Darkness falls | Teen Ink

Darkness falls

December 16, 2015
By Anonymous

I awoke to sounds of feet hitting the soft, wet grass. A young commoner, young and poor, came in and asked that Callimar Despana please visit the commander before the fight begins. He said that he doesn’t know why but it’s urgent. I got up for that was my name that was called. I put on my silver chainmail, which was the color of my hair,and then my black cloak with the insignia of my home country and house. The cloak matched my skin for I was a dark elf, a very high standing warrior of the night. I got up and put on my boots, grabbed my shield, and attached my scabbard to my belt. I pushed the light fabric that held the tent closed, away. The grass seems to squish under my feet as I walk fast, but elegantly , towards the commander who was on a giant lizard mount with a death lance by his side. I walked up to him and he informed me that the scout has been moved to a different position and that me, being a master swordsman and all , must take his position in to front. This will boost the morale of our first strike. I agree even though I got almost no say in it but was quite happy since I get to serve in the most honorable position. I walked over to the blacksmith who was near and ordered him to sharpen my sword and he gave me two loaded crossbows for the raid, which was unexpected for the moon elves. I looked up and the moon was almost right above, which meant the raid was about to start. We needed to succeed, for this was a battle for us that we can't lose. We needed a black bounded book that was inscribed in blood of the ancients. That would relieve us and save our people from a curse that has been put on us a long time ago. Our major cities were cursed underground were the people lived in fear. I heard the mages stirring and snapped back into reality. I got behind the mages but in front of the archers who all felt a little bit easy now that a master swordsman was fighting on the front lines with them. Its also a double edge sword, for if I was to fall in battle then moral would drop. I came back from my thoughts quickly right as I heard the spells being told in some ancient language so I pulled my two cross bows out, one in each hand ready for the oncoming onslaught that would come to my people, but also theirs. The bright green light formed in front of the mages and the heat was intense and made the soldiers sweat under their armor and some shield their eye for it was bright. They using great force beyond comprehension and shot the fire ball at the gate and the great disintegrated, the only thing that was left was the white hot hinges attached to the stone wall. Then the archers fired their bows and killed the guards as the swordsmen charged the gate. I rushed through the gate, the shells of armor which just a second ago had a soldier of the moon in it. We started for the guard post which was in the wall and it lead to the barracks and to the top were the archers once stood. I rushed toward the guard door and bashed it open with my shield.The group of guards who just awoke and putting on their armor saw me and grabbed their swords. They rushed at me with their only pieces of their armor on. I unsheathed my sword and swung at the captain who was the first to rush me. It slashed through his stomach and he fell over instantly. The rest decided to charge me all at once perhaps trying to catch me off guard. Two came up fast. I blocked one of their swings with my buckler while simultaneously stabbing the guy in front of me, who then fell on top of the captain. As I took my sword out of the body, I slashed the elves throat all in one motion. Only one remained and I slashed the rope next to me causing the chandelier to fall on him and the crystals impaling him on impact. I always thought of it as a classic but never thought I would have that opportunity, for a rope placement like that was idiotic. I rushed up the stairs, to get on the wall and jumped on the closest roof.  I rushed and kept jumping roof to roof, slashing archers and pushing them off. I kept fighting until we came upon a cathedral. I jumped down ontop of a canopy and rushed to the cathedral which held most of the resistance, and one of the best moon elves, Galadiel, who A top notch guard who needed to be dispatched before we could proceed. He was the key to their moral and is looked upon as a hero to the commoners. I looked around and there was a couple more wizards next to the cathedral who were dark elves and I asked if they had enough power to throw a fireball at the door, because Surprise was still on our side. They agree seeing my emblem on the cloak I was wearing. We blew open the door and charged sweeping the guards as if they were nothing. We shot the archers and they fell into the portal which has always been open in the room. I don't know where the portal leads but it's probably to somewhere awful and i'm not going to find out. I told the dark elves to hold and shouted at Galadiel. I challenged him, I wanted to see what was so special about him, why the people adore him. we stood and stared at each other. The thought of him made me angry, and I wanted to prove myself to my people that we are not weak, we can win. I shouted to him again asking to fight.  He agreed gritting through his teeth and we slashed swords. The clank of metal was loud and the fight lasted long.I would slash his arm and would nick my leg.The blood being spilt between us was great. One of my fallen comrades axes laid near so I grabbed a nearby battle axe and swung with all my might. It hit his swords with such great force that he wheeled toward the portal and fell in. He had a crossbow and shot it at the portal with some weird bolt causing it to close.The elves cheered and I walked over to the bookshelf and grabbed a inscribe book. We finally have one of the pieces we need. We only need a couple more then we can finally move our capital out of the ground. We can finally live free caverns and collapses. We can finally live free.

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