The Sprit Keyboard | Teen Ink

The Sprit Keyboard

October 27, 2015
By Anonymous

Once there was two boys who just finished high school and they are getting an apartment to share for college they rented this apartment from a old couple the house was old and dirty the room would take a lot of work to fix up so they started cleaning and they found this door that was locked and they were curious so like retards would they broke the lock and went down and it was a basement filled with stuff so they went threw it all and found a bunch of old and cool stuff and they kept some of the stuff and one of the boys found a keyboard but not just any ordinary keyboard it was magical whatever your type it appears in front of you so they started typing a bunch of stuff like computers phones and more but they started making money and they were copying and pasting it just like a computer they made so much money they quit college and bought a mansion basicly and came way to overpowered but they didn't realise that the keyboard wasn't only magical it was evil at the end of the day the keyboard would make random stuff and this night it made a lion randomly so the two boys woke up to a lyon in their backyard they freaked out so much and they didn't know how they happened so they just thought it was a mistake so they just forgot about it but every single night more weird stuff would come up like one night it made a scarecrow and it laid right next to her bed how scary would it be to wake up to some freaky fake dude sleeping right next to you so they started to think this keyboard is dangerous but the other dude was addicted he wanted to be rich and powerful and the other guy was wondering what would happen if we kept it sooner or later some really bad thing will come up so they started to fight and fight and one night the guy ran away with it and the other guy was worried about him he got so addicted to the keyboard he was thinking maybe the keyboard possessed him so he was really worried he had no idea what to do he couldn't call the cops they would think his crazy so he had to find out a way to find him and help he so he thought and thought and he remeber what he sayed later on were he wanted to go he wanted to go to hawaii so he thought for sure he took a plane to hawaii so he took a plane there and then he was thinking even know hawaii is small i still will never find him so he asked people around and some guy knew who he was he said he was some new rich guy in town buying a mansion up the block from him so he went up to the house up the block and saw him sitting on the couch bleeding with the keyboard right next to him so he ran to him to see if he was ok unfortunally it was to late the keyboard had made a gun and shout him and he was very sad he was his best friend so he was made/sad he graved the keyboard and he was going to destroy for what it did even know it was the most powerful thing ever the suddenly he felt something go threw him it was the spirtit of the keyboard he had fought over his body bought have lost know his friend is dead and he is a slave of the keyboard spirit.

The author's comments:

I saw a youtube video on something kinda like it and i thought it would be cool to create my own version of it

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