The End of the Beginning | Teen Ink

The End of the Beginning

October 15, 2015
By nosoul15 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
nosoul15 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

28 August 2015
The end to the beginning

I can hear the sound of the two vehicles crashing together.  That same day plays over in my head whenever I close my eyes.  I see the bright red truck swerve into our lane and my mom seemed to know what was going to happen, she turned around in her seat and said she loved me for last time. 
As the dream progresses I can see the ambulance coming and suddenly I hear a high pitch screech and automatically wake up. Without having to think about it I reach over and smack the snooze button on my alarm clock.  Now that I’m up I can’t stop thinking about the car accident.  That same day plays over in my head whenever I close my eyes.  I remember how even though my parents were going to die the rain just kept coming down like a never ending shower.   I remember it like it was the only memory I have. Somehow, in a way though it is.  All of the other memories of my parents seem to fade after the funeral.  The only person I am left with was my brother Demarcus, but even then he was like a ghost of his old self.
It was such a long time ago but the loss of my parents makes it seem like it happened last week.  Now my brain is thinking about the funeral and how I wouldn’t hav3e ben able to have gotten through it if it hadn’t been for my brother and my aunt may.

After the funeral my brother and I went to go live with our Aunt May, but Demarcus was my rock after the car accident. If he wasn’t there for me I would not have made it through the years after the accident. Demarcus is 20 years old now but at the time of the accident he was 8, luckily he wasn’t in the car on the day of the accident.
Now that Demarcus is 20 he has grown and changed but is still always looking out for me. Demarcus is now 6”5’ and has a shaggy look going for him in the hair department. He also lets a little scruff grow in his chin before he shaves and it only adds to his handsomeness. His tall lean body is similar to mine only taller and he has our mothers eyes were as I have our fathers. Whenever I look into those deep grey eyes all I can see is the smiling face of my mother’s right before she turned around and was killed. Sometimes all I want to do when I look him in the eye is scream at him and worn him but before I do I remember that he is not my mother and that there are no redoes’ in life.  Now that I have grown older and have started to develop and everlasting look I always look in the mirror for signs of looking like one of my parents. Even though I have my father’s deep brown eyes somehow mine are different. His were always filled with life and joy and all around happiness but mine are dull and sad. Demarcus and I both have our mothers hair however jet black and stick straight.
  After this my aunt was so upset and disappointed in him that it took her a little time to let me go see him.  Thankfully I got through to her and we go visit him every Friday.  It’s early October in the, sad and quite town of Binghamton, New York.  Since it is such a small and quite town any big news is hard to come by and nothing bigger had happened than the car accident that killed both of my parents. I can’t even walk out in to the street with someone asking me if I’m okay even though my parents have been dead for 12 years.  What’s even worse is that I can’t go anywhere with a cop without being looked at like I just committed a crime and I have my brother to thank for that one.
“Pandora please come down and have some breakfast before you go to school,” Yelled my Aunt.
“Coming,” I shout back.
My Aunt is a small women with short brown hair that she always just lets loose, but even with it just let loose she still looks like a very powerful women.  She has the same deep brown eyes as my dad and while his were filled with joy and mine looking dull she is somewhere in the middle.  She is only 5”3’ but with the kind of heels she wears you would never guess that.
As I’m running down the stairs I notice a car parked across the street and I know that it is not my neighbor’s car but so I’m not late I just move on down the worn out looking stairs.  My Aunt and I live in a small Victorian style home in a wonderful community. All  the floors and dark hard wood and with the everlasting smell of chocolate chip cookies that my aunt always makes and the fire place in the living room gives the house a warm and welcoming feel.
When I finally get to the kitchen it is already time to go so I skip over to my aunt and kiss her on the cheek.
“Have a good day dear and come straight home after school and we’ll go and see Demarcus once I get home.”
“Okay sounds great see you later Aunt May.”
On my way out of the house I notice that not only is the strange car sitting on the side of the road but the driver is still and the car and seems to be watching me.  Though I find this extremely creepy I need to hurry up so I can get to school on time .  On the way to school I half to keep looking in my rearview mirror to see if maybe I was just crazy and the guy a in the car was just waiting in someone else. Every time I looked back though the same black SUV was still right behind me.  As soon as I got to school I rushed inside and ran straight to my homeroom. 
“Ms. Quinn how nice of you to finally join us,” said my homeroom teacher Mr. bark. Mr. Bark is oval shaped with a bald head that he likes to sit his glasses on when he isn’t readying.  He has been my homeroom teacher for the past 2 years and seems to be the only one who isn’t sympathetic towards me anymore and that is what makes him my favorite teacher. Though being honest he is very harsh and judgmental and hates me because he thinks that I’m a criminal just like my brother.
“Sorry I’m late Mr. Bark,” I reply even though I know he has turned his attentions elsewhere.  When I turned to look at him though he was looking at me but then I discover he was looking behind me  towards the door I had just walked through.  The look on his face suggests that he had no idea what someone other than a student would be in his class room, but when I turn around it is not another student standing behind me; no it was the same man that followed me.
As soon as we make eye contact he shoves his hand toward me and without even thinking I put mine in his and we shake hands.
“Pandora Quinn correct,” he says in a very deep voice. He has the kind of hair cut that a solder in the military would have. He is very tall and I half to tilt my head back to be able to look him in the eye. Even with his jacket covering his arms I can still see the muscle protruding and there is a lot of it.
“Yes that’s me, and you are?” As I ask I can see is amused that I have the nerve to ask such a question but I can’t help it I’m curious.
“Would you please come with me?”
It didn’t pass me that he didn’t tell me his name and that made me a little agitated.  As we were moving toward the door I noticed that while he was inside other black SUVs showed up. Apparently one very big muscle guy isn’t enough there just has to be about ten.  The odds of this being very dangerous are becoming very good.
“Ms. Quinn are you familiar with the work of a doctor, Blake Person?”
“No I’m afraid I have not heard of him, why?”
“Well, he is a scientist who use to work with your parents before they died, in fact they were good friends, working on a way to bring peoples loved ones back to them for a last goodbye.”
“Bringing them back as in back to life?” I asked and with a nod of his head I have my answer they were basically creating zombies. Why would my parents even think about that they were sweet people always talking about how we should respect the dead and honor the lives they lived? “I’m sorry sir, but even if they were working on that what does that half to do with me my parents never talked about it so I wouldn’t have any information for your boss.”
“Actually my boss, doctor person has it all figured out now he just needs to test it and the only way to do that is to give the test subjects a heart which would half to be the same blood type or we might not get accurate results.” As he was saying these words I noticed that a couple of the other men were moving towards me with syringes.  And then it all clicked they were planning to kill me
“You can’t do this that is murder, my aunt and brother will be searching for me and they will find me and then they will find you just please don’t do this please.” And then everything went black.

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