The Apocalypse with Ron | Teen Ink

The Apocalypse with Ron

December 10, 2015
By JackH72 BRONZE, Joelton, Tennessee
JackH72 BRONZE, Joelton, Tennessee
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Ron had lost everything he had ever held dear to his heart. Before all of this started he was a janitor at a high school in Pasadena, California. At the time before the outbreak happened he didn’t really enjoy his job, or his car, or even his family. He was divorced and he had two kids that he still had to care for. He had been pretty poor all of his life and being divorced just made things worse. On day of the outbreak the principal called him into his office. The principal told him that he would have to turn in his keys immediately and thanked him for his service to the school. At the time, Ron thought this was one of the worst things that had ever happened to him. But he later realized that if it were not for him being fired that day he probably would have been killed that same day.
That whole week people began to show symptoms of an odd sickness that had people thought was the flu. The government had thought that this epidemic was just an outbreak of serious illness and that it could be cured. But after there were over fifty deaths the government knew that this situation was either an attack from another country or something they knew nothing about. The outbreak seemed to be mostly on Western side of the United States and was only the only country that had been reported to have had any cases of illness. The school which Ron worked at seemed to be the starting place of where this disease started in Pasadena. They were going to close the school since of all the death that had already happened but the FBI surrounded the school and tried to quarantine all of the people who had been exposed which by this point was pretty much everyone. But Ron was not at the school because he was fired in the morning. He then went home to go and just fall asleep. But he was awakened by the sound of very loud knocks on the door and men shouting his name. They said that they were with the FBI and that they needed him to go with him. Ron then rushed to the door and the men flooded his apartment. Men with hazmat suits began to take some of his blood and they then preceded to quarantine his apartment. Ron was very freaked out by this whole experience. The men told him that he had nothing to worry about and that it was just a precautionary measure. He was watching the news and it told more about what was happening. People began to riot in the streets and break into stores and loot whatever they wanted. The men thought that it would be for the best if they just stayed there at least for the rest of the night.
Ron was lucky even though he was there against his own will. He was being protected by sane men with medicine and weapons so he was better off than most. When the men came it was around 1:00, it was around 9:00 when he heard people shouting down stairs. It sounded like a man and woman arguing about something. Ron and the men heard the sound of a gunshot about ten minutes later after they had started fighting. Ron told one of the officers to go check out what happened  but all of the officers refused. All of them were so frightened by the whole day. In the middle of the night a woman that seemed to be in her twenties came knocking at Ron’s door asking for help. Ron went to the door but one of the officers told him not to answer it. Ron did not understand why the officer would say such a thing since that is something that an officer should do. After the frantic knocking subsided the men went back to trying to remain calm and collected. A few hours later around 1:00 they heard a large explosion that sounded very loud but also sounded far off in the distance. There was a total of five explosions that happened that night. Since they were in such a heavily populated area, the government thought that it would be for the best to just bomb the city to try and stop the spread of this disease. This just ended up killing more people than it saved though because it ended up just causing mass confusion and hysteria among the masses. The interstate was packed with cars and littered with the dead roaming around. When the morning came the only thing that could be heard was the sound of scattered gunshots from around the city. By morning nearly all sources of electricity had been shut off. The men in Ron’s apartment decided to stay there till hopefully the government could control the situation. After three days of mostly staying in the apartment Ron became impatient. The other men became very obsessed with staying there as if it was the only safe place in the world anymore. On the fourth day there, Ron tried to leave and one of the men knocked him to the floor with his gun.
Ron then knew that he would have to sneak out in the middle of the night when they were all sleeping. He packed a bag that had only the essentials in it for the road ahead of him. He packed a couple changes of clothes, some food and water, and a gun that he owned. He walked through the living room where most of the men slept. He carefully snuck around them and crept to the door. He thought he was home free when he was almost out the door way but he heard a noise behind him which sounded like someone c***ing a gun. Then Ron turned around and was startled by the barrel of a shotgun pointed directly at his face. The man told Ron to go outside to finish him off. He began to panic about the situation just praying that somehow he could get out of this. The man walked him down the stairs outside and they walked to the front of the building. When they got outside the front door the man asked Ron if he had any last words. But then the man heard a growling sound from around the corner of the building. The man told Ron to just stay where he was as he checked out the noise. As the man turned the corner a group of three zombies lunged at him and proceeded to knock him to the ground and tear him open. At this sight, Ron began to run as fast as he could away from the area. But he realized that his car might still be in his garage. He realized that he must now always be quiet so he would not attract attention to himself. He made his way toward his garage but he saw some unnerving sights as he approached his car. He decides to check out his car before he got into the driver side door. He walked around the whole car and noticed a trail of blood leading from the trunk of his car. He was very hesitant about opening the trunk but he finally built up enough courage to open it. To his surprise what was in the trunk was still alive but just barely. There was a man inside of the trunk who looked like he had been beaten severely. He had a wound on his head that looked very bad and a large cut on his arm. The man looked at Ron and told him “They are coming for us.” Ron then asked the man, “who’s coming?” But then the man in the trunk began seizing and could not respond to his question.

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