The A.I. | Teen Ink

The A.I.

November 9, 2015
By AlbertE. BRONZE, NY, California
AlbertE. BRONZE, NY, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Eric walked into his bedroom, dreading the next day. He pressed a blue button on his wall, and a door opened on the other side of the room. He stepped into an aggressively sterile white bathroom, and brushed his teeth. The bathroom was about 500 square meters, which was pretty big. It was actually enormous, but not as big as his old one in his old house.
     It was August twentieth, 2015, the day before the first day of school. He went on his bed, and a panel slid over him. He had built it himself with a sensor to detect his weight on the bed, which activated the panel. He chose the Thousand Finger Massage, hoping to relax himself enough so that he could go to sleep.
     It would be his first day of school tomorrow in this town, and he was determined not to repeat what happened to him in the last town he lived in. He was a small, slender kid, but he possessed enormous intellect. His IQ had been tested at 162, two points higher than Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking, which was higher than the “genius score” mark at 140 IQ. Therefore, he was supposedly one of the smartest kids in the world. He was determined to use his knowledge for something great, and he had.
     After his parents went to sleep, Eric lightly stepped to his computer. He hacked into his father’s security camera in the garage, which only took a few seconds, and looked at the project he had been assembling for years with his quite formidable allowance: an AI, or artificial intelligence.

Chapter 1: The A.I.

Chapter 1
     Eric walked into his bedroom, dreading the next day. He pressed a blue button on his wall, and a door opened on the other side of the room. He stepped into an aggressively sterile white bathroom, and brushed his teeth. The bathroom was about 500 square meters, which was pretty big. It was actually enormous, but not as big as his old one in his old house.
     It was August twentieth, 2015, the day before the first day of school. He went on his bed, and a panel slid over him. He had built it himself with a sensor to detect his weight on the bed, which activated the panel. He chose the Thousand Finger Massage, hoping to relax himself enough so that he could go to sleep.
     It would be his first day of school tomorrow in this town, and he was determined not to repeat what happened to him in the last town he lived in. He was a small, slender kid, but he possessed enormous intellect. His IQ had been tested at 162, two points higher than Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking, which was higher than the “genius score” mark at 140 IQ. Therefore, he was supposedly one of the smartest kids in the world. He was determined to use his knowledge for something great, and he had.
     After his parents went to sleep, Eric lightly stepped to his computer. He hacked into his father’s security camera in the garage, which only took a few seconds, and looked at the project he had been assembling for years with his quite formidable allowance: an AI, or artificial intelligence.
     Tomorrow, he would send the AI to school, whereas he would stay at home, seeing through the robot’s eyes, and manually controlling it when he felt necessary. He had programmed the AI with immense physical capabilities, so he had no worries about his PE grade (which he would normally freak out about), as well as excellent hand-eye coordination. He also built in a calculator function and copied all his textbook information into the robot ahead of time, so that it would have no problem in any of the subjects. He didn’t want to repeat what happened in his last school, where he had been bullied relentlessly, and had not been able to do anything about it. It was a significant reason why they had moved into the quiet town of Cupertino, away from that school in Texas. The other reason was because of his parents’ jobs.
     Unable to resist, Eric left his bedroom and went down to the garage, praying that his parents were sound asleep. Once he arrived, he pressed the nose of the robot with force.
     The robot’s eyes opened, and he said, “Hello, Eric. How’s life?” Like a normal person. Perfect. He pressed the nose again, and the AI closed its eyes. He regarded it proudly.
     He’d gotten the arsenic computer chips for the robot’s brain from Hawaii, where loads of arsenic were located in the active volcanoes. He’d also placed an order with a 3-D scan of himself to a taxidermist, who looked at his picture and started creating the skin for the robot. After that, he got the titanium frame from a factory in Japan. It costed millions, but he came from a wealthy family. He walked back up the stairs, and went to bed.

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