Papers life | Teen Ink

Papers life

October 12, 2015
By Anonymous

Paper’s life
So there was this man named Paper and he was a very weird man and he loved to go to school and he did the best he could do. He always got A’s and B’s and he didn't care if he got a C but if he got an F or a D he asked to come in and get help from the teacher. Then he would get a B at the least and his parents didn't care unless he got bad grades and he has only brought one bad report card home and that was the first year he went to school and his parents expected that like all parents did and so his parents told him if he brings them a good report card every year he would get something he really wants. That is usually a very cool thing like one year he got a Xbox One and he that that if he got good grades in college he would get a good thing like a bugatti but he was wrong the got rich and he got his bugatti and he owned a mansion and let his parents live there until they died. So happens Paper and his family can't die because Paper read about their family history and turns out that they are a type of mutant.

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