him because she wanted him to suffer a loss of his family.
The rest of the year, Rody suffered and was depressed because his family was killed. He asked,
“Why did she kill my family? Just why would Zarantah would wanted to kill them.”He started a quest, a quest that no other person would do because it takes bravery, and confidence. He took to his computer that was located at his headquarters and Googled for better equipment because he thought it would be hard to gain access to   Zarantahs ship.  He ordered a tracking device drone to find Zarantah, new button shirt that has a bunch of new upgraded weapons, and fully new awesome jet max shoes that give off a lot of power. This all cost $300.00. It was hard to buy these good things because Rody got mugged one week ago so he was broke.
He went back to house to think about how he could buy these things to beat Zarantah and he looks around and sees a cookbook and a note and piece of paper inside one of the pages. It's his grandma's old space casserole, the best casserole he ever tasted and he said,
“I wonder if the people would like this.”He went into his garage and found his canopy to set up over him just in case if it would rain. He grabbed a big pan to cook his food in and some wood so he could cook the food. When he was there he set up his canopy and started a fire and poured in the first batch it smelt like a bunch of yummy goodness.
People started to come over from smelling the yummy goodness and Rody gave out his first batch and the guy said,
“Man, where did you get this stuff from? Italy? Man it's good, here's $5.00.” The rest of the day he kept on getting more and more customers until he had $300.00 and closed down the shop and headed  back to his house.
When he went back to his house he  searched online and bought all the things he needed and sent the $300.00 in a envelope to Spacero company and the next day all his things showed up. He put the things on and he looked like Iron Man, his friend, but with some different looking mask and different colors of parts. He texted his friends Gamora, who is short, and has short haired that’s white and Iron Man was red and look like a robot and he met them at his ship and they suited up for their fight. They had to make a plan to figure out how they would do this.
They said that they will travel to the ship and when the enter they will take out airport guards and enter the first hallway and proceed to Zarantah or try to find her. When they would find her they would try to spray her with his sticky gun, so sticky that no one can become unattached from the stick string. Then they would catch her down and send her to the FBI for questioning to figure out why she would even kill his family. That was the plan.
They blasted to Rodys ship. It hadn't ran for a while so Iron Man had an extra power source that he was supposed to use for his battle because if he got hit he would die because he had no extra power to stay up. They had to go all the way down to the bottom of the ship to fix it because that is where the power motor was at. They had to unscrew some bolts to get to this point but Rody bought robots to help get through all the wires and computers that hook up to the motor. When they got there to the main motor,  Rody said,
“That was tough.”
Iron man said, “That's a big motor,” but the motor was rusty and worn down so they didn't know that the motor would work.
They had to call up a mechanic man named Randy to fix their rusty motor ship. He had to cut all the wires, replace half of the motor, and screw everything back up to its normal placing.
Randy said, “That will be $20.00.”
Rody was kind of surprised because he had heard that Randy ccould be kind of a cheapskate but somehow he wasn't today. Randy wore a regular working man shirt; he usually had a lot of grease on him because it usually was really hot in his shop.
Randy said, “Well, I have to get to my shop to see if I have anybody else's ships needs fixed.”
Rody said, “Ok”, and they went back to their plan.
They headed back up to the control room and started the engine,
Rody said, “Oh ya.”
They put the engines into high gear and it blasted off like no other ship in space would ever blast off and headed to The evil Queen's lair. When they got there, they did what he planned. When they got to the airport it was really quiet and there was no one to be seen. Just when Gamora touched the ground a bunch of gun fires went off and Gamora dodged every single bullet and
Iron Man threw his instant weapon and said “That was a close one.”
Then they ran to the hallways and quietly snuck into the big hall way and they found security guards. They quickly took them all down.
They then went around looking for the Queen and the power went completely off and everything got silent. They saw shadows back and forth and Rody, Gamora, and Iron Man started to get scared. Just then a flashbang flashed their eyes and then they couldn't see where they were at until it wore off. When they woke up they were in some place that was different from what you would even see before. Rody tried to move but all of them couldn't. Then Rody said,
“Why did you kill my parents.”
Zarantah said, “Well I'm sorry but I can't tell you that. Then you would turn me in.”
Rody had to think how he would be able to pull this off. He got this thought in his head if his arm that if unattached he could push one of his buttons to select his robots to cut him loose from the sticky string. He pushed it and the robot appeared and cut them down and the other robots fixed the lights so Rody knew what she looked like. When they got down immediately the lights turned on and Zarantah  was pale, really tall, had white hair, and was wearing a big jacket. Gamora was a different color she was green her weapons were gone and she had long hair instead of short. Iron Man was still fine but she started running  and they went after her. Rody was shooting all different kinds of weapons and he missed every shot even his sticky weapon.
Zarantah then took to her back up ship and ripped all tracking devices out and said, “So long fools.”
Rody and the others get in there ship but they are unable to find her. Rody started crying because he never figured out why she killed his family and she didn't get caught. Then finally calmed himself down and said, 
“Let's go home. I will try to track her on computer or ID.”
When they got back to Earth, Iron Man and Gamora said their goodbyes and Rody headed back to his house and he immediately got on his computer and tried to search for her and make a plan for next time.  

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