Twin-epathy | Teen Ink


December 9, 2015
By Sophiee718 BRONZE, San Diego, California
Sophiee718 BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is short, smile while you still have teeth"

Kamri: It’s been forever since I’ve not been able to read minds. It all began 7 years ago when we went on a huge family trip. Now don’t get me wrong, our other trips were great but this one was special, almost magical. Noah and I were going camping to celebrate our 6th birthdays, and we had high hopes. In the long, Loo-ong car drive to California we planned out how we would swing on vines, and roast marshmallows and hot dogs, and sneak candy into our shared tent, oh it was supposed to be marvelous…Until the accident.
Noah: I miss being a normal kid. Making mistakes, drawing on walls, not having a worry in my head. But what I miss most about the old times, was telling Kamri everything. We used to be so close. Now don’t get me wrong, she’s still my sister, and I love her, but ever since the accident, there’s been a lingering guilt hanging high above my head, like a raincloud ready to burst. I want to tell her about my powers, but I don’t how shell react because the only person’s mind I can’t read is the one I want to read most.
Kamri: We had been driving for eleven hours straight and the treacherous ride was close to an end. Yet as we pulled tightly around the last twisty mountain, the car slipped on the gravel, and tumbled down the steep rocky hill, plunging hundreds of feet down the cliff.
I vividly remember waking up in the hospital, Christmas décor all around, the strong aroma of peppermint, and a whiff of cinnamon left me dazed and confused, then it hit me. I called out for Noah, missing my other half, but I was too weak, and it came out sounding like a loud mumble. As I rested my head back down, facing directly to the right, I heard the most comforting voice.
Noah:“Kamri!” I whisper shouted. I was scared. Apparently I had hit my head on a rock as our car tumbled down, and I had been in a coma for 5 months. Just as I woke up I felt a strange tingling in my spine, I felt closer to Kamri than ever. We really were twins, I mean obviously, but I meant real twins, maybe even telepathic twins, I mean what are the odds that we both woke up from a life-threatening coma at the exact same time, down to the second!
Kamri: I’m hearing voices! I’m hearing voices! First it was a subtle quiet voice “It’s a miracle she’s alive” a nurse said. At least I thought she said. But her lips never moved an inch, I tried to convince myself she was a ventriloquist, but even I couldn’t convince myself of that.
Noah: “We should alert their parents” I heard.
I stirred around the room, to match the voice to its owner, yet there was no one close enough to have spoken that quietly. I shrugged then I heard a voice again. “Wow he’s hot” I heard a 7 year old girl say as she strolled down by with her mother. I blushed then went pale. Who said that? Why would she say that out loud?
Kamri: Ok, I was officially hearing voices. “Don't panic! Don’t panic" I told myself that day. That must’ve been the worst day of my life, but on that day, I swore to myself that on our thirteenth birthday I would tell Noah, my deep down secret. I couldn’t tell him before, I just couldn’t.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Noah: Today’s the day, today’s the day Kamri and I turn 13! We’ll officially be able to watch PG-13 movies, and bike to 7-11 by ourselves, like grownups. But the thing I’ve got butterflies in my stomach for is that today’s the day I will tell Kamri everything.
Kamri: I can’t believe I’m officially a teenager. I mean us, ugh I’m not selfish. I would be talking about him but I’m way too nervous. You see here diary, I made a promise to myself, and I can’t back out now. By the way, thanks for the bike mom! I mean…* nervous laugh* I can’t read my mom’s mind and I have no idea what she got me, or that its pink, or that Noah’s is blue. Ugh I’m not good at this.
Noah: Now, we were face to face, a glimmer in her eye, a more tear like in mine, her hands shook, and my back shuddered. We both blurted out “I can read minds” and I nearly fainted, knowing that it’s been so hard to keep that secret and I know how hard it must’ve been for her. We laugh-cried for what felt like hours sharing our best mind reading experiences. Life was hard hiding a secret, but it will be better with my best friend in it with me.
Kamri: “Watch out, mom got trick candles” I whispered to Noah, as we giggled over to our thirteenth birthday cake.

The author's comments:

I wrote this Tory because of. Y fascination by twins and my love for Magic and fantasy

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