The Dream Paradox | Teen Ink

The Dream Paradox

November 13, 2015
By PapyrusCrane BRONZE, Kearney, Nebraska
PapyrusCrane BRONZE, Kearney, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

“Marissa! Where did you go?!” I ran up the squeaky, old stairs looking around frantically for my sister. I heard a faint gasping noise and looked up to see that my sister’s whole body was stuck to the ceiling.

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. I woke up from the horrible dream to the sound of my annoyingly loud alarm clock. As I ran down the hall, accidentally running into my cat, I knocked on my sister’s door so we could go get coffee for my mother. When we got back my mother was staring in awe at a bill for the house. Marissa walked up to her and asked how much the bill was. To my surprise it was 1,700 dollars!!! That’s way more than our usual rent. On the letter it said do to the recent renovations of the house that this was our new rent.

We could not afford the new rent. So we started looking for a new house to rent. The first house that we found was 700 dollars. Marissa volunteered to scope out the house and I decided to tag along. The house looked more like a horror attraction than a place where someone would want to live. When we got inside we noticed a very distinct burn mark on the wall. While my sister checked out the burn mark I turned around and went into the kitchen. It was a very quaint kitchen with a small counter space and three cabinets lining the wall above it. Next to the counter was the stove which was very beat up for some reason. Losing interest I decided to check the cabinets for rats and bugs. But yet again I saw a burn mark identical to the one that was in the living room. I was getting freaked out, so I went back into the living room to tell my sister about the burn mark in the kitchen.

But Marissa wasn’t there. I started yelling her name but got no response.“Marissa! Where did you go?!” I ran up the squeaky, old stairs looking around frantically for my sister. I heard a faint gasping noise and looked up to see that my sister’s whole body was stuck to the ceiling. Fear contorted her face. I could tell that there was something very wrong. Deja Vu kicked in immediately. I pulled her of the ceiling and once again there was a burn mark. I dragged her to the car due to the fact that she couldn’t move and drove us home.

When we made it to our large soon to be not our house. I ran inside and told my mother what happened. We rushed to the E.R. and brought her to the check in counter. After she was checked in and examined the doctor came out of Marissa’s room with a grim expression on his face.

“After much examination, we have determined that your daughter is in a coma and won’t be waking up anytime soon.” the doctor said to my mother. She immediately broke down in tears. The doctor handed my mother the bill for keeping Marissa at the hospital until she woke up. Great, another bill. As we made it to our driveway I opened the door and jumped out before my mother could stop the car.

I ran to my 1967 Shelby Mustang and drove to the cursed house that somehow put my poor sister into a coma. I rammed open the door and went to the exact spot on the ceiling that my sister was stuck to. I started to inspect the burn mark and noticed that it wasn’t just a burn. It had writing on it. The exact marks were ÔΈ?Í. I didn’t have any idea of what these marks could possibly mean. I put my entire hand onto the mark. It started to glow and the room became a white landscape of nothingness. In the distance I noticed a small spec of color and decided to make my way over to it. The closer I got the more horrified I was. It was my sister in her hospital bed. I tried to wake her but got no response. I lifted her eyelids and saw that the marks from the burns were scrolling across her hazel eyes. I started to get dizzy. What was happening? My vision started to fade and when I opened my eyes again I was back in the house. But Marissa was in front of me. “This is a bad idea, I think we should just check out another house.” I said to Marissa.

Ok?”. Whew, easy enough.

Marissa walked out the door but when I tried my face rammed straight into something that I couldn’t see. I started banging on what seemed to be an invisible barrier. Now I know what was going on. I went into the dream from last night. The marks made me go into the dream but this time I was aware and in control. I asked for Marissa to come back. “Just trust me, ok?”. Before she could answer I put my whole hand on the burn mark while holding onto her arm and my vision faded to black once again. When I regained my vision, my sister was sprawled out across the floor. I woke her and said that we should go. This time I made it through the door and we made it home. As we walked in through the door of our house I got chills. Our mother walked up to us and started to talk to us like the entire coma incident hadn’t happened. When I checked my phone to see the time it read 20:14. “Jease, I am exhausted, I think I might go to bed.” I said.

As I drifted into a comfortable slumber my brain started dreaming straight away. “This is so much fun mom!” I shouted over the roar of the waves that we were surfing. As we made it to the shore we hear loud shrieks and screams. Men in full Korean soldier armour ran towards us holding Carbine Rifles with red dot sights. They started shouting at us in Korean while other soldiers ran off to escort civilians into single file lines. One of the soldiers grabbed my mother’s arm and pulled her away. I got very angry. The soldier that had grabbed my arm could see it in my eyes and tried to calm me down. Before I comprehended what I was doing I charged into the soldier escorting my mother. As we struggled on the ground a soldier kicked me off and in very broken english said

“Get into helicopter.”

As we flew off into the setting sun, the radars on the helicopter started to go crazy. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “NOOOOOOOOOO!” I shouted as I jumped out of bed. My whole body was covered in sweat and my face was numb. From what happened with Marissa I knew I needed to stop this from happening. I looked at my alarm clock. It read
5:03 am. I got back into bed and contemplated on how to keep this incident from happening. But I was still exhausted and passed out. I instantly slipped back into the dream. We were both lying in the ICU with ice packs on our body. I felt slimy and looked down at my arms. I was covered in Aloe Vera. I called in a nurse and asked what happened to us.

“You were both severely burned from the explosion, and Sir, pleased don’t be alarmed but your leg was amputated due to it be mutilated from the crash.”

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. Before sluggishly getting out of bed I checked to see if my leg was still there. “Whew!” I went downstairs for my morning routine. Marissa didn’t answer her door. I opened it to see that her bed was empty. “MOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!” I shouted.
“Yes sweety.” I asked where Marissa was and she explained that she got up early to get coffee. I went outside and got into my mustang and drove to the beach. There were no burn marks or symbols. When I made it home my mother ran to the door with coupons for 2 free surf boards.

“Guess what!”


“We’re going surfing!!!!!!” No, no, no, no, no! I could not let this happen. But I knew there was no way of talking mom out of surfing. “Come on let’s go!” Once we got there we went to the Surf Shack that was close by to get our surf boards. As we rode the wave, my stomach churned in fear of what was going to happen. And my brain was buzzing with ideas that would never work. I was terrified every time we reached the shore.

“Mom! We really need to stop surfing. Something bad is going to happen and we need to get somewhere safe.” Her face read confused, but scared.

”Why? I thought we were having fun.” she said through a frown.

“It’s to hard to explain. We just really need to get Marissa and leave.” Reluctantly, my mother grabbed her board and walked towards the car. The buzz of helicopters could be heard in the distance. Helicopters flew overhead as we sped down the road to our country house. “Marissa! Let’s go. It’s not safe here!” We grabbed all the food and money we had. We also got our cats and then drove off to somewhere we hoped would be safe. When we made it to Grand Island, which is where my grandparents live, we rushed through the door and into our grandparents basement.

My grandmother walked down the stairs and asked what happened.

“We were surfing when I got a weird feeling in my gut and said we should leave town.”

“Ok but what’s going on here Kaden? You’ve been acting strangely for the past few days.” my mother asked. I looked at my feet wondering how in the world I was going to explain my lively dreams to everybody.

“I’ve been having dreams that seem more like visions. I don’t know if you guys remember this but Marissa was in a coma. And I had a dream about what caused it so when it actually happened I could prevent it.” My family looked at me with shock and disbelief. “And then I also had a dream about the Korean invasion that is happening as we speak. I just saved us because in my dream I lose my friggin leg and mom almost dies. I don’t know why this is happening and I’m scared” My mother started to break down crying and pulled me into a hug and whispered she was sorry for what was happening.

“We will fix this.”

The author's comments:

Sorry it's so long but I hope you like it. If you are wondering, the two dreams in this story are real dreams that I have had.

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