Blackhole | Teen Ink


November 12, 2015
By Mattc25 BRONZE, Peachtreecity, Georgia
Mattc25 BRONZE, Peachtreecity, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

       Black hole
It was new year’s day and about to become the year 4020. Everyone  has been frightened of this day for years, the end of humanity. They saw through telescopes Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune being sucked through a black hole. Now it was Earth's turn. The ball dropped, and it was now 4020! Then the ground started to shake violently. They were being sucked into a black hole. Everything crumbling down to the ground. The Statue of Liberty collapsed into the water, the Empire State Building tipped over and shattered like glass, the Eiffel Tower tipped over. People dying in the streets. Then Earth went black, silence. Then brightness reentered Earth. Everything that was destroyed was brought back to normal, people brought back to life. Everyone was now able to see beyond the sky and in space. But this wasn’t space, this is the world behind a black hole. All the other planets they saw get sucked into the black hole where right in front of them. Earth was somehow being moved forward and was connected to a bridge that connected to the other planets. Then a door opened on the side of Earth. It was a door allowing humans to roam free on other planets. They don’t have to take years to visit Saturn or Jupiter. Now they can just step outside and explore their new home, beyond the black hole.      

The author's comments:

this piece is about the other side of a blackhole.

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