The One Who Needs Saving | Teen Ink

The One Who Needs Saving

November 18, 2015
By Luffable BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
Luffable BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She was rare and special. The only Princess who didn’t need saving...She sat up in her tower. A tower that contained no doors and only one large window. She lived in the middle of the woods, a everlasting woods. Woods so dark and treacherous no one would venture there. To every ones surprise the princess locked herself away in the tower. For she was born with a terrible gift. Only one could save a terrible cost.


She stood in front of her large window looking out into the woods as she always did. But something felt different about today. Something was going to happen. Something big, she thought. She stood stroking her brown hair that reached to her navel. Then she saw him...A young fellow wearing a cape that covered his appearance. She watched as he began to climb her tower. She sighed boredly and took a seat on her bed waiting, her braided hair pulled over one of her shoulder.

“Princess” His soft voice called.

She dare not speak. Her voice was one of her weapons and she had not spoken or sung a word for years. She had almost forgotten how to use her voice.

He looked upon her and her beauty. Her skin seeming to radiate and sparkle before his eyes. Her eyes entranced him and had him falling in love with her in an instant.

“I...I…” His lips could no longer obey him. He could only look upon the beautiful girl that stood before him.

“I’ve come to you” He mumbled his voice cracking.

She said nothing to him, merely standing up and preparing for her day out of the tower. For it would only be a day, it was always only a day.

“Come then” He said regaining control over his voice and guiding her towards the window.

She walked over with ease, her feet seeming to glide across the floor as she gracefully began to climb down the tower. The man following her like a lost puppy.

The instant her foot touched the grassy earth everything grew cold. As if a sudden frost had coated the land. The man landed on the ground with a thud and turned to grab her hand but she had already begun to walk.

He followed of course, being physically incapable of taking his eyes off of her. She walked and walked until she reached a clearing where a mighty lake lay. But, it was frozen over. The banks around it coated in a sheer ice.

“Let me help you” He said offering her his hand as he lept across a section of the frozen water.

She ignored his hand and attempted to leap across as well but her right leg fell through the ice. Tearing her royal purple dress and causing a deep cut along her calf. Blood began to coat the ice, turning it a deep crimson.

She fell back against the bank pulling her now blue leg out of the freezing water.

The man immediately bent down and began dressing her wound. The moment he touched her bare skin shiver and heat ran through his body. Her touch was soft and delicate, like a porcelain doll.

Once he finished dressing her wound he kept his hand on her bare thigh much longer than needed. But he couldn’t bring himself to pull his hand away.

She got up, causing his hand to fall away and turned back around. Heading back the way they came, limping towards the tower.
He followed her of course and as she began walking back the ice began to fade away and flowers grew with her every step.

They reached the tower and she slowly began to climb up, up to her window and self imprisonment.

She turned around once she entered her room and looked out her window seeing the man climbing up the window after her. She made eye contact with him and raised her eyebrows.

The man having seen her displeased with his climbing the tower instantly let go and fell down. Down to his almost certain death.

The girl rolled her eyes and used a rope to pull his limp body up into her tower.

She threw him carelessly onto the floor of her room and he groaned in pain.

She turned around and knelt down beside him silently and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

Better this way, she thought and kissed him roughly on his lips.

His weak hand pressed to the back of her hand trying to bring her closer if possible.

After she broke the kiss he fell back onto the floor with a loud thud and she got up turning back towards her window...already knowing the man’s fate.

The man’s insides burned with desire...a hunger that couldn’t be filled. He needed the girl...her kiss, touch...her craved her with a cannibal hunger. He would do anything to please her. If she would only look at him.

The girl turned towards him and uttered a simple word, knowing he was under her spell.


Hearing that one word the man died instantly knowing that she had no use for him.   

That one word killed the man, for he came to save a princess, but the princess wasn’t the one who needed saving.

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