Outside The Dome | Teen Ink

Outside The Dome

December 13, 2015
By Fandom_Pineapple2002 BRONZE, Norman, Oklahoma
Fandom_Pineapple2002 BRONZE, Norman, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

      Viviana and all her friends and family live inside of a series of domes. These domes have been exsistant for as long as Viviana knows. She has a regular routine life: get up, eat, chat with her friends, come home, eat, go to bed, start all over again for the rest of her life. 

     One day she sleeps over with her closest friend, Leo, and when she wakes up her father is waiting to show her and Leo something no one thought possible. The world as she knows it is going to end very, very, soon. 


Chapter 1: Before My World Crumbles

      I live in a place covered by a huge glass dome. We don't know who made it, but they did us a huge favor. We don't know where we are, besides the dome. All we know is: there are no entrances or exits, you can't break the dome, and outside of the dome is a dusty wasteland where no one lives. Everybody thought they knew these things, until today, that is.

I woke up and my mom and dad were already up.
"Good morning, Viviana." My mom says sweetly.
My mother has beautiful ebony hair and starry eyes. Her Nina.
"Thank you mother." I say politely.
"Viv, are you going to see your friend today?" My dad says. My father's name is Damion. He has black hair, and carmel eyes.
"Yeah, I'm going to see Leo today. I don't have anything to do." I say. He nods and tells me to get dressed.
I go upstairs and open my closet doors. I pull out an old ripped t-shirt and a pair of ripped blue jeans. I put them on and look in the mirror. I decide to put on a necklace and earrings. I pull out my sapphire earrings and matching heart shaped necklace. Leo and I have know each other our whole lives.

I go to the park and pull out my cell phone. I send him a text that says, "I'm at park, meet me if u want." and hit send. Two minutes later he replies, "ok. be there in 5!"  I wait and he's there in exactly 5 minutes. He sees me and gives a big grin and a wave. I smile then I start to laugh as he makes a face at me. He knows just how to make me laugh. He sits down and we talk for awhile.
"Wanna go to my house for awhile?" He asks me.
"Sure!" I say.
We walk to his house, which is six blocks away. He opens the door aside with a mock low down bow like he's bowing to a princess from a story book I read when I was a little girl.

"My mom isn't home today, she went on a trip to the next town over. My dad's at work today. So we've got the house to ourselves most of the day." He says as we walk through the living room.

We walk into the kitchen. He grabs a bottle of coke and pours two cups then hands one to me. We sit in the living room and talk school, and how much chores our parents make us do, and what we want to do with our lives.
"I think you already know. I want to stay with you my whole life. Settle down, if you want that is!" He looks into my eyes and leans in closer. He grabs my hands and holds the tightly, then he kisses me. I wasn't short but it wasn't long but it wasn't short. It was wild yet calm. It was perfect. When he lets me go, he says "Will you be my girlfriend?" I tell him my answer is "Yes!"
He smiles then kisses me again. This time it was longer, and , if possible, sweeter. 

Chapter 2: Of All Things

       He smiles then kisses me again. This time it was longer, and , if possible, sweeter. He held me in his arms, with the TV on until his dad unlocked the front door. We let go and act like we've been watching "Laugh Your Guts Out!" for the past hour.
" Hi Leo, hi Viviana. How's your day?" His dad asks.
"Great." We both answer at the same time. He smiles at us and goes into the kitchen.
"You guys hungry or thirsty?"
"Nope, we just had pizza and coke. Thanks though."
"Ok, thought I would ask."
"Hey dad can Viv sleepover?" Leo asks.
"Um..... I guess. I have to work tonight so if you guys are cool with that then yeah sure."
"Cool thanks dad." He smiles at me in that way that makes me laugh.
        Later that night, we hear Leo's dad  open the front door and leave. We get up and go to the living room. We eat some popcorn and watch a few movies. We watch about four movies.
           After the last movie is over, it's well past midnight so we go to Leo's bedroom. I get in his bed and he starts to make a cot on the floor. In minutes I'm in a deep, troubled sleep.

In my dream, I see Leo. He's on his bed. He calls me over and I see the bed looks tempting. He says to lay by him. I feel that I should. At first we lay on the edges of the bed, but gradually we scoot closer until he's right beside me. He puts his arms around me. Suddenly, everything melts into shadows. I see the glass dome, the town, and the wastelands. I see a small white dot on the top of the dome. I try to go towards it and ,surprisingly, it works! It's a piece of paper.

Chapter 3: Good Night, Good Bye

I wake up screaming. Leo wakes up and looks around like he isn't sure what was going on.
" Are you ok?!" Leo asks me.
"I had a nightmare, that's all." I say as confidently as I can but my voice still cracks.
" Come up here. I can protect you from the bad dreams."
He picks me up and kisses me on the cheek. He sets me on his bed then goes around the bed and gets in. We scoot closer and he holds my arm under the blankets. He pulls me closer. I feel the safest when I'm around him. Soon, I fall into a dreamless sleep beside him.
I wake up and we're in the same position. His eyes are open and looking at the TV screen on the ceiling. He hears me sigh and looks over at me.
"Wanna get breakfast?" He asks me while we get out of bed. I give a long slow nod.
We get up but don't bother to brush our hair. I notice he doesn't bother to put on a different shirt. He tells me just to grab whatever looks good to me so I grab a cupcake, and sit down to eat. A few minutes later, Leo joins me. After we finish eating, we go outside and sit in the sun.
We've been sitting there for a little while, when my dad comes over and ushers us both to the far northeast side of the dome. There's a large crowd surrounding about a 12 ft section.
"Everybody move, nothing to see here. Clear out." My dad says to the crowd. The majority of the crowd clears out all the while grumbling.

Leo and I follow my dad to the side of the dome. The dome is clear, drinking glass clear. You can see everything outside which is how we know it's a wasteland outside it. But this time, I see two handprints that were made by a grown man on the outside of the glass. Then I notice they have specks of blood in the dust. I cast my gaze farther and notice one lump a little ways out, but far enough that you can't see what it is from in the dome. Leo casts me a glance. He looked as nervous as I felt.
"What does this mean?" Leo asks.
"It means..... It's starting." I say darkly.

The author's comments:

I had seen a very interesting writing prompt on Pinterest and thought that would make for a rather interesting story. I hope that people will get that routine will be broken eventually and it'll be worth it when it does.

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