Somehing on earth | Teen Ink

Somehing on earth

October 14, 2015
By Anonymous


                                  Something On Earth
It was a dark and gloomy night as hazel was laying in bed, she laid there for a               good 20 minutes before her eyes closed.  After a couple hours went by she heard a loud bang come from her window she thought it was a branch from the tree, she heard it again BANG! BANG!, she rushed out of her bed and walked slowly to her window, as she looked out her window she saw these creatures at her window they were shaped like aliens with red beaming eyes.
                   She ran back to her bed, hazel was so scared, her heart was beating fast , so fast that she screamed for her mom.
                   "MOM!" hazel screamed
Her mom rushed up the stairs and rushed to hazel's room she has never seen her daughter this frightened.
                     "Yes hazel?!" Her mom said
                     "There's something outside my window!" As hazel said frightened
                     "let me check, there's nothing out there hazel now go back to bed" her               mother said
              As hazel's mom left out the room, hazel couldn't go back to sleep she was to scared. That night she tossed and turned, the next day all hazel thought about was the alien creatures she saw at her window,after the day went by hazel went home and did some research about the strange creature, a bunch of websites and articles popped up mostly pictures. Later that night her and her mother watched the news, suddenly one of the news reporters said
             " All across America there have been alien appearances by looking through windows and break-ins, try to stay in your homes, Red Cross will be coming around dropping off food to families"
           "Ok dear at least we are not the only ones who've seen this" said hazel's mother.
           " i know, I did some research about this and scientists said it's a type of rabies and its soon to spread very quickly." Hazel said softly
            As the night went on her and her mother heard a bang at the door,
                  "It's RED CROSS open up" they said
                   "Hazel get the door for me" her mother said
                 "Ok" as hazel says
                 "Here's your bags of food, stay safe we'll drop off more tomorrow" as Red Cross people said.
              As hazel and her mom went upstairs to get ready for bed hazel said,
                  "Can I sleep with you tonight, I don't wanna sleep by myself"
                  "Sure hazel" her mom said
       As they crawled in bed hazel said,
               "Aren't you scared"
               "Not really dear, everything happens for a reason you can ever predict the future dear. " said her mother
                         "Ok, Goodnight mom"
                         "Goodnight hazel"

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